
Let It Burn (Avianna's Story)

Vincent Cheng travels away from home to help support his family. After getting a job with a huge multibillion dollar company. Now working out in the middle of nowhere with a crew of 12 other people he learns just how big family can get whether it's by blood or heart. Working under the curious boss Avianna Alderman Vincent grows closer to her and falls for Avianna. Discovering her past secrets and heartache along the way can he be strong enough to stand with her as she goes back home to fight with all those who have done her wrong. Finally taking her place and everything that comes with it. Can she forgive those hurting her loved ones or will she finally just light the match setting their world on fire. Letting it all burn to the ground. Follow a journey with Vincent and Avianna as they learn to overcome loss, betrayal, love and family. Learning to finally live for yourself.

lilmama881106 · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 3: She Will Come

It's been weeks since the game. Vincent is now making his two month mark being here working. They are officially half way done with the project. He's gotten closer to everyone. Damien clings to him and claims him as his bestie. Daxton, Dylan and Ryder do as well. Even though he likes them all equally. Killian is open with him but always feels like he has a guard up. Vincent has grown a lot closer to Avianna and he is very invested in trying to figure her out.

She is a person who is beautiful and crazy. There is so much more that goes down deeper with her than she leads on and it makes him curious as hell. They made a ritual of cleaning up together whenever she cooks which is four nights a week. They go out to eat sometimes alone. They stay out late sharing drinks under the stars talking about just any and everything in little hammocks they made. It's amazing how much different she is when he is hanging out with just her.

It's like seeing someone finally breathing. He liked that side of her. He didn't get to be the type of person he is with her with anyone else. It was nice. It was like learning new parts about you, you never knew existed. It started making him think about things he was now wanting for his future. Things he'd like to try and see. He shared everything of his family as she just sat and listened. Even hugged him when he cried telling the story of his mom and aunt. It was nice to finally be able to talk and vent out.

The Lion group was still a bunch of assholes every now and than they made some trouble in town. Avianna and Jordan had to go clean up. He was never more terrified of her than when he watches her interact with men twice her size like she had zero cares about her life. The group gets very defensive when it comes to her yet no one will admit that they are just as scared. They are currently in dive bar playing billiards and some playing cards. The mafia runs through here working a cartel like place. We bump into each other every now and then.

They need us to complete our work too as it will help the entire town so we keep everything civil and both us and them even donate money into the town to keep the people feed and their economy going. Even Vincent admits that some of the guys get around more than a bag of chips. Sometimes though it could cause a small problem other than that we just try to keep clean nose and to ourselves. I guess tonight is not one of those nights. He thought as one of the drunken cartel men got up and started to yell at Eli and Dallas that they were cheating.

"What's your problem man?" Eli told him in calm voice. "You need to just sit down. Maybe switch it up to some water bro." Dallas told him as well. "How the hell do you just keep magically winning every other hand. Your cheating! ADMIT IT! You're sneaking cards." He yelled rocking back and forth pointing at them. "How can we sneak cards. Your guy here has been dealing every hand for the last thirty minutes." Eli asked him confused even the other guy backed him up. It was four of them, Eli and Dallas.

"Look I think it's best we just call it a night." Dallas said as he picked up their winnings and was trying to take themselves out of the equation. However drunkard wasn't having it. "Oh no you get your cheating asses back here." "Omar let it go. They aren't starting no shit. Let them be." One stood up grabbing his arm back. Having some other drunk friends near by listening didn't help either. "Hey you two cheats you heard him get back there. A few of them called also wobbling a little back and forth.

"They aint cheats go sit your ass back down and get some coffee in you." Another one of their friends hollered back. The guys all went to grab their things thinking they needed to leave before things get bad. That became too late when one of them turned Jaxon around thinking he was Eli and slugged him across the face. It was silent for a moment as Jax looked around and down at his hand. "Guess we in this now." Ryder said as he slugged the guy back and watched him fall down hard unconscious on the floor.

Within seconds the whole bar was fighting everyone. The drunks were fighting even their own guys. Vincent was really standing his own and helping where he could. Pool stick s were being broken on peoples arms and backs. Tripping others legs. It came to a hold when a gun shot went of at the door way when a man dressed in dark washed jeans a nice dress shirt and blazer with sunglasses he raised up putting out his cigarette on one of his drunk men's forehead. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He asked in thick accent.

"Self defense. They came at us first. Ask your own guys." Killian told him standing straight up. Looking at the man looking back at Killian. "Really. What seems to be the problem?" He asked walking to be nose to nose with him. "Your men got drunk and suck at cards blaming my friends for being lucky. We tried to leave you lot started swinging." Everyone got real nervous. "You speak so freely to me with so much courage. Makes me think you don't know who you talking to boy." The man told him with an evil look.

"I'm talking to the man who needs to get his kids in check. Also your wallet ready. These aint just all our damages." Killian added pointing around the bar. "I'm real close to cutting the balls you think you have off boy." The man said getting ready to push him back when Vincent stepped in between them. "You need to back up. All this already went to far. We just need to settle up with the bartender and all leave. Enough is enough." Vincent said with a hard tone. The man switched his gaze to Vincent necklace.

