
Let Me Solo This Boss

Level 999 Max player Klade was always known to solo bosses on his own, or steal boss kills from other players, which caused him to be the strongest player in Shadow Lance Online, the worlds most popular and immersive VRMMORPG game. But after the DLC expansion for the game comes out, and everyone plays it, the game becomes a little too real, those who died in the game are dying for real, and everyone is transferred to the DLC game world with all new maps, characters, classes, quests, and a storyline. The game has become real, and the demigods, gods, bosses, are even realer than ever. But something strange happens, Klade is dropped back to level 1, his Dragonhound Blacksmith class resetting. Can Klade survive this new world, and still solo every boss he wants?

nobody_nobodu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 1 : Shadow Lance

In the shadow-drenched realm of Skjaldarheim, a legend loomed on the blood-soaked shores under a crescent moon. The air stung with salt and iron as over a hundred warriors, garbed in torn and tattered armor, knelt or staggered, their breath fogging in the chilling wind. The sea roared and frothed, hinting at the approach of something real yet fantastical.

From the abyssal depths, a colossal form emerged—a creature of nightmares and dark fairy tales. Named Vingthór, the beast was a grotesque yet mesmeric assembly of butterfly and humanoid, an entity both beautiful and deadly. Her body was coated in a shimmering chitin that reflected the moon's pallid light, creating an aura of ethereal menace. Her head, crowned with phosphorescent tendrils, bore a multitude of eyes that glimmered with an otherworldly intelligence. Arrayed behind her, countless wings—iridescent and whisper-thin—flitted with hypnotic grace, while her arms, numerous and ever-shifting, ended in jagged blades of hardened flesh.

The air vibrated with the resonance of Vingthór's voice, an ancient tongue that seemed to weave through the very fabric of reality:

"Ӕꞃiblor Ꝩéniftr voxzafuhl!""

The echo of this cryptic invocation left the warriors baffled, their eyes wide with the realization of their peril. Without warning, Vingthór's main arm—the largest and most fearsome, tipped with a serrated edge that gleamed malevolently—swept down in a vicious arc. The ground shuddered under the impact, sending shockwaves that catapulted the warriors skyward.

"Can anyone understand her?!"

"None of us the Tongue of Deities amulet. Fuck."

"You know how hard it is to get that artifact? It's in the Volcanic Valkyrie dungeon. No ones crazy enough to go there."

Amid this chaos, the warriors—each a formidable mage awakened to a power beyond the ordinary—each a player of this famous VRMMORPG game called "Shadow Lance", each player warrior adorned in different skins and outfits, scrambled to marshal their unique abilities. Their magic did not rely on elemental forces but was instead a manifestation of more arcane, enigmatic powers. One warrior manipulated the fabric of time around him, dodging a swift, deathly strike in a blink; another managed to distort space, her form flickering in and out of reality, barely escaping the slice of Vingthór's deadly appendage.

"Everyone attack at once!"

Above the cacophony of battle, Vingthór's health bar—a massive, glowing indicator suspended in the virtual sky—loomed ominously. It displayed a near-full green that dwindled only slightly with each successful attack by the warriors:


[███████████░░] Vingthór - 82%


The warriors unleashed their fury, drawing on their reserves and the items in their expansive inventories. Potions were consumed with shaking hands, mystical artifacts glowed as they were activated, all in desperate attempts to turn the tide. Their armors, each piece a customizable artifact crafted from the imaginary ether of the game, shone with runes and emblems, glinting under the moonlight.


"Focus on the left wings! They're her weak point this round!"

 "Keep her distracted while I charge the Crystal of Binding!"

"Speed it up! I don't want HIM coming and taking our kill again!"

"Oh god not HIM!"


Even as they coordinated, Vingthór reacted with terrifying quickness. Her strikes, with her arms formed into flesh blades, methodical and brutal, found their marks. One by one, warriors met their ends under her relentless onslaught. Their virtual forms pixelated into blood, gore, and ashes as they were systematically eliminated, their screams digital but no less haunting.

"It's too strong!"


[█████████░░░░] Vingthor - 67%


Despite their diminishing numbers and the grim turn of the conflict, the warriors pressed on. Each strike against Vingthor, though costly, gradually reduced her immense health pool. But as swiftly as hope rose, it was dashed—Vingthor's health seemed to regenerate subtly, fed perhaps by some unseen source or mechanic within the game's design.

"How is she regenerating?!"

"Target the heart! She's one of the game's demigods! They're source is the heart!"

