

They said eyes are the open doors to the heart. But what if you could see someone’s heart by looking into their eyes, literally? What if you could see the truest truth by a single look? Xi Yuan was an orphaned lady who lived with her Grandma and brother, Xi Guan. Xi felt betrayed by God and thought she was never lucky in her life. After she lost her parents in car accident when she was younger, she got bullied during her childhood and made her a bitter person. Her unlucky moments kept appearing in her life even when she grew up as an adult. After she graduated from university, she decided to become a young journalist in the criminal section column in the online newspaper. She was gifted with a smart brain and creativity but a very cold heart. She hated Deities to bone for her several lost and unfortunate moments until at some point, she cursed deities and decided not to believe in Deities anymore. Until one day, a guy-like Deity met her with his strange yet mysterious smile. It turned out that a deity finally heard her prayers and down to earth. But since then, her life has completely changed. Deities walked the earth, turned themselves in the appearance of human beings and having a mortal as their special apprentice with a unique superpower offering to fight crimes on earth and prevent chaos. But can this perfect combination of Deity - Human walk in Harmony and save the world?

Joie_Devivre · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Beginning of Havoc

To ensure Xi's condition, the doctors extended her stay one more day. It was bit silly for Xi. Their decision was a bit unacceptable. She didn't feel any pain and all the assessments were good. But in the end, Amma insisted so there was nothing Xi could do.

After meeting Yamla on the previous day, Xi kept having weird dreams. Xi still refused to believe Deities existence, but it was so hard to Xi not to believe after series of strange moments that happened.

Her phone was vibrated. A "nice" message came from her "beloved" boss, Mr. Liu. He asked her when she would come to office. He wanted her to submit the story immediately. He didn't ask anything else especially Xi's condition. All of it was only about WORK, WORK, and WORK. She was so speechless reading the message.

"Wow.. That capitalist man is definitely heartless!" she said to herself.

While staying at the hospital, Xi was called "A lucky girl saved by Heavens". But for this time being, Xi really wanted to be saved from this man. She screamed desperately. She scratched her head. She sighed and took a deep breath.

"Wake up from the fantasy, Xi. You still need money from that crappy man!" Xi told herself and sorted her mind out.

"Helppp me, Mom!" She said while looking at the ceiling as if she talked to her late mom.

She opened her laptop and decided to continue her stories so she could submit it on time for next week column. While working on her paperwork, her Amma got in screaming.

"XI YUAAANN. How dare you touch your work right now?????????"

She then forcefully closed her laptop and look at her angrily.

"AMMMMAAA.. I need to get it done."

"DON'T YOU THINK 14 WORKING HOURS ARE ALREADY ENOUGH??? WHO THE HELL IS YOUR BOSS , HUHH? Does he still ask you to work on this current state?? I will definitely kill him!" Amma asked fiercely and clenched her fist.

Xi was startled. Amma was the one who would definitely do everything she said. Xi was just afraid that if Amma would really hit Mr. Liu and made a mess.

"Okay, okay. I close it. I close it." Xi lost the game. Xi put her laptop back to the bag.

A few moment after that, some men opened the door and called her.

"XI YUAAAN!!!" a familiar voice greeted her.

Some familiar faces were looking at Xi and smiled.

Captain Cheng, Mr. Big, Mr.Huang, and that New Guy came to visit her. They even bought her favorite pao, fruits and yoghurts.

She sighed but she smiled ear to ear. Nobody visited her before including her workmates. A warm feeling overwhelmed her. But she was a bit surprised. Why the new guy joined them and visited her?

But after all, she was speechless.

"Why? You keep bombarding us with your chatty, facts finding, and rude talks at the office and now you can't say anything?" Mr. Big teased her.

She smiled hearing it.

"How do you know that I'm admitted in here?" Xi asked them directly.

"Huwaa,, you are great, indeed, Xi. Without any hesitation, you directly ask us like that." said Mr. Huang.

Captain Cheng finally spoke up and told Xi.

"It was Jasper, who knew first about your accident. He saw an accident when he wanted to head back to office. He just realized that it was you. The one who accompanied you to the hospital was also him. After arrived at the office, he told us"

Captain Cheng pointed Jasper while Xi dropped her jaw. She was looking at him unbelievably.

"But forgive us, we were so busy yesterday. So we couldn't visit you sooner."

Jasper didn't say anything and his face was completely flat.

"It was just coincidence, Capt." said Jasper in his deep voice coldly.

"You owe him a meal, Xi." Mr. Big hit her gently while smiling.