"Where the fuck did you get that. Looking at Killian's neck and the others. "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE DUMB BASTARDS DONE?! DO YOU KNOW WHO THEY BELONG TOO?!" Vincent was now confused looking down and around the guys feeling lot. Was he was really this scared of their necklace. Who did they belong to? "DO you have any idea what you could have done?" The man said slapping two of the men to the floor. The air shifted to the point everyone swore it dropped twenty degrees.

"Tristan. Tristan. Tristan what shall I ever do with you?" Everyone looked to see Jordan and Avianna walking slowly to each of her men. Looking them all over. Her face dropped as she came up to Killian and Vincent. "You're men seem to have forgotten their manners no?" "I swear it was just a drunken misunderstanding. It happens. I formally apologize on what they have done here. I take full responsibility everything here will be settled. You will not have this problem again with them. You know how much I respect you Vee." Tristan said coming up to her holding shoulders.

Lightly pushing him off her. "We have an understanding Tristan. I would hate for there to be any misunderstandings between us. I know we can't always control our men but we must make sure to compensate for all of their wrong doings. Two of my precious souls have sprained their hands a bit. That means my projects are going to be a little slower because you damaged two of my good workers. How do you plan to fix that?" She asked him crossing her arms to him.

"What are they worth." Tristan asked gulping deeply. "More than you can afford in this lifetime I can assure you that. They are not only my workers they wear my mark. So what do you honestly think?" She snapped. "I can send you thirty men for a week." "You better." Jordan snapped in anger flowing through him. "My men deserve an apology as well see to it they get it." Tristan nodded and bowed a little to her. As they all walked out the bar. Tristan's men all standing there like scolded children.

"Who the hell was that?" Vincent asked Damien quietly. "That is the head of the Mafia men out here he runs a bunch of shit in a bunch of countries no one fucks with him and lives." Damien told him back. "How did he just crumble in front of her than?" He was confused. "Well one day he popped off her to her and she. Beat. His. Ass. Seriously the brotha was out for like three days. When he came back to settle it with her. She put him in check reminding him what she was here to do. He knows how much he needs towns like this to attract people and just need things like this in general so he agreed to keep peace." Andrew told him in a whisper.

"Plus the man didn't want another ass beating. Only one who could ever take him is her. One time he tried to tell her to be nicer because she was too intimidating." Dylan added. "What she do?" Damien asked. "She stared at him until he apologized." Dylan added back as they all looked at her. Dallas and Tobias hands were both slightly sprained they can still work but they would be sore. Too much stress on it could be bad. "You two are on light duty if things get too sore just stop and rest." Avianna told them for them to nod in agreement.

"YOU! YOU BITCH! How dare you come and try to step up to Milino family. You think you can disrespect us and just walk freely. You cheap slut." A drunk man yelled stumbling up to her and slammed the back of his hand across her face. Jordan in a second hand the mans arm broken from being twisted behind his back. Also slamming his feet on the drunk mans legs breaking them in three places. "There are only two people who can torture her and you aren't either one." Jordan spoke evilly in his ear. Only Vincent was able to hear him.

Vincent and Killian quick to look over Anas face. "I'm fine. Calm down. I'm good." She told them with a smile. "Shit Tristan is coming." Daxton said loudly. "Everyone get in the car. Jordi get off. You can handle it from here. I'm done." Ana said as she turned around. "He's going to call you now you know. Don't forget to pick up." Jordan said with an apologetic smile. "You're such a snitch Jordi." She said as the rest of them got in the cars and leave. "Which hand was it that he struck her with Jordi?" Tristan asked in seething anger. "That one." Without a second of hesitation he chopped the mans hand right off. A loud heart jumping scream was heard throughout the town and left alone in darkness.

Everyone followed in the medic unit as Avianna and Dylan wrapped up Dallas and Tobi's wrist up a bit. Both of them stopped in front of her with their wrist outs. "What?" She looked confused as Vincent did. The rest of the group looked confused back to her. "Are you mad at us boss?" Jax asked in an odd tone. "No. You guys have every right to defend yourselves. I'm mad at those fuck nuts." She grumbled lowly. The two still wrist out to her as she was sitting down. "You always kiss our cast and wraps though boss." Dallas said in a sad voice.

"You know you guys are almost thirty years old right?" Killian asked them with amused look on his face as Avianna just smirked still trying to hide the amusement in it. "So what? We all still her boys." Tobi pouted back. "You sure are." She said kissing the top of each wrapping for both of them. "Now all of you get out." She told them before adding. "Except you." She said as she pulled Vincent arm back a little. "I wasn't going to leave anyway." He said as he walked back wards to the fridge hidden in the back.

"Here." She heard and was surprised to see Killian with the first aide box. Taking a q-tip with some rubbing alcohol taking her face and turning it up a bit. Rubbing it against her cut she got on her face. "I'm ok enough to do this on my own. You don't have to worry." "You really need to learn to let people do things for you Vee. It's not like I'm a stranger, it's just me." Killian told her continuing his task. "You always take care of other people, yet never accept help in return. It's not healthy. If you don't pay better attention people will start to question why." Killian told her in a low voice yet Vincent still heard it.

