
Ivan's Childhood 3: Freedom?


Ivan quickly raced towards the gate, he could already see the barrier forming. He only had four seconds remaining. As he approached the door, he saw it already had a lock which would only be opened by his father.

He angrily ran away from the main gate, and went to the second. This would need a password and he had two seconds remaining.

This lock only needed to have a single number, before it opened. No doubt, it was designed by his mother. At this point, he clicked on a particular number which was '8'.

Suddenly, the door was opened and he was fast to escape leaving just half a second before he would have been lockdown.

Coming away from the fortress of darkness, he headed down to the city below. If he ran well enough, it would take just twenty minutes.

As he ran away, he heard a voice resounding and it was spoken with clear anger and no doubt it was his mother.