
Let It Burn

21 year old Maia Volkov had a really traumatic childhood. She leaves everything behind and moves to New York where she meets Michael. Michael is a mysterious 6'1 hottie with a dark past. Can they overcome what's in store for them or will it break them apart at the end? "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me and I'll leave you the fuck alone" Michael grabs my chin firmly. "Fuck you Michael" Maia says as she leaves the room shutting the door hard.

Silentlovee0 · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapters Four


I can't believe I just slapped him. I hate to admit that I enjoyed the kiss, but I will not allow him to think that I'm just another of these girls that throw themself at him.

I'm trying to speed out of this place but before I can get out the door Danny sees me.

"You're here! I'm so glad you came" he is walking towards me with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a drink. He's wearing black jeans and a navy blue shirt, his blond hair is messy and wow, I can't believe I'm just noticing how good looking he actually is.

Standing in front of him, I take the drink he's offering me, mouthing a thank you and looking for <i>him.</i>

"Nice party. Do you know all these people?" I ask Danny while bring my drink to my lips. I don't enjoy the taste but after what just happened I need to keep my mind occupied.

"Yeah I know most people here. Come on let's go find Alyssa" he walks past everyone and I find myself following him. We spot Alyssa flirting with some guy near the bathroom.

I watch as Danny rolls his eyes and waves off the guy and tells Alyssa something that has her pouting. I think this drink might be too strong because I'm starting to see double and I can't seem to focus on anything.

"Where did you go? I was waiting for you but then I got bored and found someone to keep me company."

I'm trying to keep my focus on Alyssa and act like I'm okay because I don't want them to know how much of a lightweight I am. This is ridiculous.

"S-sorry! I got lost and was about to leave when I met with Danny." I noticed I'm talking kinda loud even with how loud this music is.

"Oh. You're drunk already! Let's go dance" Alyssa drags me and Danny to where everyone is dancing and we dance for what felt like hours. After a while Danny goes to get us another round of shots and holy shit, that almost took me out.

"Alright, I think I'm going to head to my room now guys. I have to get to class early tomorrow." I pull both Danny and Alyssa into a hug and thank them for inviting me.

Before I can leave, Danny offers to walk me to my dorm. I don't know if it's because I'm drunk or what but I kinda have the urge to kiss him for being so nice to me. Oh lord get a grip Maia, you can't just be kissing boys because they are nice to you. You don't even know him.

As soon as we reached outside, the air feels cooler. Danny stayed behind to say bye to some friends and I'm here enjoying the bit of wind there is.

"So you slap me and than run away from me? That isn't very nice of you" a deep voice says from behind me.

I don't mean to flitch but I do. I turned around so fast I could of broken my neck.

I'm still feeling drunk so I can't focus on his face, but I know it's him.

I don't even know his name but I do know that I feel something strange happening in my stomach every time he's near.

"That's what you get for pushing me against a wall and kiss me? Who gave you the idea that I'm easy?" I slur.

"I needed a distraction and you were there. Don't think you're too special." He steps a few feet closer to me and I can feel my heart beating faster.

He leans towards me and whispers "You shouldn't drink if you can't handle your alcohol" he walks away leaving me feeling freezing all of the sudden.

"I see you've met Michael. I wouldn't go there if I were you" Danny says as he's walking towards me, taking my arm in his and walking me to my dorm.

So his name is Michael, he fits the name well.

After a while, we made it to my dorm and go in my room. Once again my roommate is not here. Danny walks me to my bed and helps me lay down and take my shoes off.

I smile at him and tell him goodnight.

He tells me goodnight and walks out of the room closing the door behind him.

I had a lot of fun tonight. My first party, my first drink and technically my first kiss, all in one night.


My alarm goes off at 6:30am and I had to beat my self up to get out of bed. My head feels like it's 200lbs and I need to throw up. I gather my stuff quickly and head to the bathroom.

It took me 10 mins to throw up until I had nothing left. I hopped in the shower, washed my hair and shaved my legs. Wrapping my self in my towel, I get out of the stall and head to the mirror by the sinks.

I see my roommate walk into the bathroom, ignoring me and walking into a shower stall.

I can't believe she doesn't like me because I wouldn't leave my room.

On my way to my room, I see a guy dressed in all black leaving someone's room.

It took me a couple of seconds to realize who he was.

Did he sleep with some else? I thought him and my roommate were together?

"Take a picture it'll last longer" Michael says smirking at me.

"You wish. What are you doing here?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, huh?" Locking his eyes with mine before he walks away from me once again.

Why do we keep running into each other? And why do I care what he does anyways.

I jog my way to the room so I can get dressed and do my hair.

I'm wearing a black skirt with boots and a white button up shirt. My hair is in a high ponytail and I put some eyeliner and mascara on in hopes no one will notice my hangover.

I grab my bag with my books to head downstairs for breakfast before class. On my way, the door swings open and my roommate walks in. She's in her towel, speed walking towards me.

"I better not see you trying to flirt with my man. You sneaky bitch" she barks in a distasteful manner.

I'm so confused as to what she's talking about until I remember that I saw Michael not long ago. She must of seen us talking, but what's her problem? Is he not allowed to have friends?

I need to show her that I'm not the one "Maybe you should focus on the fact I saw him getting out of someone's room instead of bitching at me."

She steps away from me, looks me up and down, and rolls her eyes at me while waving me away. What the hell is her problem? But I don't have time to be thinking about it too much because I'm already 5 mins late to my first day of class.


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