
No Voice

Tears rolled down her cheeks. She couldn't believe that she lived with that man for two whole years. She trusted that person and now the only person that could hurt her was him.

While she was lost in her thoughts she suddenly realized the doors of the house being opened.

She was sitting near the gate of the house, on the stairs.

"Oh! I am sorry.... I'll be leaving... " she said nervously.

She found no reply.

Then suddenly a man appeared. As she was about to leave, the man grabbed her hands.

"Eh!!! why are you touching me....If you believe I am 'that' type of girl... you are wrong!!! I am not that kind of girl" Maya said. Her eyes were red. Her makeup was spoiled due to her tears.

Mysterious the man remained quite.

He went inside and brought out a tab.

Next thing she noticed, that the man was writing something. She stared at the man. There was something wrong with his face. It was as the if she knew the person standing in front of her....as if she had met him somewhere before.... but couldn't remember.

The man rises his tablet.

It was written "do you need water??? "

Maya was stunt. The man didn't smiled. He looked at the worried face of the girl. Without saying anything, he quickly brings a glass of water and handed it to her.

Maya quickly accept the offer. She gulped the water all at once.

"Thank you... I need to leave... " saying this she turned around and left.




An hour passed.

Maya looked around. When she ran away from that demon's house, the only thing she carried was her cell phone.

Right now she had no where to go.

All she could see was closed markets, shops, stores.

Soon it started raining.

She sat near the gate of a closed sweet shop.

All she could see was a dark street with closed shops.

Thunder lightning could be heard.

The weather was really getting worst.

Soon she realises somebody sitting next to her.

The looked down and it was a white puffy street dog.

It closed its eyes with its arm as the lightening strikes.

"Are you scared of the lighting??? " Maya smiled as she looked at the dog.

She smiled because she was happy. Happy atleast she got a company.

She started patting the dog softly on his head.

The dog didn't move nor did it barked at her.

"Are you hungry???.... well me too" Maya looked at the dog. He indeed was hungry and so was she.

The dog moved to her lap and put his head down.

" You know doggy! The world is same! All people are the same!! Once they got what they want... they will... they will leave you and not even look back twice upon you to check your condition... " as she said these lines she noticed that far at the end of the street a man got out of his car with an umbrella and walking towards them.