


I was furiously shoving the few belongings I had into my suitcase.

I needed to get out of here.

Like, now.

My mind was spinning, my chest was aching-everything just sucked.

God, I am so sick and tired of this stupidly unfair and cruel world.

A rapid knocking on the door made me freeze. I blinked.

A whole minute later, the knocking didn't stop. I pulled my gun out from under the pillow before cautiously, walking over to the door. I looked through the peephole. It was Dean.



What the hell is he doing here?

How did he even find me?

My mind swirled with thoughts and questions, half of which were probably insignificant. My heart was racing. I was frozen in spot, frantic and unsure. Do I open the door? Do I pretend I'm not here?

/"Elettra, I know you're in there!/" Dean's loud voice was slightly muffled through the door.