Walking in a few minutes later the pair were laughing for a minute when he made himself known Avianna was still smiling while Killian dropped his smile into a fake one. It was weird to be so close to these two yet in this moment feel like an intruder. "You need to keep this on your face." Vincent came and put the ice pack over ethe wound. "Thank you. Killian thank you for your help but you are dismissed. I need you ripe and ready as we got more people coming in tomorrow." "You sure?" "Goodnight Reid." He only nodded to both of them and left.

"Pull up your pant leg." She told him simply. "What why?" "Do you want to take off your pants completely than or just lift the leg?" Looking surprised and blushing hard. "It's alright were all adults here don't be shy. Besides every body is beautiful in it's own way. You're a fit person you shouldn't be so shy." "I. I don't understand." He was nervous as his heart started to beat rapidly and his blushing got worse.

Getting up from her chair she stared at him narrowly. "You may have fooled everyone else this evening. But you can't fool me. I know what your feeling right now. I know what you're thinking. You were just waiting for the right chance. Who am I not to help you were close by now right?" She asked as she got down to her knees. He was gulping hard as she pushed him into a chair. He was confused and starting to sweat. Looking at her reaching up he was so nervous he couldn't even tell what it was she grabbed.

Pulling up his pant leg he become aware of the reality of what was happening. The stinging sensation started to burn immediately one his shin was exposed to air. Huge slash marks were made in a couple of places. As she took out a q-tip and started to clean the wounds. "See I told you I now know you better than you know yourself. I knew you were in pain." She told him humor in voice. "How did you know? There isn't even blood on my pants yet. "The way you walked something was off in your leg. You foot moved just well so I figured it was a little higher." Grabbing the wrap and gauze.

"I knew you wouldn't want no one to see. Afraid they would worry for you. Afraid I'll get you on light duty or take a day off. Do you realize how much you work out here. If I let you, you would probably take all week in work. You need to start taking it easy two months of back breaking work and even the occasional Saturdays. Will only hurt your body in the long. I need you Vincent. I need you out here on your best. If you start and keep hiding all your wounds and pains what would that say about me if something happens to you. It's my job to keep you guys healthy and safe. I don't want to be a failure because you got it built in your head you can't calm down." She told him making him feel a bit guilty.

"You guys are the only sense of friends and family I really I have. You have no idea how hurt I'd be if something happens to you guys that I could have prevented. I thought we was getting closer here, do you not trust me enough to work with you if you get hurt. You're the new guy it's expected no offense. At least some bleeding hands and feet from the first few weeks on the shovel. But nothing. I knew you were keeping it all hidden." She told him in a voice that made him feel remorseful.

"I do trust you. I trust you all out here. I just you know I really need the work. I'm calling the doctor tomorrow for another payment and progress check up on nǎinai. Ethan says she's getting a couple more bad days than good. I'll be glad once this surgery is done." "The stress you must feel to be away for so long must be hard. I know how difficult it's got to be when you can't see her for yourself in person. You be amazed how much weight you would feel lifted if you could." She told him only for him to nod to her.

"Her surgery is next month yes? Just after your new year the spring festival right?" "Yeah. Like just after it she goes in." "Well than it seems luck is on your side." Looking down as she finished his leg and stood up. "That's exactly when we will be done with our part here. I got some other news to share later once I got it all confirmed. But if things go the way I plan for them to and the way I think. We'll be wrapped her by than. You can actually be there to take her to her surgery." After a moment of just standing there he jumped at hugged her like a life line. "Are you sure?" "Yup." "Thank you. Thank you so much. It means so much to me." Vincent eyes were a little teary.

"I know it does. Now take better care of your self until than. Grandma Neilly going to need you at your best and so will I." "I will. I promise." "Good now hobble your ass back to bed we got to get rested up for Monday." Taking the icepack and putting it back on her face. "Let's go." She knew he would walk her as close as he could to her bunk before he went to his. Vincent normally slept pretty well with the news of being able to be home next month on an important part to his family made his heart smile. The fact that he was able to pay it all himself made him feel very proud. He knew how hard and strapped the men in his family were making it at home. The traveling into the city alone was expensive. But it was the only work they could do as only one car was around.

It was afternoon when he made the call just barely catching the doctor's office back home before it closed down. Forgetting the time differences. Thankfully Ana set an alarm in his phone to remind him. "How is everything going Dr. Lu?" "Everything is fine Wénsēntè. We have received the payments we needed on time. Just the last one in two weeks and everything will be on surgeons schedule for after the festival. She was making progress and then digressed. It comes in waves but she is no real danger. I do wish she would take it more easy but you know how Neilly is there is nothing slowing her down or telling her how to be." The doctor said making them both chuckle.

"You are a good man Wénsēntè please don't stress or worry too much she is in good hands. With such good family like yours there is no need to worry. If anything should change I will phone you immediately. Otherwise just be blessed she is so full of good karma. All that luck she received from all the good deeds she does in town. She will be fine. Rest well and keep in good health." Dr. Lu hung up leaving Vincent to feel a bit of peace.

