
Broken girl

Maya had extremely confident body language. She walked with Ethan like she was already his wife. People gazed at her with shock.

The only question to them was who she was???




"Madam Lana, master Ethan has arrived.... But....!!! "

"No but!!! My prince Charming is already here I need to see him....!!! Quickly look!!!! Do I look good??? " A beautifully dressed women who was sitting at the corner of balcony said. She quickly pointed out at her face making a gesture to see if she looked good.

"Madam you look perfect! But.... "

" No but Jerry!!! I gotta go... " With that Lana stood up and was about to leave when she saw a couple walking towards her.

The man looked familiar to her. As the man and the women went close to her, she was shocked! No wonder the man looked familiar to her!!! It was none other than Ethan!

She went straight up to the couple and hugged Ethan.

"Ah! Miss! Who gave you the person to hug my boyfriend??? "

Lana gazed at the woman with mask.

She then smiled at Ethan who was shock by the hug but was more shocked by Maya's statement. For him the happiest moment of his life was Maya addressing him her boyfriend.

"Ethan, why didn't you tell me you are coming with your sister??? And yeah I know this is a prank!!!" Lana spoke.

Maya stared at the fool lady 'did she really believed that this was a prank or was she trying to console herself!!! '

"Ma'am I guess you have a hearing problem! " Maya said staring straight to her eyes.

She felt pity for the girl but had no choice because the man Lana liked does not even care for her feelings.

Ethan quickly raised his phone showing a text which said "she is my girlfriend"

Lana was petrified! She had no idea what was going on??!! She was wishing into be a prank but it wasn't. By this time the whole crowd gathered around them. The were all called by Lana as she was going to propose Ethan today.

Lana was in love with Ethan for about one and a half years.

She liked everything about the man but now she was getting the shock of her life.

"Wh... Wait what do you mean??? She is really your girlfriend??? When did you have girlfriend??? Last week when I asked that if you have someone in your life, you simply said no then how come... How come you have a girlfriend now??? " As soon as the girl said, she broke down in tears.

Maya felt bad, she had no idea what to do!!! She wanted to console the girl but she needed to be with Ethan too!!! She was stuck in an ugly situation.

People around her started gossiping.

"Miss we started dating two days before!!! "

As soon as Maya spoke these words the women glared at her.

"Does it feel good to take others boyfriend??? Tell me you shameless bitch...!!! " With that Lana raised her hand to slap Maya but was stopped by Ethan.

Ethan slowly moved in front of the girl hiding her behind his back and gave a cruel look to the girl in front of him.

He quickly scribbled something and showed it to the girl.

"You are not my girlfriend. I don't need a girlfriend like you. And next time if you repeat what you did just now I will not think twice before breaking your hand. "

The girl stared at him, tears rolled down her cheeks, although Ethan did not like it but he had no choice he simply looked away.

Lana took a step back. She was publically insulted. Everybody looked at her.

"Let me see the face of the beauty that stole your heart??? Is she more beautiful than me??? Is she really that much qualified??? " Lana spoke patting her chest.

Maya did not dared to speak a word. She noticed that Ethan's hand tightly grabbed her hand and he pulled her and started walking.

Ethan simply ignored her question.

Lana was shattered.

Most of the guest left after this drama.

Ethan pulled out a chair for Maya. Maya obediently sat down. Ethan sat in front of her. He handed her a glass of water but soon noticed that she needed to open her mask in order to drink or eat.

He quickly moved to another seat from where no one could see them.

Maya opened up her mask and quickly drank the water.

Maya was feeling extremely bad for the girl who was still crying at a distance. Ethan slowly moved his hands on her shoulder.

Suddenly there was a announcement.

"Well ok!!! Um!!! I mean enough of this drama let's have some fun now!!! Let's just lighten up our moods... So ladies and ladies uh!!! I mean gentlemens!!! Whatever happened was bad but I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason so let us not ruin the night!!! Let's play drink or dare!!! What say everyone??? "