
Let me be your dangerous girl

A girl with a troubled past and childhood trauma, due to abuse from her father after her mother died of cancer. Her picture perfect family falls apart making her go through immense pain, physical, mental and emotional. Forced to involve herself with a very dangerous mafia to survive. Once a man comes into her life who wants nothing more than to have her all to himself, will her life fall apart? Or will love be enough?

ObVyNe_LionGodess · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 10

~ Drew ~

   I couldn't break eye contact with him as he looked at me through the window. I stood up never losing eye contact. His eyes followed mine and then started to lower his gaze taking in my body. His eyes darkened as he smirked and winked at me before he went into his car and drove off.

   I had forgotten I was still wearing his shirt and that run through the woods wasn't the best idea because I was now all dirty. I reached towards the bottom of the shirt and raised my arms up to take off the dirty shirt. I need a shower before I do anything else, then ill come up with a better plan.

    As I was walking to find the bathroom in this place I had to open a few doors. The camera room was locked which I figured he wouldn't leave it open. But of course I just had to open it and see what else was inside. Ive been here before when I came to leave him a message. He probably cleaned up the place after he brought me back from that girls motel room. Which reminds me I need to find her and deliver her right after I break her nose for what she did to me. So with that, I began to pick the lock and made myself useful to gather as much information on him and everything I could. He probably knows where Rain is, this idiot could at least be that much useful.

  Since I left franco about a month ago I need all the money I can get and recover the debt some people owe me. And do the jobs im offered to do, and taking the job seriously is a matter of life and death. You can get yourself killed for absolutely anything especially if you make a leader mad. And the more leaders you know the more jobs you get. I was one of the few who was respected and knew almost all of them. I know the Italians, Colombians, Mexicans, Brazilians but the one that I didn't was the Russians. I can speak Italian and Portugués but what I didnt was Russian.

   Speaking of I couldn't study Russian because some hot sexy idiot took my phone! Knowledge is power so with the more connections you www have the more untouchable you become. And I needed to get up the ladder if I wanted to pull of what I wanted. Once I take out whatever it is in that vault Franco has I might need all the help I can get to escape to a different location.

   Clearing my thoughts I began to go through everything he has in that room.


                ~~~ ROWAN ~~~


      She looked like the most unladylike girl ever as she devoured the plate of food I had just handed to her. I smiled when she looked up at me, but I couldn't help but wonder what exactly happened to her in the past. The truth is I laid her down where I could see her because she was screaming and talking in her sleep. She was terrified of someone and I needed to know who and why.  I just couldn't leave her by herself when she's in that state of mind. I held her when the trembling started and she held on to me clenching her hands on my arm as I held her on my lap. It lasted about ten minutes which felt like forever and that was  giving me more reasons as to finding out her past.

  Once she calmed down and looked like it was over I laid her down and covered her with a small blanket. God she's so beautiful. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, for some reason the feeling of guilt appeared on my chest. I wish I could take the pain away. After I realized how creepy I looked just watching her sleep I went over to the table and began to finish working. I needed to make sure the numbers and the merchandise add up and there isn't funny business with anything we've done for the past few weeks. My cousin is and idiot so therefore I have to take care of mostly everything. He insists on me being by his side and let other people do the dirty work. What he doesn't know is that I'll take over the business one day. He just doesn't know it, not because I want to but because I have to.

     Once I was headed to the car I looked up to the living room window, it was big enough to see everything inside. Not long after she looked up at me and our eyes met. She was so stunningly beautiful I could just stare at her all day. I couldn't help myself when I looked down at her, she looked very tempting wearing one of my shirts. It was long enough to cover her perfectly, I was tempted to go back in and make her mine.

    Look away you idiot! I told myself before my thoughts got out of control. I winked at her before getting in my car, and as I was driving off I glanced back to catch a glimpse of her turning around.

Oh shit. She took off the shirt so smoothly and I caught another glimpse of her body. I could feel myself getting hard so I looked away taking a deep breath. I need help.

     Those windows would be a major problem if I lived in a populated area. Im glad no one else was around because id shoot them in the face for looking her way. I got mad at the thought of someone else looking at her in that way.  I couldn't help but wonder who has she been with in the past. Did she fall in love with someone and if she did who was it? Has anyone cared for her and protected her? Her trauma... was it caused by the person who claimed to love her? According to Frank they only dated a very short period of time. Did she love him?

     Soon I reached the near by clothing stores and I picked a pair of black leggings and a simple white graphic shirt with a V-neck. And a pair of undergarments. I quickly went to pay and drove back to the house, I need to come up with a plan to get her to stick around after I take back the artifact. I need her by my side and I refuse to let her go.

  I drove off and more thoughts kept clouding my mind. I need to find out who she really is. An idea popped into my head and I reached for my phone. I called one of the guys under me and asked him to dig up her past and who she's been with.

'Parker I need you to dig up everything Its important for me to know even the slightest detail. Especially any romantic involvement of any sort. Give me a list of people.' I said firmly with a tone of authority.

"Yes. Sir, I'll send you the information as soon as possible" He said after the call ended. A smirk came across my face just thinking that I'll know everything soon. I picked up the speed and soon the house came into vision.

    Once I got there I placed the bag on the table and went to see if she was still there. I heard the water running and I decided it was time for me to tease her. I went in quietly and undressed myself I stepped in the stone walled walk in shower and stood there leaning against the cold wall admiring the view I had at arms reach. She was facing the shower head rinsing the shampoo off of her long blonde hair that went all the way to her nicely built bottom. I noticed some scars around her ribcage area leading to her back where her hair and tattoos covered everything. She had almost as many tattoos as me. But those scars..... As soon as I noticed them she came at me and pinned me against the wall.

"What are you doing?" She glared at me with so much anger in her eyes.

All I could do was smile.