After his shower he headed back to his bed as the rest of the guys were already starting to lay down. "You seem happy after your call. Good news?" Damien asked him. "Yeah got a lot of it this week. I am blessed." "You have luck with you that's for sure after a hard hot day like this week we going to need more of it so rub some on us for luck to bro." Ryder told him making everyone laugh and silence took over the bunk house. Looking up the top bunk Vincent finally felt a bit peace as he gave into the darkness of sleep.


Looking around the area of him it was already nice and dark the air was cooler than he was used to now. The breeze flowing freely He noticed the huge porch looking swing could fit three people laying down. Sitting down it looking up he felt finally free. When did the lake get here. Where am I?" The swing was in front of the lake. Under the stars a small bon fire a few feet away. Looking past it is when he saw her coming towards him.

Her hair lightly blowing in the wind as it was down and to her right side. A long white skirt going to past her knees flowing in the wind light as well. A white halter top to match. Black flip flops in her hand as she was walking barefoot. Stopping in front of him with that mile that made all her true beauty pop out as it always did. "Room for one more?" She asked him as he gave a side smile and one soft long nod.

"It's beautiful tonight isn't. After so long in the heat the breeze is like an ol welcomed friend." Looking out at an angle between the fire and water. "It's really peaceful here that's for sure. Wish we could stay here for a bit." He admitted to her. It was just too easy to talk to her. He has been getting closer to her day by day. There wasn't one day in the past over 70 days they didn't eat least spend an hour alone together. This was easy as breathing being around her.

"You know I got to say. I really enjoy our times together. Life is so short we really got to cherish the good ones who make are lives better." She told him with a thankful smile. "You're right. Looking back it wasn't even so much the places that we've gone but the people we have gone there with that made it more worthwhile." Leaning back on both his hands resting a little. As she pulled her legs and a angle up and leaned on one arm. Looking at him slowly. She really was gorgeous. Never being able ot see her like this he was truly drinking it all in. She was so free and opened more when it was just them. Now she looked every bit of it.

"You know I'm really glad you got my email that day and came out here. It truly feels like the family is complete the lucky 13. Well and Knoxx every now and then." They both chuckled. "I know how much you wish you was home. I know how hard you are working to get back there. I just want you to know that I am truly grateful for everything you are doing and have done. It's my life easier getting to know you. Being able to trust that everything is going to be fine. However it's also made my life harder as well." She told him looking out in the water she finally turned her head to face his eyes.

"Why? Like how? Did I do something wrong?" He was lost and confused trying to think back over every in counter they had. "Do you think it is easy for to see you everyday going about as freely without a care in the world. Laughing talking around others. Watching you work out, seeing you so determined finishing up your routine. How easy do you think it is to watch you play pick up games shirtless with that smile and sweat that glistens all over you. Do you know how frustrating is to be jealous of a simple grape or strawberry that eat just because it touches your lips and I can't." She told him looking at him full of lust and agitation.

Gulping hard he was feeling all the nerves in his body tremble a little his mind went blank, his heart beating rapidly, his pants slightly getting a little tight. What the hell is happening? Lost in his thoughts he noticed she got closer to him slowly crawling over to him in the short distance they already were until she was in front of him still on her thighs and butt sitting at more of an angle to look at him.

"I can't go on another day acting like everything is ok. When all I want to do is just lick our body up and down and spell my name in hickies on your chest. I can't go one more day without telling you how much I like Vinny. My days aren't complete until I see you or even hug you. You get me more than any one else I ever met and it's to the point where I need to see you daily. It's like a drug addict and their fix. You are an amazing person and I'm sorry if this causes you embarrassment or makes you uncomfortable. But I need to finally tell you while I mustered up the courage to say how much I like you Vinny. I want to be with you in so many ways. Do you think you can give me a chance?" She asked him looking so vulnerable he couldn't stop starring at her blushing harder and harder.

"Do you like me Vinny? Do you want to be with me?" It took him a minute as his mind went on auto pilot. "Yes. I wan that." The words surprised him as they came out of his mouth. He was more in shock at how honest they were. How after that little confession he finally felt free. The smile on her face was better than winning the lottery. He could die right here just looking at her be so happy with no regrets in his life.

Going straight to him and placing both hands on his jawline. Slowly looking into his eyes. Coming closer to him. "Tell me to stop Vinny. Tell me to stop or I'm afraid I won't be able to at all after this. There will be no going back." She told him in an effort to let him back out. Taking his hand and placing it behind her neck and pulling her in smashing his lips to hers. He felt his whole world come together the more he got lost in this moment. Their kiss full of desire, passion, need and even love.

Lowering his head to her neck sucking and caressing her as the sound of her voice drove him to the edge of insanity. "Vinny". He heard her say over in soft whispers. As she was on top of him straddling him now. As she kept repeating. "Vinny." "Vincent." "VINCENT." When her hand finally slipped down his pants to grab his harden stone member he heard his name one last time. "VINCENT!" Opening his eyes in shock to Damien yelling at him face close to his as he was moving his shoulder. Vince yelled in horror and fell off the bed.