"But they move their hearts around rapidly!"

"That's why we need to all hit her at once! I haven't slept in days trying to defeat this boss!"

As the battle raged, the soundscape was a clash of arcane energy, the whoosh of wings, and the warriors' shouted commands and cries of pain. The VR environment rendered each detail with chilling clarity—from the slick of blood on wet sand to the flickering fear in a young mage's eyes.


[████████░░░░░] Vingthor - 53%


The display of Vingthor's health bar was a constant reminder of the daunting task at hand. Despite their best-laid plans and strategies, her vitality bar was slowly creeping back up, the green segments filling in as though mocking their efforts.


"She's healing faster than we can damage her! We need a new plan!"

"Fall back and regroup at the cliffs!"


Their retreat was cut short by another sweeping strike from Vingthór, inescapable and decisive. More warriors fell, their existence snuffed out with brutal finality as their avatars disintegrated into digital motes.


[█████████░░░░] Vingthor - 49%


As the night deepened, and the moon reached its zenith, Vingthór prepared for the final act. Her multitude of wings spread wide, casting a shadow over the remaining few warriors. Her eyes, multifaceted and gleaming, mirrored their despair.

Vingthór approached with the slow inevitability of death itself. Her arm raised for a final, devastating blow, the ground trembling with the power of her wrath. The cries and shouts faded into a tense silence, pierced only by the rush of the sea and the flutter of her obscene wings.

The battle was lost. Vingthór's health bar flashed ominously above, a testament to her unnerving resilience and the warriors' impending doom:

"Shit…we almost had her."


[█████████░░░░] Vingthor - 47%


As the last of the warriors under the stark moonlight of Skjaldarheim faced their inevitable doom, a sudden distortion in the virtual air signaled a new arrival. Clad in distinctly mundane attire—a plain white t-shirt, skinny black jeans, and pristine white sneakers—Klade, a level 999 player, appeared with an air of nonchalant confidence. His black hair was styled into a braided ponytail that contrasted sharply with his casual outfit, and a black baseball cap sat jauntily atop his head. Perched on his shoulder was his familiar, Asura, a creature both fierce and mystical. Asura looked like a newborn wolf but bore the impressive markings of power: his body was adorned with glowing red runes, eyes shimmered with the same fierce red interspersed with swirling white runes, and from his head sprouted red horns, etched intricately with glowing runes.

The remaining players saw Klade, saying:

"OH NO!"

"He's here to steal our kill!"

"Get out of here, she's ours!"

"He always does this! Max level bastard go touch grass or something! Get married! Have a wife!"

Klade smirked, "Stop pestering me! I can't focus!"

'Her health is regenerating fast, she's almost back to full health. Doesn't matter. After 800 hours of this game, playing this everyday after school, avoiding people because they avoided me first, I became the best.'

Asura, his pet on his shoulder, said, "So you're gonna kill her or what? Or do you want me to do it?"

"I'll do it. I gotta look badass."

"No wonder. You're walking awfully slow im getting bored."

"Shhh! This is cinematic!"

"I'm embarrassed."

"For a puppy that talks like a child, you sure are a meanie."

"I'm a WOLF! A Bloodhound! I'm dangerous! I slaughter for fun!"

"Yeah yeah, you're adorable."


The enormous creature, Vingthór, paused in her relentless assault, turning her myriad eyes upon Klade. Her winged form created a silhouette against the bright moon as she spoke in her cryptic, ancient tongue:

"Ӕꞃiblor haeɱost græð Ӕnigma?"

Asura, understanding the language of the ancients to which Vingthór belonged, whispered to Klade, "She asks if you are the trump card of these warriors."

Klade's lips curled into a smirk, his response casual, yet edged with a cool, unsparing detachment. "Nah, I don't know any of them. I came here to kill you by myself."

In an instant, red energy crackled around Klade. His movements blurred into near invisibility as he propelled himself high above Vingthór. In mid-air, his arms cocked back, a halo of red energy encapsulating his arm. Then, a red and black lance materialized, crackling with overwhelming power and threaded with flames. The air around the weapon hummed with destructive potential, the sounds of reality creaking at its creation.

Klade laughed, "You're mine, bitch!"

Vingthór roared, "AGHHHHH!" Ready to unleash her attacks as she glowed with a bright yellow light.

