
Why me?

"Wake up Abi, it's 7 in morning. I am sure you don't want to be late for your orientation". Abigail's mom spoke softly as Abigail's alarm continued to rang. "Let her sleep mom. Not our fault if she ends up being late. She does not even bother to put effort"her sister said coldly. Abigail looked at time and jumped out of her bed in hurry. "Hurry up and wash up. And PLEASE Put something on your face. Don't go looking like you just got out of bed" Mariyah said to Abigail. "I am going to there to study, not to get elected as miss world. What does my appearance have to do with my studies?" Abigail answered . "Don't come crying to me if things don't go as you have thought", Mariyah replied as she looked at her worriedly.

Perhaps she knew, what lies ahead. Everyone starts a new phase of life but for Abigail, it may prove to be difficult. Abigail always had s limited circle of friends since elementary school. Same friends, same environment, same habits, same interests. Outside this circle, she did not even dare to speak. She could not even talk to people normally. Whenever she felt she was not meant to be in a place, she would always become so quite like she does not even exist. University was a not somewhere where she could limit herself to a circle. Just to survive there, she would be forced to interact with all sort of people.

"I am just worried for you. You do understand that you have taken admission in the one of the most prestigious institute . The people you are going to meet won't be same as you have met before. Even your friends aren't with you. I am just saying you may face problem in making new frie.."."Why would you say this? I never had problem in making friends before. I would NEVER changed myself for the sake of others. Be it how I talked or how I looked. Do you look at someone's face to make them your friend.". Abi answered back her sister confidently. "Whatever Abigail.... Do whatever you want."

Abigail reached the campus just in time. When she reached the auditorium, the hall was almost filled. She looked around worriedly. "Can I sit here? "Abigail asked a girl sitting in the third row. "Sure" the girl answered her kindly. The ceremony lasted for 2 hours. "What discipline are you enrolled in? ", the girl asked Abigail. "I have taken admission in computer engineering." "Oh wow, you must have scored good marks in entrance exam. Such a genius" ,the girl replied. "Not really, I just lucked out", Abigail answered nervously. She was not a confident person since her school days. She always underestimated her capabilities. So, she felt uneasy at remark made by the girl. "The department of Computer science is requested to get onto the stage for group photo". Abigail heard the announcement and got onto the stage. "So many people. "Abigail felt overwhelmed by the crowd. "Thank you for you cooperation. We, once again, welcome all students. We hope that you achieve what you aim for". The ceremony was officially over. A group of boys gathered around the stage. As soon as the announcement was over, one of the boy shouted, "Students of CS-08. I am your senior Ben Anderson. I have been appointed to guide you. You can confirm this by looking at your orientation card. Please stand in row. I am going to take you for department visit. "All the students of CS-08 stood gathered together. The boy led the students to an empty hall. There were already a bunch of seniors standing in the hall. "Please sit down. We are going to have an ice breaking session. It is going to be brief introduction about yourself. And everyone is required to co-operate. Those who refuse to co-operate will be given demerit points. " "Oh my god, not this again. I suck at introductions. I don't want to become a joke on first day.", Abi thought to herself.

The sitting in the front row stood up." My name is Sarah. I have done A levels from Pristine college .My hobbies include reading and listening music." "Okay Sarah, will you please sing a song for us?" one of the guy in the group said. "I am not a very good singer", Sarah replied nervously. "You have to co-operate or we have to give you demerit point." Abi stated to get more nervous. "What kind of rule is this? How can we get demerit points when our classes haven't even started yet? And why are they forcing her to sing?" Even after all the resistance, Sarah ended up singing against her will

. No one wanted to ruin their beginning of semester. Everyone did what they were asked to do.

"GREAT! Now I am getting nauseous. "Abigail thought as she looked at the backdoor. She could not hold on any longer so she sneaked out of the backdoor to go to the washroom. When she came back, everyone was standing in the hall.

"Now everyone shout out loud: Who are we? We are bloody fools. If you are not loud enough, we will bring you onto the stage and you will have to shout out alone", the boys laughed

"What the hell is happening? Are they really our seniors? Why are they making us do these things?"

"YOU! Standing in front of the backdoor. What is your name?" the boy asked Abigail. Everyone turned their heads toward the backdoor. "Abigail "Abigail murmured. "Come onto the stage, Miss Abigail "the boy shouted. When Abigail stared to walk toward the stage, her legs started shaking. Her heart was pounding so hard as if it is going to come out of her chest any second. "Everyone, Please stay quiet. This girl is brave enough to defy our instructions. But we are merciful enough to give her one chance to save herself from getting the demerit point. Now Miss Abigail, please shout out what we have just said." the boy said to Abigail. "What?" Abigail looked at the boy as if he had lost his mind."Ahh I… ...I am... I am.… sorry "Abigail whispered. "LOOK MISS ABIGAIL, we are trying to help you. It is for your own benefit. Please cooperate. You don't want to ruin the semester by getting demerit "the boy replied.

"Who.... Are…..we?...We are blo....."tears started welling up in Abigail's eye. What has happened on the first day? Everyone is going to remember her face forever.

"STOP THIS NONSENSE JOSH" A loud voice echoed in the hall and a boy entered the hall. "Making a fool out of your juniors. Are you not ashamed of yourself? You all have already been detained several times. Do you want to get expelled for good? "The boy said. "Come on dude, we are just having little fun. You missed the best part BEN ANDERSON" "Shut up josh and get the hell out of here as soon as possible. Don't force me to get you get going for good. "The boy replied to Josh. "What the hell? He told us the wrong name. "The hall was filled with murmur. "Miss, you can go back. I am very sorry for this",Ben said to Abigail. Abigail looked up as a tear rolled down her cheek. She could not even see properly. She ran out of hall as fast as possible."Why me?WHY WHY!!". She started wondering whether this was beginning of worst time of her life.

This is my first time writing something.Please share your thoughts about the concept and flow of story.

Abigail_99creators' thoughts