

They said eyes are the open doors to the heart. But what if you could see someone’s heart by looking into their eyes, literally? What if you could see the truest truth by a single look? Xi Yuan was an orphaned lady who lived with her Grandma and brother, Xi Guan. Xi felt betrayed by God and thought she was never lucky in her life. After she lost her parents in car accident when she was younger, she got bullied during her childhood and made her a bitter person. Her unlucky moments kept appearing in her life even when she grew up as an adult. After she graduated from university, she decided to become a young journalist in the criminal section column in the online newspaper. She was gifted with a smart brain and creativity but a very cold heart. She hated Deities to bone for her several lost and unfortunate moments until at some point, she cursed deities and decided not to believe in Deities anymore. Until one day, a guy-like Deity met her with his strange yet mysterious smile. It turned out that a deity finally heard her prayers and down to earth. But since then, her life has completely changed. Deities walked the earth, turned themselves in the appearance of human beings and having a mortal as their special apprentice with a unique superpower offering to fight crimes on earth and prevent chaos. But can this perfect combination of Deity - Human walk in Harmony and save the world?

Joie_Devivre · Fantasy
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13 Chs

When Sky had crumbled and Earth started losing the ground

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." ― Buddha

All deities and immortals were gathered around in Heaven Grand Hall and quarreled over an issue. They started to aware that something was amiss in the universe, recently. They could feel that a havoc had begun and demonic clan armies started to raise once again. A great war between deities and demons would reenact once again after a thousand years. They were afraid that it couldn't be avoided. After Yu Huang, the Jade Emperor, decided to descend the throne, his cultivation power which protected earth and heaven started to fade slowly but sure. Ever since, all the deities got extra jobs to preserve it with their own power. Even the Heavenly West Dragon King had to lose his arms to protect West Wing of Heaven after Diyu leaked some moments ago. They started to be exhausted and lost their power gradually.

They were all still in denial. They wanted to believe that everything was alright same as few millennia ago. But at the end, the fact hit them hard. They saw the signs already.

Firstly, there was a leak in Diyu and it got bigger and bigger. One at a time, all demons escaped Diyu and started to roam the earth. The lowly demon would come first and made a mess. The phenomenon when Gudu-gui spread their hatred was only one sign. The earthly realm was at a mess when countries of the mortal started to declare wars to each other and costs many innocent lives. Even at tiniest part, the hatred which they spread also roamed mortal virtual world. The hate comments, the bullying, envious harmful acts and every wrongful deeds mortal did were the fruits of evil entity's manipulation. At the end, mortals fell into their trap and could kill each others even with only words. Words could be as sharp as dagger but hurt more than it could be.

After the lowly demons were done making mess, the priest and priestess demon would follow. The Demon Priests and Priestess would start to manipulate world with their mantras. Their manipulation would make mortal lose faith in Deities then Deities would lose their power because of that. The time when they completely lost the faith in Deities would be called The Era of Disbelieve. The Second Phase of The End of The World.

Soon after, their general would come and started the Third Phase when universe could not be inhabited anymore for mortal and deities couldn't do anything about it. What they did was actually only to make time for the last one to finish his cultivation and take over all the middle and sky realms. The last one was indeed the most powerful primordial evil entity The Supreme Demon King. The Evil of Evil who was defeated by Jade Emperor millennia years ago. He would finish his cultivation time and once its cultivation power raised to highest peak, he would take over the heaven and earth for instance. He would revenge heavens for His defeat a few millennia years ago. The seven suns would arise at the end.

All of deities and immortals were definitely anxious.

Suddenly, in the middle of heated arguments, a familiar figure was coming in and walked graciously. The Supreme Lord of Great Beneath dressed in a black robe and tall hat with a golden whip in his right hand. The emperor looked at him so did anybody else. They stopped their fight for a moment. Another strong figure in the realms of heaven, underworld and earth, decided to join the herds. He was one of the finest deities all over the universe.

The Emperor Fuxi nodded at him to greet him, while the Empress smiled at him. They looked relieved with His attendance.

Then He just sat down on the chair which prepared for him. The tall black chair from the finest black ebony from earthly realm then specially made by the Heavenly Carpentry God, Lu Ban. It was so dark yet glowing at the same time. Just like him. He looked so charismatic yet so intimidating. Although the Great Beneath was His origin, nobody would deny that even on another realm, He would still be that powerful.

But there was only one which was still questionable : His dark past

He was famous and crowned by Jade Emperor after His betrayal to His Clan.

Now, the history would repeat itself when the heavens would fight Demon armies to protect the universe.

Would he stay loyal to heaven as His Oath as The Lord of Diyu ? Or would he go back to His Clan as Mo Mogui, The Demon King of The North and paid back his betrayal?

Even heavens couldn't see what would He choose.


Xi remembered how exhausted she was after what happened that day and decided to sleep earlier than before. It was no trouble for her to sleep like usual. But as soon as she closed her eyes and started to sleep, she definitely had weird dream.

She was not herself this time. She was on someone's point of view. She was on the dark hill. She felt heavy to breathe. She felt exhausted as if she already ran away so far from something or someone who chased after her. Her bodies were scratched from the twigs as she ran. It was painful, but she still could bear it rather than she had to lose her life. She was out of nowhere and couldn't figure her whereabouts. But her guts told her to run as far as she could. Her life was at a stake. She had to reach the city or ran as far as she could, before it was too late. But what she was late for, Xi could not figure it out. She ran and ran on that dark hill and realized that something was hanging on her chest. It was an ID card. There was also a scrap of paper on her right hand grip. She held it tighter as she ran faster.

She ran deeper into the woods. She finally stopped when she thought that the chaser was already far away behind her. She looked at the ID card carefully. "Ling-Ling"

That was her Mom!

She was so startled.

Soon after, she also opened her palm and read the paper


The puzzle was too much for her. Even that mysterious word popped out in the dream.

She looked around and wanted to know more

But then she just woke up like she was grabbed back into the reality forcefully.

Soon after, she cried bitterly.

What exactly happened to her mom?

Something was amiss but her brain could not proceed any possibility why her mom was alone in a dark hill, panted, and ran away as if someone chased her and wanted to harm her. She could feel even on that dream her mom life's was at a stake.

But who the hell did chase her? What was for?

What the hell is Arachne?

She shook her head and felt confused.

Then, the rooster crowed and it was already dawn.