"The hell is wrong with you man we all been calling you forever now? What kind nightmare you having over there?" Daxton asked him from the farthest away. "Based on his reaction I doubt very seriously it was a nightmare." Ryder said making the rest laugh hard as Vincent flipped him off. "Yeah like we all really haven't been there?" Dallas asked them all looking around for them to look the other way." "It always sucks to go from something so wonderful to waking up to a room full of dudes. You go from a gourmet meal to a damn sausage fest." Damien said shaking his head as they all laughed and went out the door. Vince quickly changed and chased after them while the son still hasn't risen yet they had already greeted the men Tristan sent.

"Alright guys you're on your own today I got to head out on business I'll be away for a bit I should be back Wednesday call me if you need anything." Avianna told them as they all nodded knowing what they needed to do. Not being able to meet her in her eyes he quickly looked at the ground. "Vinny you alright?" She asked as she walked by him. "Yeah I'm fine. Just tired you know. Have a safe trip." He said as he patted her on the head and walked. Killian and Avianna looking at him like he lost his mind. "He hurt his shin. Don't leave him in the heat for too long." She told him as he nodded still looking at him weird.

"Hit me up if you get lonely." Killian told her with a smile. "Of course. Gotta check in." He nodded to her as she left. Killian was almost like a second if Knoxx wasn't around. Jordan had more power but Killian was much better with the workers and go the job done. The day went by quickly as Vince was busy with the workers and making sure everything was handled. By the time he knew it, it was already six at night he opted out joining the guys in the canteen and made a sandwich for dinner as it was still a bit too hot to eat anyway and it was easy on the stomach.

Now that he had time to reflect on the events of this morning he felt so torn. What the hell was that? Looking at his phone when the text message went off. 'Hey Vinny you doing better? How's your leg. I saw the craziest looking crab and had to show you.' He received a selfie picture with her smiling next to a very angry crab holding a kitchen knife. 'Holy crap is that real?' "Yup had a business dinner and this guy came waddling out of the kitchen. Only thing I could think of is I got get a selfie with Stabby McGee there.'

'You went to a business dinner at seafood place? Are you good? Was there even anything you could eat?' 'No. It was all seafood and even the things on the side was like seafood oils on the steaks and stuff. You should have seen the directors face when I told him how I was allergic to seafood and shellfish. His face could not have dropped anymore. I think if I would have threw the a shrimp in there I could have gotten a 3pointer. LOL!' 'What are you doing now?' 'I found a chicken burger place. I MISS BEEF SO BAD SOMETIME! So I'm wolfing down a sandwich and fries. Was worried about you thought I check in.'

'I'm fine. Just a long day. We got pretty far though. Those guys must either be really good at their jobs or they are really scared of you and Tristan because they really busted ass.' "Well glad to know I'm getting my money's worth.' "Aren't they working for free?' "I said what I said.' 'Girl you a trip and a half. I swear.' 'Seriously though you alright?' 'Yeah. Are you?' 'I don't want to be here. I don't like this part of the job. I normally send Jordi but it was better if I came this time around. I'll be back soon though that's what's getting me through. LOL.'

'Well least you'll be back soon. We'll be back to a place we can have beef safely again.' 'Yeah it was nice here for the past two years though.' 'HOLD UP! You guys have been here for two years?' 'Yup. Only traveling within the country and have come from many towns along the way this is the last one. We come long way here. We'll have to come back to visit.' 'Should definitely come back to visit. In winter. When it doesn't feel like we're burning from Lucifers butt hole.' 'OMG boy you think I'm a trip. Go get some rest you got early day tomorrow it's going to be hot.' 'Alright travel safely back.'

After the conversation he felt odd she won't be back for another day. He thought the surprise distance would do him some good after his dream. Why doesn't it feel like it? What the hell is wrong with me? I'll sleep on it for a day maybe I'm getting sick or something. Shrugging it off he closed his eyes and finally fell asleep. It took a while with the tossing and turning When his tired body finally accepted sleep.

He was reading a magazine when he felt something push against him. Looking down he smiled to her. "Can I help you?" Asking her with a smirk. "The movie is depressing I need cuddles." Coming up to hug around his waist while laying on the couch. "What are you reading?" She asked him looking at the article. "Such a nerd." She laughed turning her head back to the T.V. "I'm your nerd honey."

He was quick back with amusement in his voice. "That you are." She teased playfully tickling his sides. Making him jump. Catching her hands pinning her down kissing her all over her face and than sweetly to her lips. "I'm' so tired Vinny." She whined to him pecking his lips one last time. "Here. Sleep." He said laying her out on the wide couch laying behind her spooning her from the back holding her close to him. "Just sleep babe. I got you." Breathing her hair and her sweet scent in feeling whole in the moment he feel asleep. "VINCENT!" Once again Vince rolled off the bed in shock.

