
Let It Burn (Avianna's Story)

Vincent Cheng travels away from home to help support his family. After getting a job with a huge multibillion dollar company. Now working out in the middle of nowhere with a crew of 12 other people he learns just how big family can get whether it's by blood or heart. Working under the curious boss Avianna Alderman Vincent grows closer to her and falls for Avianna. Discovering her past secrets and heartache along the way can he be strong enough to stand with her as she goes back home to fight with all those who have done her wrong. Finally taking her place and everything that comes with it. Can she forgive those hurting her loved ones or will she finally just light the match setting their world on fire. Letting it all burn to the ground. Follow a journey with Vincent and Avianna as they learn to overcome loss, betrayal, love and family. Learning to finally live for yourself.

lilmama881106 · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 1: You're Hired

Sitting on the train with his head resting against the window eyes closed. 'We need more money.' 'Maybe there's some more jobs out there we can do on the side.' 'There's gotta be something closer around.' 'Sorry kid we got bought out boss retired and can't keep up anymore. Sorry.' 'It's ok son well figure it out.' 'The only things I really need is you to be happy with your life.' 'Don't worry cuz we'll get there.' His family voices keep ringing in his ears.

Looking down at the interview letter in his hands reading it over one last time. Checking the time he realized he would need a cab straight when he get off the train to make it on time. He only brought a backpack with a few days clothes with him just in case he failed the interview and had to return home. It was nine hours on the train to get to where he was going. Looking at his phone and the pictures to help ease the nerves that was growing with in him.

His family only contained his father, his uncle, his cousin and his grandmother now. With things being so expensive they all lived in a big home together. His grandfather bought it when his father was young. None of the people in his family went to college as they needed money and work right away. There was always someone who was sick. At first it was his grandfather who died with a brain aneurysm. His aunt went into heart failure was getting treatment and died of a random heart attack. Last was his mom. She had stage four breast and lung cancer. None of the treatments work it was a long four years. It came and went the first three years. Until it came and she went in the last one.

Now his grandmother is weak and needs surgery. Bad time for his company to go under. He really was missing his boss who treated him like a son. Taking a big sigh looking out the window again this is not where he thought he would at 28. His family moved to the United States when he was about seven or eight it gets hard to remember now sometimes. When his grandfather died his grandma wanted to go back home to China so they packed up and went back when he was about seventeen.

There wasn't much in his little village town being about thirty-forty minutes away from the next real big city. They lived on the out skirts and he loved it. He always wanted to settle down in a simple town with a simple quiet life filled with just raising kids and work. It was how he grew up and besides the lose along the way he loved the happiness that always flowed through the home. The warmth that hit you the second you walked in the door. Now he was in some dessert town trying to get work with a huge company building and putting in water lines and other major things this town needs. It is old and run down. Cartels use places like these a lot. You have to watch out for the drugs. They don't care too much for the trafficking just the weapons and drugs.

His family was worried about him coming here but the money is way too good to pass up. Plus if he does well they will be building and making things closer to his home. They have work for years. The company of Jamison Co. is a family made multibillion dollar company. They build and make things for making towns a better place to live. Also hotels, resorts, restaurants, luxury homes and other business. They were definitely the top of their game the last fifteen years. This was one of the companies people would give their left nut for just to get an interview. How could I really pass it up.

It was by random chance I got this in the first place. I was coming from another interview for a job I couldn't get because again they were starting to lay people off. This old guy on the street dropped a bunch of stuff and I stopped to help him. Got to talking to him for a bit and he gave me an email to try to apply to make sure I used his name. Turned out to be a supervisor out in the company I'm coming to. After sending in some details about my experience in construction and welding. They gave me an appointment. Got an interview letter delivered out to my house the next day with a train ticket.

Getting his things together he got off the train and started to look around and the small station is was a pop up place to either get picked up or dropped off. When he caught something that caught his eyes a sign with five name son it and his was on there. Walking up to the man reaching out his hand. "I'm Vincent Cheng." The man shook his hand starring at him. It was weird to see a man this tall he was at 6 foot easily if nor more and physically fit. He would fit in perfect most men our there was 5'8-6'3. "I'm Knox Holden. I'm the big boss's runner. I fetch and go everywhere I am needed." "How'd you score that?" Another man said coming up with a bag as well.