Xi looked at Jasper's face carefully with annoyed face.

"Look at him, acting so cool. He definitely seeks for attention. What a snob. Ckckckck" Xi talked to herself inside her head.

"Just like he said, it was just coincidence." she talked back and looked at him rudely.

Jasper was looked a bit offended. He shook his head. No thankyou for this rude girl. Even a simple thankyou. He wanted to hit her hard after looking at her annoying face. This was the first time for him to feel annoyed by a single look. What an awesomely annoying girl she was, he thought.

They looked at each other with fire on their eyes. Like a tom and jerry, they were like ready to bicker to each other.

Seeing what happened in front of their eyes, others old men and Amma just laughed.

Those two little brats were actually similar.

"By the way, Capt. It is very rare to all of you to be that busy. Was there any special crime? What is it? What is it?" suddenly Xi asked with maximum curiosity. Her eyes sparked so bright every time she heard about any suspicious crime.

Her Amma just looked at her angrily and hit her head hard immediately.

All of them just laughed at her. They were bemused with Xi's attitude. Even at the hospital, her instinct as journalist was still that sharp.

Xi was caressing her head and stayed cool.

After hitting her head, her Amma just smiled. The apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Like a copy - pasted document, Xi resembled her mom, so much. She suddenly missed her daughter so much.


Beneath Earthly realm, there was a maze which they called The Underworld. They had several names to call it. Some called it hell, some called it Naraka, then some called it Diyu. Diyu was a place when an earthly spirit left the earth then taken to atone the sins they committed when they were alive. Diyu consisted ten levels and on each level there was court to judge every specific sin mortal did in life. All of them were ruled by Ten Yama Kings with Yamla as their Supreme King. Yamla ruled with His Older Appearance. A bearded old man with black robe and parchment of judgement. He was crowned as Supreme King of Diyu by Jade emperor. It was already few millennia after the coronation.

Throughout millennia, He already witnessed several things happened whether on earth, heaven and Diyu. He felt something started to be different than before. He knew something was happening but He couldn't guess what it was. That was why He started to walk to earth and looking for the facts. His guess was right, partially. What happened on earth was definitely unbelievable. New kind of crimes, high rates of criminal rate, mortal killed each others, they wrecked the nature by irresponsible illegal logging, intended deforestation, animal abuse. They were completely a mess.

At first, He was angry. Mortal almost abandoned earth and managed it recklessly. It would create a havoc not only on earth. Diyu and Heavens would be affected. But after meeting Nuwa at that time, He started to believe once again if there was still hope for them to make Earth a better place. He wanted to do His best to help mortal and heavens to save each other. That was why He accepted what Nuwa asked for. Although, He still tried to figure out how to do it.

But this time, in Diyu, a crowd of deceased spirits pushed each other and made a commotion in the Underworld. The lowly class guards of underworld nearly couldn't control them. There was a rather big leak after the first gate. Those spirits avoided it because they didn't know what would happen to them, if they were exposed by the leak.

Heibai Wuchang, the Guardians of Diyu, General Fan and General Xie were running to the scene in rush to stop them. But after seeing what just happened there, they were surprised. During their duties to guard Diyu, it was the first for them to witness this phenomenon. General Xie moved closer to the leak and decided to peek through the hole to look what was inside it. But He just looked at the darkness and no existence. He decided to put his finger inside it, but he felt nothing. He just felt a soft breeze inside it. General Xie also did the same. After examining it, they couldn't decide yet was it dangerous or should be ignored.

General Xie, then asked General Fan to run to the Supreme King and reported those things, while he would try to control the crowd of the spirits. General Fan ran so fast and in rush to meet Yamla.

Yamla was sitting on His Throne wearing a shining black robe and tall hat while examining the parchment of Judgement.

"LORD YANLUO!" General Fan called Him but His call was a little bit like squeak not scream. He bow to Yamla and kneeled down on the stone floor in front of Yamla.

Yamla got irritated but He just remained calm. His focus was still pinned on the parchment.

"General Fan, what happened?" He asked General Fan calmly while continuing His reading.

General Fan was panting and took several deep breath to calm himself.

"Pardon, me, for this, Lord Yanluo. But...." He took another deep breath. Then Yamla put the parchment and looked at him carefully.

"There was a leak in the first Gate. It's getting bigger and bigger." General Fan told him fast after he could control his breath.

Yamla was startled with what He just heard and stood up.

He just realized.

"A havoc has just begun." He whispered nervously with an horror in His face