
The hospital

The explosion destroyed the school.

Almost everyone you knew was gone.

That was a good thing.

They all sucked anyway.

You were in the hospital.

You were in bed for days, your head always hurt and every single bone in your body was broken. Both of your parents were too busy to come see you. This gave you time to think about your love, McQueen.

The way he always smelled like gas, how he always took care of his paint, the way he always ran over the students, HIS HAIR!

You started to grow impatient.

"You're doing well today (Y/N)." Could it be? You turn your head towards the door only to be disappointed when there was only a doctor, "Have you eaten anything?" he asked

"I wasn't hungry." you try turning your head only to remember that your neck was broken.

Somehow how you weren't dead tho...

He sighs, "I see." He moves to the side leaving enough room for someone to fit through, "You have some visitors."

Could it be?


It was just your ex-boyfriend, Jake Paul.