"I'm the only one who can speak fifteen languages. So it's easier for me to communicate with town folk around here and pretty much everywhere else we go." He chuckled. Another man came up looks to be a couple years older than him and cranky. "Than I guess you be the an to tell me where the hell we are." As the last two came up to join them. "Alright first is everyone who is on this list here? I need to see an ID." After looking them over quickly. "Can I also see your letter or show me your email on your phone." After checking through.

"Alright gentlemen I am Knox Holden call me Knox. I am here to be taking you to our on site location it's about maybe twenty minutes away. This is town the main city part. We are in Gold Creek, India and yes it's Gold Creek that's the name in every language. Believe it or not the main language spoken here is not Hindi it's Spanish and English. English so far is the biggest one. This is a dangerous place please everyone keep an eye out it is still basically dessert out here. Animals live here first they may attack if they think they are provoked other wise they mainly keep to themselves. If you fail the interview I will be bringing you back to the station right here for the next train to head you back to where you belong that is why you given a round trip ticket. Let's go car is over here." Knox told them.

It was a huge SUV. The trunk was able to hold all their bags and it fit seven of them comfortably. Traffic wasn't very much. Not lots of cars. Mainly carts and foot traffic. Vincent was enjoying looking around the old town. He never been to India let alone the dessert. If nothing else at least he got this out of it. He took some pictures of a camel and sent it to his cousin as a selfie. As they pulled up he put his phone on silent. The car stopped they all grabbed their one bag and headed over to the biggest trailer on site. This place was huge and full of pipes, tractors back hoes. It had it's own welding are that could fit about four houses in it. It was amazing to see so many people actually working in an area this big. It was like a city all on it's own. Another side was all army looking barracks. Guess they lived here too.

"Alright gentlemen Just stay out here and I'll go check to see who is getting called first. Ms. Alderman will be with you all shortly." Knox hopped up the stairs. "MS.? Did he say Ms. Alderman? We getting interviewed by a damn woman?" The cranky one from before asked. "Great." He mumbled running his hands on his face. "Well if that's the case job is sealed and signed my brothers best luck next time." Another one said the guy looked to be a model and Vincent wasn't able to find out what it is he can do. Knox came back out. "Phillip. You're up." "Let the master show you how it's down." The cocky model man from before said rubbing his hands together.

After a good five minutes the other door from the side opened up as Phillip was thrown over the railing doing a front flip over it and slammed down on the ground. An angry looking 5'3 brown mixed blonde haired tied up in a pony tail woman came out. Walking slowly down the steps. Stepping hard on top of Phillip as she went with five papers in her hand. She looked through them with her sun glasses. Anger flowing through her.

"Now gentlemen as you can see we are beyond very busy. I do not like to waste my time. So if this is as about a joke to you as it is to Phillip over there please leave. I have a lot of work being ignored right now because I'm only one man down. I run a team of 12 if we don't count Knox and I only need one more man. I don't need it to be filled by some damn pretty boy who only got a license to move equipment." "I take offense to that. Look I'm sorry for how I came off earlier but I am qualified." "No sir you are not. You barely have a license I can use to move things around with. Your hands are prettier than man which means you don't do the manual labor like trenching, hammering, dry walling hell even damn painting would have helped. You lack experience and knowledge and you clearly came her to waste my time."

Looking to Knoxx who nodded. "Phillip please make your way to the car I will be there shortly." Knox spoke to him in a tone that left no room for argument. Looking at the Grumpy man next she came up to him. "Sir you can join them." "Excuse me? I was promised an interview you should read your company policy and realize you are required to give one. You don't even know my name." He argued back. She came up and whispered in his ear where no one else could hear.

"No Arthur I don't need to give you one if I cancel your interview at least one hour ahead. Before hand and I believe the interviews were meant to start at three p.m. It's twelve. I canceled yours before I walked outside through your email and texted you. Looking at your resume and your attitude I can already tell you aren't fit for this job. Not to mention your references were the worse of the lot. Does not work well with others not only that your eyesight is failing and your blood pressure is through the roof with the climate out combined and the stressful work hours your doctor has opted you out of this one. Thank you for your time Arthur."

