

They said eyes are the open doors to the heart. But what if you could see someone’s heart by looking into their eyes, literally? What if you could see the truest truth by a single look? Xi Yuan was an orphaned lady who lived with her Grandma and brother, Xi Guan. Xi felt betrayed by God and thought she was never lucky in her life. After she lost her parents in car accident when she was younger, she got bullied during her childhood and made her a bitter person. Her unlucky moments kept appearing in her life even when she grew up as an adult. After she graduated from university, she decided to become a young journalist in the criminal section column in the online newspaper. She was gifted with a smart brain and creativity but a very cold heart. She hated Deities to bone for her several lost and unfortunate moments until at some point, she cursed deities and decided not to believe in Deities anymore. Until one day, a guy-like Deity met her with his strange yet mysterious smile. It turned out that a deity finally heard her prayers and down to earth. But since then, her life has completely changed. Deities walked the earth, turned themselves in the appearance of human beings and having a mortal as their special apprentice with a unique superpower offering to fight crimes on earth and prevent chaos. But can this perfect combination of Deity - Human walk in Harmony and save the world?

Joie_Devivre · Fantasy
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13 Chs

How to be Death's Apprentice #1

Xi opened her eyes.

Then she realized that she was not on the earthly realm, for sure. She was in the bright room again. But that time these subconscious realm was not as brighter as before. The wall was painted black and there were so many cracks on the wall. It was really different than previous room.

She knew that she would find Yamla there so she looked around trying to find Yamla.

When she turned around, she found Him. He just stood on the corner against the wall. He folded His arms in front of His chest. He was not a boy in black leather jacket, as before. He wore long black robe with tall black hat.

He looked at her eyes and confused face with an indescribable expression. Then He closed His eyes.

He cleared His throat.

"Yes.. It's different." said Yamla to Xi.

"Now, you are on my subconscious realm. You are on my head, literally." He continued.

"Because I sealed my power in you. You are granted permission to my realm." He paused His words.

"What does they call it in human world?? Ah... It was kind of bluetooth connection with limited access."

Xi was amazed. Then Xi just said what inside her head.

"No, it was kind of an abduction." Xi sighed emotionlessly.

Yamla opened His eyes. He couldn't believe what He heard.

He moved closer to Xi. He was furious. He touched her chin. He looked at her eyes sharply and suddenly His eyes color turned to red blood. Everybody who lived in above the sky and beneath the earth would call it "Demon Eyes".

Legend said before He was crowned as The Supreme King of The Underworld. He was Mo Móguǐ, a Demon King from the North. He betrayed Demonic Clan to support Jade Emperor repairing Earthly Realm and helped WaHuang/ Nuwa, The Empress God defeated Ao, The Giant Turtle to fix Heavens Pillars. He was a disgrace for Demonic Clan but because of His Huge Good Deeds for Heavens and Earth, Jade Emperor crowned Him as the Supreme Ruler in all Diyu. But He still had Móguǐ parts inside him. The devil was still inside Him and could be awakened at anytime.

Xi saw Yamla's past, unexpectedly. She saw His demonic appearance and attires. Red blood Eyes, sharp teeth and nails, hairy body with a big wound.

Xi was surprised but not scared at all.

But when Xi looked at the vision closely, there was a demon child stood far behind Him, looking at him from afar with tender look.

Her vision ended. Xi bet, Yamla didn't know exactly what Xi just saw before.

"You are an awesome mortal, indeed, Xi Yuan. I've never thought that you are that fearless to talk back to me. Are you really fearless? Or maybe you are just a dense mortal? You have to know that my patience was really short."

He still looked at Xi with His Red Blood Eyes. His anger made the room getting hotter. Xi started to feel hot. Her sweats were dripping.

But not long after, Yamla's eyes changed back to normal eyes.

He took a deep breath and calmed Himself.

"I still can't understand why your Heavenly Mother asked me to make you my apprentice."

He sighed desperately.

Then He sat back on a chair. It looked more like a throne than an ordinary chair.

"You definitely got the vision, right? Because I'm the Ruler of Death, you will also be able to use the Truth Stare to the Dead. But with a condition. The Spirits are still roaming on the earth and don't pass Diyu Gate yet."

She listened to Yamla carefully.

"And because you bring My Death Seal in you, you could also send the Spirits , whether the good or the bad ones, back to the Underworld." He continued.

"That girl's spirit you saw before is still roaming on earth. You have to send her to Diyu before she get lost and become Nü gui, the vengeful spirit. Unfortunately, she was surrounded and captured by Dugu-dui (The Hatred Spirits). You have to fight them, release her, and send her to Diyu."

"You got it?"

But before Xi could answer that, Yamla already waived His hand and sent her back to real life.


Xi felt someone slapped her to wake her up. Xi felt the pain was real. Xi opened her eyes. Her eyes met with two other pairs.

Dr. Kwok and Jasper were looking at her closely. They hunkered down. It was Dr. Kwok who slapped her. While Jasper just sighed looking what just happened.

Xi was embarrassed.

Xi woke up and then smiled awkwardly. Those other men were just confused and looked at each other.

"Wah.. That crazy deity." Xi whispered angrily.


Yamla sat on His throne back in Diyu, when Ox Head, His Guardian came to Him running.

"My Lord, I was told that you need me. How can I help you, My Lord? "

Ox-Head greeted him and bowed.

He nodded.

"Ox, I have a mission for you." He said to the Ox- Head.

It was breathtaking moment for Ox-Head, indeed. During his existence as Underworld Guardian, he knew something for sure. His Lord's words were like heavens to him and all Diyu. It definitely couldn't be refused. Nobody dare to. Only Jade Emperor or Empress God who could. But after several commotions that happened in Diyu, recently, Ox-Head was more than willing to help his Lord with everything he had. He was definitely a loyal servant to his Lord.

Yamla continued His words.

"I need you to guard someone on Earthly Realm. You have to protect this mortal whatever it takes.

He stopped for a moment. His face turned more serious than before.

"But she must not know your presence." He explained seriously.

Ox- Head was surprised. He wondered who this mortal was. He bet that he/she was a great mortal until his Lord concerned about his/her presence. He didn't say anything else but he just asked his Lord accordingly.

"I will do it with pleasure, My Lord. May I know who the mortal is?"

Yamla looked at him and said.

"Xi Yuan."