
Let Me Love you (Until you love me again)

In a world where privilege and danger collide, Xiao Xiao, the pampered princess of a wealthy family and sole heir to an international corporation, finds herself in a deadly game of survival. With enemies seeking her demise and her own uncle's betrayal threatening her life, Xiao Xiao's only escape leads her to the mysterious land of Euthopia. In a twist of fate, she crosses paths with a handsome yet enigmatic stranger, whom she shamelessly propositions for help in exchange for herself. Little does she know that this cold-hearted stranger holds a secret that will unravel her carefully crafted plans for survival. As Xiao Xiao navigates the unfamiliar territory of a life she once only witnessed in dramas, she is forced to confront her own vulnerabilities and past secrets. Can love transcend the barriers of betrayal and forgiveness when her deepest secret is revealed to the man she thought she could trust? But unknown to him, She was deeply in love with him even from a long long time ago... ... "Yue Jin please listen to me...please!" Xiao xiao kneeled on her knees, begging him to hear her explanation. Her tears keep falling and she doesn't know what to do anymore! she doesn't know how to explain everything! she doesn't know where to even begin with! "No! there's no need for any explanation!" Yue jin threw the papers in her face! his eyes so cold and blank and Xiao xiao couldn't even read what was on his mind! it feels like she doesn't know this man anymore! "get lost! and don't even show your face in front Of me ever again! that's the only way for you to save your life! because seeing you makes me sick! you should consider yourself lucky because I didn't kill you right now! get out!" Yue Jin says without even looking at her! his eyes show no emotion except anger! "Please listen to me! I didn't kill her you have to believe me! please, Yue, don't do this to me!" Xiao xiao closes her eyes as her tears rolled down on her cheeks continuously. she doesn't want to see those eyes anymore because it hurt her seeing her being despised by him. "Get lost!" Yue jin says as he left not even glancing at her... ... updated every day :) Thank you for visiting my book! I would really appreciate it if you leave a review. This story contains super rated R scenes so read at your own risk. Thank you so much! yours truly: LITTLE CLUMSY :)

Littleclumsy · Urban
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23 Chs


"i forgot to tell you, that...you, I've prepared your coffin" he said carelessly,as he laughed out loud maniacally!

xiao xiao was shocked to hear that words!as her body tremble in fear, she could tell that he wasn't just joking!

No! she would never let that happen!

"Li Kan!" the beardy man called out and a big muscle man came in with about ten body guards following behind him,

"Yes, boss! you called for me?" he said, his voice is very dry and cold,

xiao xiao could feel her legs tremble in fear! No! this cant be happening!

"clean up this mess and dont leave anything behind!" her uncle said looking at her as if she was a dirty thing that needs to be removed!

"yes, understood!" the big man answered and his boss left the house! he looked at the little petite lady in front of him, looking excited, he's eyes flashed an undiniable lust!

"dont try to touch me or i will kill you!" xiao xiao said taking a step back!

The big man did not mind what she was saying! he prompted his men to hold her up,

xiao xiao took a step back a few times before she was corner in the wall, She couldnt believe that she will be rape right in her own house!

where is all the people in the house? it seems that no one else in the house not even a single house maid! She really couldnt understand how this people manage to enter thier house and make everyone dissapear!

xiao xiao could only think of one way! she needs to get out of here no matter what happens! The big man couldnt wait any longer and prompted his men to captures her already! He would definitely have a taste first before killing her! shes too gorgeous to be thrown away untouched!

The two men charge at her to hold her hands but xiao xiao easily avoided the two men and she gave them a two fast kick!

what was going on?! She knows how to fight?!

Xiao xiao was shocked on herself she could not remember learning any kinds of self defence but what she did just now was.... how is that possible? it was her own body who move by itself!

She just kick that two men who is two times taller than her! xiao xiao saw that the big man were pretty shocked and she imediately run towards the kitchen room, She aim to run and pass through the back door in the kitchen, and go to the garage where her car is being park!

When her grandfather was hospitalized she didnt drive her car and had the chaufer send them to the hospital, and her grand father would always remind her not to drive because of the accident a few years ago!

Xiao xiao runs as fast as she could and she could hear that she is being followed by that people of her so called uncle! She imediately enter her car and started to take off at full speed! it was a good thing that earlier inside the house when she saw her belongings scattered on the floor she saw her car keys and she pick it up, thankfully she did, if not she wouldnt know how she could escape!

The men who followed her even attemp to block her car but she just went full speed causing some of them to fall on the ground!

"Close that damn main gate! right now!" One of the men immediately called and said to close the main gate of the mansion,

"follow her right now! you full of idiot people!" the big man curse at her men, The fish were right before his eyes but they just let it escape! damn it!

xiao xiao knew it would happen that is why she went full speed because that gate was too big and it always took a while when it closes! xiao xiao manage to escape in the Bai mansion!

When xiao xiao notice that she was not being followed anymore she abandon her car because she knows that they would track it, she hail a cab and went to a hotel to hide for a while, She didnt know what to do next, she knows she couldnt go to the hospital anymore because of them, but xiao xiao still wanted to see her grand father! She couldnt hold her tears and she sobbed silently in her hotel room,

Yes she was all alone now!

She doesnt know where to go and she couldnt call anyone to help her because she has no friends at all, and she doesn't know who to trust anymore.

Yes there are alot of people who knows her and wanted to be her friend but they where just all fake!

they just befriend her because of her grand father and she has never had someone who she could call a real friend! She could only embrace her self in the dark as she cries over night...


"young master we have arrived in england," assistant Lu uttered trying to wake her boss, it has been a few hours since they left euthopia by his young masters private plane to attend a major meeting in england, but his boss were fast asleep because he always work himself over night, Assistant lu knows that it was his way of forgetting what was on his mind because he prepared working than be drown in alcohol.

Yue jin, slowly open his eyes, after assistant Lu informed that they have arrived, he fix himself and they got down at the plane where a lot of high ranking officials and boards where waiting for him,

It was Known that Yue jin is a famous international business men who owns different skycraper around the world! And He was the eldest son of the Lee family who inherit everything that the retired C.E.O mr.Lee fang

even though Yue jin does not always show his face in public media outlets all of the important and high ranking officials and giant business owners know him.

after the meeting Yue Jin went on his hotel room, tired from the wholeday meeting.

Holding a cup of red wine in his hands, his hair wet from just finishing his shower Yue Jin went into the terrace of his room, he could see the skycrapers from all around the city of england,

it was a beautiful and magnifecient view at night, Sipping his wine he notice a girl in the other terrace just beside his, He could see her side profile, shes staring at the night sky with a lonely expression,he could only see her side profile but when she look at Yue Jin His heart skip a beat when he saw her face! he stared at him intently, as They're eyes met,...