The man angrily stomped to the car. Looking down at the papers she stopped right in front of Vincent. "Is it Vincent or Wénsēntè?" She asked him making his eyes popped a little wide. "Its both. It's easier for people to just call me Vincent though." Scratching the back of his head. Nodding to him looking him up and down taking his hands and looking at them thoroughly. "Your hand healed great." "Excuse me?" "Four years ago your wrist got squashed in press like machine. Everything is perfect, your doctor is gifted." "How did you know that?" He asked in a bit of a stutter.

"I do a very invasive background check." Looking through the other papers. "Ok everyone but Vinny here thank you for your time but you are free to go home." The other two guys looked angry. "What?" "Why?" "Seriously?" All three men spoke at once. "He's got the most experience. He is also the only one to pass to come out clean on the drug test. Also." She pulled the other one to the side away from everyone else. "Mr. Pullman your probation officer denied you to leave the country you need to go back you have less than twelve hours leaving now you will barely make it. Safe travels." Walking back over to Vincent. "Grab things bud follow me this way."

Grabbing his bag he quickly walked up to her matching her step. "Well Mr. Cheng let me introduce myself. Reaching out her hand as they kept in an easy step. I'm Avianna Alderman. You can call me Ana or Vee." Shaking her hand as they kept in step crossing the street to the camp looking place. "Alright so this is the shower area. Well it's your shower area. Make sure you come here to the right one. It's a little tricky but you will get used to it. "There is actually bathroom with stalls in it and mirrors… ugh that way. The women's is on the other side and it's smaller." She said making sure to stop and show him.

"This is the medic unit. That over there is our mess hall. Its pretty big. Over there is a little self-made gym with some equipment. It helps relieves stress sometimes. All of these bunkers are made from special concrete that help keeps the inside about 70 degrees or so there is electricity and fans and all that jazz. No T.V but there are some tablets you can use for T.V or calls home whatever. You are on my crew so you get your own. Ah here these two bunkers belong to me. Unless I decide to branch out for more men. In this one is full of six guys. This one is now full thanks to you. After you." She said opening the doo with her card.

The door opened and the whole crew popped confetti at them both with a welcome to the family sign. Everyone full of smiles and laughter. "Knox told us you was coming." Dallas said with a huge smile. Vince looking around happily surprised covered in glitter. Looking to Avianna smirking. "Let me introduce you to the family. We have been together for years now. Adding as we go. These six are from next door. Step up boys." She said smiling to her men.

"I'm Antonio Carrillo Everyone calls me Tony." Shaking hands he moved on to the next guy. "Tobias Torres everyone calls me Tobi." "Jaxon Mathews call me Jax." "Andrew Hall. Call me Drew." "Dylan Carter. Call me what ever." "Alright man." Vincent said as they both laughed. "I'm the last one from next door Killian Reid." He said with a firm grip and a nod. "The rest of the lot are your bunk mates.

"Dallas Hicks." He said smiling to him handing him a pack of cards. "You'll need to polish up your card game it's the way of life out here." Dallas smiled. "He jokes but seriously its big around here and also town. Make sure to watch yourself. Ryder Reynolds." "Daxton Brooks. Call me Dax." "Elijah Holloway." The last guy just hugged the hell out of him. "I'm just so excited to have another Chinese guy around. I was just the lonely Asian and now I have a friend. Damien Yang." "You'll have to excuse him see most of the crew is Italian, Mexican, American just so many cultures in this little group." Killian told him with a smile.

"Go put your stuff on your bunk there's some things we still have to get done before you get settled." Ana told him. As he just nodded and went down to the end of the bottom. Damien took him down to the end. "Here you go man you're under me. The bed is a lot more comfortable than you think they are memory foam mattresses. We actually got it pretty good here. The cabinet over here is yours bro. You have shelves and stuff on one side and can hang crap on the other there is a shoe rack also. Your sheets are in there too. They the silky ones from hotels. Vee may seem like a hard ass but she loves us." He said smiling to him. Vincent smiled but his back pack on the bed and walked out.

"Come this way." He walked over to the a small bunker, she scanned her card and it opened. "What is this place?" "My room." She said holding the door opened for him. "Ugh." "Just get in." She told him pushing him inside. "It looked like half the size of his new bunker. There was a queen size mattress, and huge cabinet like he had. On the other side was a desk, a laptop, a printer, fax machine and cabinets all along the way. "Come over here we got some things to sign." He went and took a seat across her desk.

