
Character Sketch - I

PURVI MALHOTRA - Love her mom a lot. Her dad died in the accident.

MEERA KAPOOR - loves her parents a lot. Rakesh and ankita's only daughter.

KAVIN KHANNA- love his parents. Ankesh and swarna only son.

SUDHA MALHOTRA - Purvi's mother. Rakesh's sister.Her husband die in a car accident. Loves her daughter and brother a lot. After her husband death she take care of his buisness and she also become a successful business woman.

RAKESH KAPOOR - Purvi's mama and sudha's brother. Ankita's husband and Meera's father. Love purvi as his own daughter. Never discriminate between Meera and purvi. He is a business man.

ANKITA KAPOOR - Rakesh's wife and Meera's mother. Purvi's mami and sudha's Bhabhi. She also love purvi as her own daughter. She is a popular fashion designer.

ANKESH AND SWARNA KHANNA - Kavin's parents. Rakesh neighbours and good friends. They are also business man/ women.


* Sudha live in her brother and sister in law house since her husband death.

* Rakesh and Ankesh are best friends.

* Purvi , Meera and kavin are friends.

* Ankesh and Rakesh are neighbours.

* Kavin likes Meera and purvi likes kavin.
