

"I am fine.... " Maya tried to smile while looking at the man.

The man did not seemed to be convinced.

He massaged the girl's feet.

Maya was lost in her thoughts.

'Why was this touch so familiar??? who was this man... have I met him before??? does he know me??? why does he care about me??? '

"Aaacchoo!!! " Maya sneezed.

Maya's clothes were wet due to falling.

" You should change your clothes... " the man wrote.

He then pointed out a room.

The house wasn't big but was well decorated.

Maya was not sure about the clothes.

The man helped her to move.

She slowly opened the door.

The man did not entered.

She looked at the room. To her surprise the room was also familiar to her!!! How could this be possible???

She opened the cupboard, there were a lot of clothes.

She already felt that they were used clothes... but to her surprise again they fit her perfectly!!!!!

Her head started hurting!!! What was going on???

She couldn't stand anymore.

She quickly went to the shower...

After the warm shower she felt fresh.

She wore the pink pajama and the blue t-shirts without any complain.

As she went out the room she saw the dog eating...

The man was already working in the open kitchen.

She was hungry but seeing the man working alone she went in for helping him.

The man looked at the lady arranging the plates.

Of course he didn't liked it.

He then held her hand and walked her up to the dining table, pulled out the chair and made her seated.

Maya was shocked.

She didn't move.

She simply watched the man cooking.

" I am sorry!!! But I forgot to ask you... What's your name??? " Maya finally asked.

The dining table was just outside the open kitchen.

The man simply wrote 'Ethan'.

"Oh!!! Thank you Ethan... thank you so much for helping me out... I would repay you when I will have enough money" Maya said.

She was quiet straightforward.

She didn't like people's favour.