"Dude you looked so happy and peaceful. Had to do it. I had the worse sleep." Eli said with a laugh. "Clowns chasing you down quicksand while your teeth keep popping out like popcorn again?" Ryder asked him. "Yeah what the hell is that about. Tell you think I need to go back to therapy." Eli shrugged as they walked out. "Naw maybe you just need to get out of the sun for a few days." Daxton responded. The guys looking each other over. "Clowns and teeth again?" Tobias asked. "Yup." Sounds about right.

Killian was a little grumpy but not by much. "What's with him he didn't sleep well either?" Vince was curious. "Naw he gets like that whenever one of the group has to leave from a sight. This isn't a safe place you know. Especially were Vee went. He'll be fine as long as she keeps texting and comes back on time. He just worries you know we all do." Andrew told him patting him on the shoulder with a small shrug. "Alright ladies Let's get to work." Jaxon told the crew in front of him.

One week. It's been literally a whole week since she left. It's Sunday she should have been back by now. Knox is getting her from the train station in the morning when she calls. She got delayed and won't be in until six in the Monday morning. She has kept in touch with everyone. There was two shoot outs near her hotel. One stabbing and three kidnappings. Vince was starting to lose his shit mentally and emotionally it took a toll on everyone. Avianna was definitely the glue and heart of this crew. She was like an angel to them. She's family, mother like, friend, boss, teacher, nurse, cook, voice of reason. She was everything. It was a very different atmosphere when here presence has been gone for while. They all hated it.

Vincent would text her the longest out of everyone there an hour every night. It just happened. He was still feeling weird and sick to his stomach the dreams didn't help or stop either. Not being able to take much more of his own insanity he found a small remote place no one could hear him and picked up the phone to call his best friend the others would probably be busy with their wives and families.

"Hey there's my favorite cousin. What the hell happened to you bro?" Ethan asked him over the video chat. "I feel like I'm climbing the walls bro." "Don't worry man like three more weeks right and you might be home after over three months. Hell it's going to be more like four months once you get here. Just breath man you'll see this handsome face in person real soon." "No man that's not it. I'm going through some things and I don't know how to process it I guess." "Well what kind of things? Are you sick?" "Maybe. I've been having some odd dreams. Well they're nice but odd. They're starting to make me feel weird." Vincent was trying and failing to make sense.

"Dude you're almost thirty it's ok if you having special happy dreams just take a shower, clean your sheets and keep it to yourself." Ethan was trying hard not to laugh." "It's not like that." "Than what's it like?" He was smirking. "OK well some might be kind of like that but I wouldn't be all worked up over something simple like that. It's the way some of the dreams make me feel. Like afterwards." "Going to need a lot more than this Vince. Are you dreaming of a girl perhaps?" He teased. "Yes." Vince didn't miss a beat. "Wow didn't think it was actually true Mr. Forever Single." "Because your successful in the love department Mr. Forever Alone?" "Hey that's not something nice to say to someone willing and trying to help you." Ethan snapped back.

"I'm sorry. I just. It's frustrating." "Ok well let's break it down why is it frustrating? Like what are you doing in the dreams that make you bug out the most?" "Nothing really just everyday stuff. Like walking down the street hand in hand or cuddled up trying food. Looking around. Some are just lazy Sundays on the couch taking a nap. Maybe some taking her dancing. Some I really can't say so openly. Then I wake up and none of it is real it's all in my head. I don't know if I'm relieved but I'm mostly just… sad. After." Vincent was saying looking at him.

Ethan has never seen him looking so tore up over anything but the lost of both their moms. It hurt him a little to see him this way. "Alright well let me ask you this. The girl in your dreams you sharing all this with. Is she someone you know? Like is it the same person every time? Does the face change, or can you never remember what she looks like?" "Does that really make a difference. "Yes it does. Look if it's a different girl every time than you just need some intimacy. Your heart and mind are lonely and just want someone to connect with. The closeness the bond with that person. You are telling yourself maybe you are ready to settle down." Ethan told him in the most loving way he could.

"That makes sense." "If it's the same girl. I don't think I should have to hold your hand through this but apparently you need someone to tell you since you won't admit it to yourself but this is you telling you that you like this woman and want more with her. So tell me honestly. Is it someone you know or is it a fake woman?" After a moment of silence he decided to be honest. "She's real. It's. It might be a little complicated." "Really? Complicated why is it your boss?" Ethan busted out laughing for Vince to quickly turn away.

"Holy shit it's your boss isn't it? Dude you got a hard n for your boss?" Ethan was shocked. "Watch your mouth." "Wow you got it bad don't you bro? Look Vincent the way you're feeling is ok man. It's not wrong or dirty or any of that crap. The only reason you're bummed out when you wake up from those dreams is because you are getting a glimpse of what could be. You are seeing what you could be having and when you wake up to see it's all not real and gone. It's like heart breaking for you. This is all a sign of you being ready for the next step with this person because you like them and want more with them." Ethan told him flatly.

"You're saying I'm like this because I like her. How do I really know I like her though." Vincent asked him. "Look I know you haven't had a good track record with girls. You got the three who cheated on you and the four who only went on a date with you to get your friends numbers. But don't dude you know when you like someone. You've been whining all week about she aint back yet also. All those bad things happening where she at got you worried and you should be. That's scary things happening around her. I'd be going nuts too." Ethan told him flatly.