"Sorry here I normally have this set up." She took the old room dividers and put it up so it blocked her bed and stuff from line of view. "I keep a lot of things here instead of the office in the trailer. Since everyone can get into the trailer office some things need to be put away better. I hope you mind coming in here every now and then. Ok let's start with this. This is important you need to tell me immediately if you lose this. Alright swear to me." "I swear." Vincent said as he took the badge with his name and a code on the back.

"That is more than ID work badge. Everything and building you go into you need to scan the badge and it will give you access to everything you need to have access to. This helps keep any unwanted things from walking off. Here are the papers you need to sign. This is confidentiality you won't tell anyone what goes on here, or insider trading or give anyone any information. Things like that. This is who to call for emergency contacts. This is about your new medical insurance, dental, vision all that starts today. This is an agreement of your pay salary and all that jazz if we finish up some projects sometimes we get a nice bonus. If we can go three months without an accident we get a small bonus as well." She said passing him the papers making sure he knew about each one.

"Is this really what I'll be making?" Vincent was shocked. "Yeah is something wrong?" "It's just it's more than what we emailed about." "Yeah well you had more experience and licenses for back hoe and forklifts and other things so I figured you need to be paid. Don't worry it goes up every year on good evaluation." "It's just I didn't think this is the way my day was going to go. This is really amazing. Thank you for this opportunity." "Well. You're welcome." "Can I ask you something though. I mean the badge is already set up. How did you get it ready so quickly. We literally just got in here." Vincent was starting to feel confused.

"Well did you forget who invited you here? I had already had you guys all check out before you got here. I just needed to get a good look at the lot of you to make sure I was making the right decision. After getting some more feed back I am confident you will do well with us." "Well again thank you for giving me this opportunity. Is there anything specific I should know?" "Yeah it get about 110 degrees or over so make sure you stay hydrated. I provide lots of drinks so don't worry about that. You can leave to town whenever you want or need to." She told him adjusting in her seat.

"You may borrow any vehicle you would like to get to town it's just about fifteen-maybe twenty minutes away. You just need to scan your badge to get a set of keys. You must return it to the same spot they all get parked in. You are responsible for all your necessities except this week. Here is a prepaid card with more than enough to get you snacks, drinks, toilet papers, shampoo, soap, laundry soap all that stuff you will need. You will also need to call home and have them over night you more clothes. You and your bunker gets a fridge that gets stocked by you guys. And in your cabinet is a small section for the pantry. Please watch what you bring into the bunk house. Keep it clean and clean up after yourself everywhere you go."

"We have cleaners but they don't go into your bunk house no one but your bunk mates can well besides me only because I am your boss. If anything happens to you guys it won't be pretty. I'm very close to my group we've been together for a while. So I look forward to getting to know you as well. We are a bunch of sarcastic assholes most of the time. But there isn't anything anyone of them won't do for each other to make sure we all make it home. It gets very dangerous on this job just keep your ears and eyes opened. Also remember not everyone out here wants good things for you. Just because ewe all work for the same company doesn't mean the rest of them are like our group. Don't let others stir you in trouble."

"Also be aware of your surroundings there is lots of wildlife here. Lions, bobcats, and other jungle type dessert type animals stay at here ass there is a rescue center not far. We have been out here for awhile so we got to see some grow quickly from cubs. Just be careful and mindful to your surroundings. Just know that you can come to me for anything. I do mean anything. We are in this together now as a group. Part of the same crew. Go ahead and get ready we're all going in to town to welcome you properly and let you get personal things with your bunk mates."

"That sounds awesome. Thank you so much. I promise I will try hard for you guys." "I know you will. Go ahead and call home if you need to. We leave in thirty minutes just walk out to the front. Knox and Killian are driving. Knox and I will get the cars ready." Vincent left quickly and went to a secluded part to call home. Picking up the phone he was so excited he shook a little bit. He was in shock of the luck coming his way. The phone answered on the third ring.

"Hello?" "Dad, it's me." "He son. How did it go? Did you get there ok? Where are you?" "I'm actually in a small town called Gold Creek in India. It was about nine hour train ride. I got here alright. They had a car waiting for me and four other guys. They only needed one of us. It was definitely worth the trip though." "How did the interview go? It sounds like tight competition." "Yeah I thought so too. Until I met the boss out here. She's really something else. She actually threw the first guy right out the door. Like literally out the door the dude got air and everything." Vincent said laughing.

