
Let me hold your hand forever

Anne, a girl brought up in an orphanage got married to a man who was chosen by her matron. He lived with her for a night after their marriage and disappeared. One drunken night and Anne became pregnant soon. He had transferred her, the small house they lived and sent her some allowance every month to her bank account. After a few months, the allowance stopped getting credited to her account and she was in the peak of her pregnancy. She became malnourished and got very weak due to various reasons. Though it was a marriage of convenience for both of them, she wanted to search for him once and tell him about her pregnancy.She delivered a healthy boy amidst all her difficulties. They didn't love each other, but they had a baby? He must love his own flesh and blood, right? With this in mind, she searched for clues about his identity and location and came searching to Sterling city special forces base, which was located in the outermost part of the city. She met two men who would become her best friends for life and she continues with her journey of searching for her husband. Daniel was looking through the window when the young woman with a small bundle in her hands arguing with the security personnel at the base gate. He stared at her for a long time, sighed and turned away. Just 3 more months of difficulty my wife, I'll be the husband I could not be, all these months and a father to our son. Just bear with it for 3 months and I'll erase all the unhappiness from your life. Till then, you need to live on without me. Let's see how these 2 people find each other and find love together.

SnowyMo · Realistic
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2 Chs


"Miss!!Miss!! Are you alright?", asked a male voice. Anne woke up from her reverie and slowly raised her head to look who was calling to her. A sweet baby apparently 3-4 months old, was sleeping peacefully on her lap. Her hands involuntarily tightened her hold on her baby. Seeing her reactions, the man understood that she was being cautious of him. He smiled reassuringly at her and asked her again, "Are you alright? Do you need help?"

She looked at him dazedly as if contemplating whether to answer him or not. Just before she could answer, another person called the man from a distance while walking towards them, " Jake where were you? I was waiting for you near the stables." As he came near, he noticed a woman with a baby in her hands sitting with her back against the tree. He was surprised and looked at the man he addressed as Jake questioningly. Then as if in understanding, both men shared a look and looked down at the young woman waiting for her answer. She observed both the men. The man called Jake was around 5ft 10, had tanned skin that spoke of the duration he spent in the sun.He had dark brown eyes and hair, had a lean build but looked fit. Though he couldn't be called very handsome, the light smile on his lips, and the eyes that didn't hold any secrets, made him very attractive. The other man, whose name she didn't know, was about 6feet tall, had wavy jet black hair, and he too was tanned. His open collar showed a bit of fair skin inside from where she sat. He was also very attractive. She looked at both of them and saw that their faces didn't show the usual expressions of lust, and ill intentions she had seen from many men in the past. They wore friendly smiles all this time. She opened her mouth, licked her dry lips and answered, " Hello, I'm Anne. I have come to this place from a faraway town and I didn't get a taxi to the nearest town. I was feeling very tired and thought of resting here. Where am I? What exactly is this place? "

The other man answered her, " This is a private property, and we recently bought it. This is a mangrove forest, and a few yards ahead is a farm and a farmhouse. How did you enter this forest? Where did you enter from?", looking around as if to find the other entrance to their property. She said shyly, " I'm sorry. I didn't know that I was trespassing on your property. The fence on the outside is made up of vines and thick creepers. There was a huge gap in some place and I came here to rest for a while. The baby was sleeping". She looked at her son who was sleeping under the cover of many small blankets and smiled. His tiny hand was curled into a fist and he was sleeping with his face on his fist.

She asked the other man, " What's your name?"

" Call me Ronald", the man answered.

She smiled and said, " I think it'll be rude of me to continue being on your property. I should leave now". Though she said that, her words had a melancholic feel to them. The men could sense something amiss with her expression.

Jake asked her," Miss Anne, where do you want to go? Do you need a lift? Tell us if you need any help".

Anne had a dejected look on her face and she started thinking about Jake's question. Where do I want to go? Where do I want to go?! Do I have anywhere to go? As she thought about it, one corner of her mouth rose in a self deprecating manner and said, "Any nearest town or village where I can get some food and stay for a night. Nothing particular. "

Though they were curious, both the men didn't ask any further. Ronald thought for a second and asked. Would you like to stay in our place for the night? It's already 4.30 in the evening and it gets dark soon in this place. Even if we drop you to the nearest town, it'll be difficult for you to find a place to stay before it gets dark. You've a baby with you too. It'll be difficult for you."

He looked questioningly at her, waiting for her answer. Jake reassured her, "We've 3 rooms in the house and we've an hourly help who will be staying here tonight since there's a lot of cleaning to be done tomorrow too. She's called Miss Heather. She'll be cooking for us tonight and you can share a room with her. We're just suggesting. It's your choice finally."

Anne was in a dilemma. She could choose to stay here tonight and she could save the cost of her accommodation. That would mean, she could go search for that person again early in the day tomorrow. If she stayed, she thought that she would be an unnecessary burden to these gentlemen. What should she do?