With a swift, circular motion, Klade hurled the lance downward. The descent of the weapon was like a meteor strike; the shaft spun with a terrifying velocity, trailing flames that seared the night air. The impact on Vingthór was catastrophic—a spectacle of brutal force and primal energy. The lance pierced through her with a gory explosion, spattering virtual blood, guts, and ichor across the sand-swept beach.

The sound of the impact echoed like thunder, shaking the virtual environment to its core. The resulting explosion left a crater, ripping apart the silhouette of the once-daunting Vingthór. Water splashed everyone as the entire ocean shook, and the players fell because of the force.  As the dust settled, her limbs, once poised for destruction, lay scattered, disjointed from her eviscerated torso.

Her immense health bar plummeted rapidly:


[█████████░░░░░░░░░░░░█████] Vingthor - 2%

[█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░] Vingthor - 1%



A solemn silence fell over the battlefield, only to be shattered by the chilling finality of the health bar disintegrating entirely, matched by the remnants of Vingthór disappearing into pixelated ashes.

The system window then materialized with stark clarity, announcing the conclusion of the epic confrontation:

[Klade the Dragonhound Blacksmith has defeated the demigod]

The arena of VR combat, stunned into quiet by the swift conclusion, slowly began to buzz with the virtual reconstructions of the warriors, each now reviving to bear witness to the once-impossible feat achieved by this singular player standing nonchalantly amidst the remnants of chaos, his familiar Asura still perched loyally by his shoulder. Klade's eyes scanned the horizon, his expression unreadable, the echoes of his victory resounding through the realm of Skjaldarheim.

As the echoes of the fallen demigod dissipated into the virtual sea breeze, Klade sauntered over to a conveniently dramatic rock jutting out towards the turbulent, pixelated sea. He mounted it with a theatrical flair only he could muster, his back to the gathering crowd of players, letting the gusts of wind tease his braided ponytail. With Asura snug on his shoulder, he began to speak, his voice carrying over the waves with a practiced gravado.

"Ah, my fellow adventurers," Klade began, turning just enough to acknowledge the group with a side glance. "Here I stand, a lone wolf," —he paused to gesture at Asura, who yawned dramatically—"with my literal wolf, proving once and again that strength," he flexed casually, "is not just in numbers but in courage, cunning, and, let's admit, a touch of flair."

The gathered players, many of whom had their arms crossed or were tapping their feet impatiently, weren't buying the theatrics. One of them, a burly avatar stepped forward, the annoyance clear in his digital voice modulation.

"Klade, you show-off! Every time! You just swoop in and hog all the glory. Do you even quest, bro? Just last week, during the Siege of Eldmire Citadel, you killed Lord Graul before we could even land a blow!"

Klade turned, offering an overly exaggerated look of innocence. "Ah, when the opportunity knocks, I simply answer. Eldmire's decay was beckoning my lance. Should I have left Lord Graul waiting? Manners, my friend, it's all about manners."

A snicker ran through the crowd as a spell-caster piped up, her robes shimmering with virtual enchantments. "And what about the Ice Plains of Frozengard? My guild spent hours tracking the Winter Serpent, only for you to steal our kill with a single fireball!"

"Oh, the Ice Plains," Klade mused dramatically, "Such cold, much frost. But you see, I was merely helping! That serpent was about to devour you all. Consider it a... warm rescue from your chilly predicament!"

The players rolled their eyes, a mixture of amusement and exasperation in the air. Another voice, this time a svelte rogue joined the playful reprimand. "Don't forget the Abyss of Shadows! We planned for months to take down the Shadow Weaver, and there you were, 'accidentally' falling through a portal and landing the final blow."

Klade shrugged, the smirk never leaving his face. "Well, that was a literal drop-in! The Weaver's abyss looked so welcoming, I thought it rude not to descend. And, frankly, it was quite dark down there; I couldn't see whose kill it might have been."

The crowd couldn't help but let out a collective laugh, the tension easing as they were reminded of Klade's notorious knack for turning any accusation into a joke.

"But seriously," Klade continued, turning to face them with a more solemn expression, "as much as I cherish these spontaneous victories, remember—it's all part of the game. We're here to forge stories, battle giants, slay dragons, and occasionally steal a kill or two," he winked. "Let's not forget, the world of Veloria is vast, filled with challenges that call for both lone wolves and mighty packs."

Klade waved at everyone, "Welp, see ya! I'm logging off!"

Everyone else yelled, "Damn you!"

Klade opened his system, the screen glaring in front of him, and logged off.


Back in the real world, Klade took his VR headset off, and plopped back on his bed. He smiled, "I'm so..awesome."