"Are you serious? Such a dangerous woman. Are you ok?" "No dad. She is actually really kind the guy honestly had it coming. I need you to do me a favor though could you pack up some of my clothes for me. Mail them to the address I am sending you through the text message when I hang up. I will transfer the money to you to send it over night." "Why do you need this?" "I got the job dad." "THAT'S GREAT! I am so happy for you. This is a good opportunity for you to grow. Ethan showed us the company you applied for." Taking a breath he continued.

"It is incredible. You should see all the really do. It is so big. If you do well you will be able to do so many incredible things. I'm just not to happy with you being so far away in dangerous town. I will have many sleepless nights." "You don't have to worry dad it's kind of like living on a base. I will video call you tomorrow and show you around and you will feel better. I have to go though they are treating me to dinner and letting me go to the store to grab some personal things. I just wanted you to send me my stuff and to do one other thing for me." "Sure kid what else you need?"

"I want you to call grandmas doctor and schedule the treatments and surgery. They gave me a $25,000 sign on bonus. I was so shocked I was shaking a little signing the paper. I will receive it by tomorrow night the bank will clear it maybe within three days. I will call and pay the hospital over the phone I just need you to get everything going." "They give you so much for just a sign on?" "No dad. I get paid in through the American dollars. When it transfers over into the bank it actually converts to 178,905.00 of our currency. After a couple months of checks ní lì nǎinai (Grandma Neilly) Should be fine." He said happily in a shaky voice.

He can hear his dad choke up a little bit. "You are a good kid son. It means a lot to the family you are doing this. Please promise me though you will take care of yourself while you are there it will not be cheap where you are. You have nothing right now." His dad was getting worried. "No dad my boss gave me a benefit card to go grab things I have more money on me right now than I did when I left. I will be fine they are treating me to a meal though I need to get back and get the guys. Send everyone my best and nǎinai my love. Call you tomorrow." He said as he hung up and trotted over to the front the guys was already waiting for him.

"There is." Dallas yelled. "Come on bro." Eli said in the passenger seat as he tapped the SUV door from the window. Running up he hopped in and shut the door. As Knox drove off Killian following behind him with Ana in the passenger seat feet out the window without a care in the world. "Hope you like meat man." Dax told him. "Yeah don't get shy when the food come out either. Especially when the Ana is picking up the tab. She always makes sure food comes for days. Always think we going to starve." Ryder told him as they all laughed.

"You guys do this a lot?" Vincent asked. "We have dinner together about three-four days a week. Sunday is what Vee call family day. It's actually really nice." Dallas told him. "What do you do?" "You mean what do we do? We all gather up and do something together maybe like play basket ball, cards. Vee gets a big projector and we have like a walk up drive in lot of people come through to be a part of it. We just spend some time being us. She gets food delivered or make it herself and we all just family style chill." Damien told him. "Does boss cook a lot out her for us?" Vincent asked being surprised.

"We do Sundays because no one can get home and home sickness kicks in bad for some of us who actually have a home worth going to. Eli added. "It's actually really sweet when we start missing home too much Ana cooks our favorite dish from home. It tastes even better than what were used to. She serves it either just for us if we having a hard day or in the canteen for all of us. You are responsible for making and getting your own meals sometimes people gather round and make big BBQ and we all just like pot luck it. Couple days we just be on our own." Ryder told him with a smile.

"That sounds really cool. I guess I won't be able to be home for awhile." Vincent said. "Yeah not here you won't bro we only get the weekend off. Well except boss lady she always doing something rare chance she'll ask for help. She never asks for anything unless she really needs it. She really do be looking out for us. We try to take care of her back. She so stubborn." Eli said as the whole car laughed at him. They pulled into a nice little place and went in. The dining area was all situated outside. It was nice. They had set everything up before hand.

As soon as they sat down food just appeared. All over the place. "Vincent just take what you want plenty is coming and more than enough to go around." Tobi told him as the rest of them were digging in. "Only one rule when you are out with the group. Make sure you nice to the staff. Ana will punish you if you be rude to the help." Dylan told him in a whisper as he sat next to him. Killian was on Ana right as they were talking and laughing deeply. Vince couldn't help but notice the way Killian looked at her. It was odd but sweet.