"Oh shit." Ethan said as he looked up. "Dude I'm so sorry." Ethan said in shame hanging his head. "For what?" Pointing the camera to the door where both his dad and his uncle were staring with blank faces and their arms crossed. "Hēi , bàba ,shūshūnǐhǎoma?Nǐ kànqǐlái búcuò." Vince started. "Cut the crap we heard everything from start to now." His dad told him waving him off irritated. "You look like crap kiddo." His uncle said taking the phone from Ethan.

"Well gotta match how I feel right?" Vince asked giving up. "Is this how you feel?" He asked with too much meaning behind that. "I have no idea. Maybe." "You just feel this messed up because you are unsure of your feelings and you are worried about your friend." His dad told him simply. "This is ok. You need to make sure you are eating and resting. You will be no good to her if she needs help and you are not healthy." His dad added on. "Why do you feel so wound up about liking Avianna she is nice girl. She is strong woman. Independent, sweet, smart. She is beautiful what isn't there to like about her. Why you feel so sad about it?" His dad asked him confused.

"Does every body but me know I like her. Does the neighbor next door know yet?" Vince asked sarcastically. "Don't you get smart with us. Your grandma told us the first time you called and she was in the video. Which she is fifty percent of the time you call anyway." His uncle Richard added. "What if I am not sure how I feel about her what am I supposed to do?" "If you are really so unsure try to distance yourself a bit to think things through. Give yourself time to work through your emotions and everything will work themselves out. Don't ignore her or push her away just occupy yourself with somethings for a bit." His dad told him.

"Alright that makes sense. Thanks you guys. This helps. How do I act around after all those dreams I don't want things to get weird." "Just be yourself. She has no idea what your dreaming about or who your fine." His uncle told him like it was obvious. After the awkward call with his family he went to the bunk house and started thinking mentally of all the things he liked about her and tried to figure out if they were right maybe he did like her. He was lost in the thought that maybe he just wanted to be with someone and his mind was using her as the only female he has gotten close to lately. Did he have feelings for her, or did he just crave what they had with someone?" I've been alone for too long. I definitely need to stay away until I get this sorted out.

Monday came and Killian throwing his stuff around bit at seven in the morning. "The hell is your problem man?" Damien snapped at him. "Let's just get this job over with today." He was trying not to snap attitude. "What's up with you dude?" Dylan asked him handing him some water as they were all already starting to sweat having been at work since four this morning. Looking around and down at his phone reading the text. "A guy pushed his pregnant wife on the train track and it hit her. Ana's not coming until tonight. The dude shoved her and pushed right past her knocking her to the ground. She saw everything." Killian told everyone. "She told you this?" Dallas asked horrified.

"She didn't have to. All she said was she was delayed again. I got ahold of the CCTV someone posted online." Killian showed them as they stood in shock. The sadness and emptiness that came off Avianna as she got slammed back a few feet almost on to the other side of the track before she moved as the train came after that on the other side not slowing down or stopping. Walking over to the other side she took out her phone and called the police dropping to her knees other people staying far back.

Fury. Worry, Sadness. He was being overwhelmed with all these things. He just wanted to reach through that phone and hold her. What a sight to have to be seen. His heart was heavy and hurt. The guys breathing a little stronger and some shook little. "Let's just get this done. We'll see her tonight. Or we're making a trip." Dylan said firmly. All of them nodded. As they hurried along their work. The day long and hot. Emotions were high and everything stayed verbally silent.

No one has heard from her except for text that said I'm fine I'll see you in the morning I just want to rest when I get back. Making everyone cranky and pouty. Not even Knox was hearing from her because she opted for a cab in when she got here. The Lions group was having a good night when two of them were on the phone as Vincent was just standing next to the outside wall of the gym after a very sweaty workout he needed to cool down. He over heard the conversation and it was not going good.

Noah and Owen were standing listening to Lucas talk to another guy on the job sight. "Look dude I didn't know she was your wife. You should be mad at her not me." After a few minutes of yelling he was not winning the argument so he just started to provoke the man and made it worse. "I don't even know you. Trust me after we got started she didn't remember you either." The guys around him started to laugh while Vincent stared wide eyed. No this man did not. Vince was staring at them lost in thoughts.

"Look man I don't give a crap. I don't know why your woman ran around on you man. I know I aint the only one who is on her tally sheet though man. I don't know why she did it ask her." "Yeah well maybe if you were putting it down the way she needs she wouldn't be out crawling to other people I don't know man. Stop giving me shit. I'm not the one who broke any promises to you." "Alright if that's how you truly feel come over here. You wanna go we can go. I'm over by the gym." Looking at Vince who was in shock and surprise just starring at him.

"Yeah man, I'm over 6 feet. Wearing a black work out shirt and black-grey joggers. I got short black hair. Yeah come get it." He hung quickly. Vincent grabbing him by his shirt shaking him. Mad as hell he just described him. "What the hell you playing at. You're fucking blonde long curly haired, Orange shirt 5 foot seven piece of shit." Vincent snapped as all four of them heads turned when they heard a voice. "There you a sorry son of a bitch." A very tall man with five other very tall friends said running around the corner straight towards them. "Wow he is very fast." Lucas spoke to them. "Run!" Noah yelled. As they all scattered.

