
Let me hug you .

This is a normal story which started with a hug and then friendship. In life in hapiness or sorrow in old or young age we all want is a warm hug to comforte our self or the person in front of you.The person we want to with us for our whole life. Like this in this story there is a boy who only wanted to be comforted by loved ones but can't because he don't have suddenly a arivel of a girl who comforted him when needed and disappear in thin air. Will the boy will meet her? or not? If meet then when? To know more read my story LET ME HUG YOU.

Ana_Lee_7900 · Teen
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5 Chs



RON pov

It has been 6 year's since that incedent happen. now I am 20 year's old and have a company and I work for mafia or should I am the boss.

I am handaling company with attending school no one know about me being in mafia other than my parent's and family. So it's a secret from outer world .

My company was the 5 when I took over the company.

With the help of my friend's and family I got the position of the 3rd richest person in the world.

My company is william's corporation.

And all the world now Know me.

ML pov ends...

I did my daily routine and was going to collage with my friend.Me and my friend's live in one house away from my home.


The ml and his friend arrive.

girl's - " So handsome "

girl 1 - " I will make him mine "

girl 2 - " No he is mine "

boy's - " so beutifull. "

boy 1 - " Do you wana die they are already taken "

boy 2 - " But still we can admire them from a far. "

The ml and his friend ignore them and go toward their class.

💥A little info💥

💥 ( Ml friend are two boy and two girl

Lucky and Jack , Heart and Jenne.

Lucky and Heart are in a relationship

while Jack and Jenne are in relationship

While are ml is still wating for the unknown girl.

Ml friend are in mafia as well

Their are known as

Lucky - Black

Heart - Hacker

Jack - killer

Jenne - white

Black , killer , white are all spy while Hacker is a Hacker that's why she name her self hacker. ) 💥


In the class.

Everyone go to there seat and sit beside eachother while Ron was sitting alone.

Then a girl came and said " Ron can I sit beside you "

while Ron " No * very coldly * "

The girl " plz. Ronno no one is here I want to sit beside you "

Ron " Don't you understand NO MEAN'S NO "

* He said this very angrily *

The girl run away to her sit.

The teacher came and tell them that there will be a new student going to jion them.

The student started to gossip about the new student saying that their should be a girl or boy.

The teacher " SILENCE "

Everybody " YES "

The teacher " take care of the new student "

Everybody " Ok "

Then a very handsome looking boy came in class.

Every body started to gossip again.

Ml din't take interest in the topic and continue doing his work.

The teacher " so introduce your self "

Know everybody's eye were on the unknown boy.

The unknown boy " ....--------

So that's it for today readers

see you tommorow guys


your Author AL.