"Well Vincent tells us about yourself. Tonight we honor you into the family. We let you in as much as you let us in. So tell us about THE VINCENT CHENG!" Tony spoke from the middle of them. Everyone smiling to him waiting to hear what he got to say. "Alright well I'm 28 I will be 29 in about 2-3 months. I am from a small country town in China called Xintiao which actually means heartbeat in English. I spent my childhood and teenage years in the States and went back after my grandpa died. I like sports of all kinds except golf and cricket. Don't want to say that too loudly here though." He said looking around making everyone laugh.

"There's not a whole to say. I am just a simple dude." He said scratching the back of his head. "Did you go to college?" Eli asked him. "No didn't get the chance had to take care of family." Vincent said as the rest shook their head and all of them said same. "You got a wife or partner?" Tobi asked. "Nope I'm depressingly single." "Same." He heard the rest of them say. "It gets hard to be in a relationship when you work like this. It will calm down soon though. We are going to be hitting up and staying in China actually for ten years soon. So maybe that will give you guys all hope once we are done here." Ana told them with a smile. As they all cheered raising their glasses.

Knox and Killian only drinking sodas. "Oh one rule you need to remember if you are the one who took the car or are driving you are not allowed any alcohol. Like not a drop. It's in the paper work. You will not only get fired and fined you could end up in jail. So if you plan to go drinking get a D.D or a taxi." Dallas told Vincent. "D.D?" "Designated Driver." Dylan told him. You can't run any equipment either. If they think you are impaired." Ryder told him. "No drugs period on the site. Smoking is fine in certain areas but not like pot or anything. It's also in the papers." Dylan told him taking a bite. "I rarely drink and don't do any of the other stuff so I guess I'm good." Vincent said taking a bite of the wonderful food in front of them.

"Vincent tell me I am curious. I always wanted to go to the spring festival of the Chinese new year. Is it as beautiful as it looks?" Ana asked him making everyone look to him. "It is from my town. It's not big but everyone comes out and the streets are littered with kids and merchants. Food is just everywhere. Lanterns all over the place and a few of the biggest trees are covered in ribbons with secret wishes from everyone including visitors. Most of them actually come true. Some are just for fun. It's really beautiful since all flowers and trees are in bloom. You should all see it." Vincent said as Damien smiled knowing what he meant he was form a small town about an hour away from Vincent's.

Killian helped Ana with cleaning up a bit and she paid the bill. "OK you guys in bunker 2 come on let's go." Killian said as he was making sure no one forgot anything. "Everyone from bunker one we are going to the store down the street. Ol' lady Ma' is staying open for us." Knox said as they walked outside. "Everyone came and shook Vincent's hand. Ana came up and hugged him. "Welcome to the family Vincent may you have thick skin. To endure us all." She said as they all laughed. Killian opened the door for her a the other guys made sure she got in as well.

As they were shopping around Ryder and Dallas was next to him gathering the last of the things everyone else was already in the car. "Is Killian and Ana like a thing?" Vincent asked them. "He wishes." He heard Ryder laugh and mumble under his breath Vincent heard though. "No man. Every single one of us is like you said depressingly single some of us need to be since a couple of us are what Vee calls man hoes." Dallas said laughing hard Vincent joined him.

As they were turning out the lights Damien came up to him before he got in his bed making sure Vincent got settled. "Oh yeah bro almost forgot. Here you go boss lady wanted to make sure you got this you need to wear it everyday." He handed him a box. "What is it?" Looking at the thin gift box. "It's her mark. We all got one. It's how you tell us apart out here. See everyone showed them the necklaces they had. He looked down and admired the dark greyish black wolf necklace. It was beautiful.

"Yeah man only the top boss groups out here get these so there are two groups you got us wolves. Then you got Mr. Jordan Jamison they are Lions because they think they king of the jungle. Ana says we king of the forest. Not the Stags mind you but the wolf." Ryder was laughing with the rest of them. "Yeah she says wolfs are more for a pack. They better and stay loyal. Real sense of family." Dallas said with a lot of respect. Looking up listening to the silence looking down at the necklace and around the room. Everything changed in one day. Wonder what tomorrow will bring?