They all scattered as the six men split in sets and chased each of the four men who took off. Vincent was the fastest and of course lost track completely of where he was while running quickly. Just because he could hold his own ground didn't mean he wanted to fight a pist off jilted husband. Turning a corner he decided to hide out in a stall. Quietly breathing. Trying to calm his body down while he heard the door shut and foot prints as the light came on.

Trying to make himself seem smaller as he was sitting in a shower stall. Listening to the footsteps get closer until he finally popped up turning around quickly in shock to who it was. "What are you doing in here?" Looking at her. "I think Vinny the question is what are you doing here?" She asked holding a shower towel, loofa, bag of soap, shampoo, a speaker and some clothes. "Crap did I run into the women's." He was cut off by the male voices they both heard. The look on his face said it all. She quickly shoved him down in the stall to the side wall. Putting her stuff on the top of the bar. As the bar went all the way up to almost her neck.

Wrapping a towel around her and pulling down her spaghetti and bra straps down her arms quickly. "I swear I saw that little fucker come in here. HOLY SHIT!" The man yelled as they all quickly tried to look away. "What the fuck are you doing in the women shower room. Lat time I checked there were only ten woman living on this site. Did you suddenly change your sex while I was gone?" "No boss." "We're so sorry Ms. Alderman." "We were chasing a man who we saw come in here." The last one said. "Really is that the line you little perverts are going with you chased a man in here. Who was the man fucking Casper the friendly ghost do you see a man?!" She snapped.

"I'm going to check in with security and if I ever catch you on this side of the sight again your whole team is fired. DO you understand me? You have until the time I leave here to get off. I will check too." She warned them with a glare and tone that even made Vicent jump with shame and fear as they all tucked tail and ran. "FUCKING PERVERTS!" she hollered at him. Waiting a minute to hear the foot steps retreat far from the outer wall. "You can come up now." She told him still holding the towel over her shirt. Her outfit could easily hold up like a tube top and shorts wrapped with a towel over it. Yet he still felt somewhat embarrassed and shy as his face was beat red. As she did in fact look naked.

Looking down quickly until he saw the small cut on her face. He remembered how she flew across the platform floor and scratched her cheek. "Are you alright? When did you get in?" Holding her face in his hands looking it and the rest of her over for any more injuries. "I came in about thirty minutes ago. In desperate need of a shower. Can't wait to wash this week off me. What was that about?" She asked him setting up her speaker to her phone getting a playlist ready.

After a quick explanation she was laughing. "Well now you're officially one of us Lucas has done this to the whole group even me. Don't worry though by morning they will figure it out they always do. Lucas will get the hell beat out of him and duct tape to something new. Last time was upside down to the back hoe bar. My favorite was the flag pole because no one knew how they got up there to tape sideways all night. They even wrote whore on his body in glittery pink and purple paints." She was bent over laughing telling him the story.

"Are you ok though. We say the clip of the train station we were really worried." He said backing up for a moment as she realized how close they were. "I'm fine it really isn't that big of a deal for me. I mean I didn't lose my life and baby. Crazy shit happens everyday just do what you can and move on." "That's pretty vague. You say it like it's an everyday thing." "Well realistically when you think globally isn't it?" She asked him with a confused look. "Not in my immediate world but realistically I guess." Taking long exhale.

"I'm just glad your back with us." The wors just flowed right out of him not even he caught it. "Well it's nice to be back with you guys." She nodded to him. After a minute it was a little weird she started to laugh for a second. "Look Vinny. I think I need to break this down for you. I am not a shy person so in a couple minutes I am going to start the task I came in to do so unless you plan getting my back think it's time to bow out." She told him plainly tilting her head holding her towel. "OH SHIT! I'M SORRY. Ugh goodnight Ana." He said as he literally ran out of the women's shower house. "G'night Vinny she hollered back." Smiling to him as she went on to take her shower.

Walking into his bunk house and into the bed as it was late and all the guys were pretty much asleep. Laying there he was still trying to calm his heart rate down. What a damn night. Supposed to be keeping my distance from Ana and what do I do? I go diving head in first her shower stall. Real settle. Fucking Lucas. Fucking Lions always gotta be starting shit. What kind of guy can call himself a man sleeping with another mans wife. That aint a man that's a pathetic thief. The cheating woman isn't any better. She knows she is with someone and what does she do lays with someone else so easily that aint love.

So caught up in his thoughts he was reminded that no matter how good of a person he is. No matter how great he treated girls in the past. He was always cheated on. They could never say why they did it just because they could they guessed. Maybe I am just that dumb. Resting his head back feeling the lowest he has in a while. His grandmas words ringing in his ears as he drifted to sleep. 'You must treat every new relationship like you never been hurt. So you don't make your new partner suffer for crimes they never committed onto you. There will come a woman who will make it clear and be the reason why it never worked with anyone else. Keep strong. Keep the faith. She will come.'