
Let Him Love You First

After leaving everything behind, Zoey needs to go home and face all she have left. She thought time can heal all wounds but after reuniting with her friends, she has to face her mortal nemesis as well as her ex boyfriend. Little did she know that there is a guy who is watching her from a far that will help her mend her shuttered heart. --- To: America Message: You know what? If you thought that Zoey was wrong for treating you badly, wouldn't it be better for the two of you to sit down, relax and talk? Remember that you've been friends since childhood. Reply: Earl it's easy to say but hard to do. Yes! We've been considering each other as best of friends but why did she decide to believe other people's hearsay? For their seven years of friendship, Zoey could say that America is a hard-headed person. Zoey pretended to be someone just to have a decent conversation with her. All she wanted was to know the truth. It started when one of her classmates saw both America and Michael, Zoey's boyfriend, at the mall. At first, when she heard about this, she thought that what was the deal of seeing them? What if they were buying some stuff together? She naïvely thought that it would be better than her best friend was on good terms with her boyfriend. In that way, she can help and understand them if they were fighting. But all of those thoughts disappeared in an instance when her classmate showed her a picture wherein they caught in the act of kissing and holding each other's hands while buying Cinema Tickets. She dialed America's phone number and tried to ask where she was last weekend when someone saw them together. America answered her calmly, "I was at home sleeping. Why? You knew that Mom was mad at me, and I grounded and forbad going outside last weekend, right?" After she had heard her reply, she thought that her response was like a big slap on her face; she knew that she was lying because her friend's evidence was authentic. The photo has a date on it, and it was impossible for anyone to edit or change the said photo because she used a film camera. Zoey thought of it before she called Michael and asked the same question. After Michael had answered her phone call and heard her question, his forehead instantly covered with cold sweat. Did Zoey found out about them? He tried to calm himself first before answering, "Babe I've told you that Dad was still mad at me and ordered me to stay at home and that was the reason I couldn't pick you up after your ballet lesson." Little did he know that his answer was exactly the same as what America has said to Zoey? Zoey started to have a doubt about them. After that week, Zoey found more about their illicit romance. They indeed are having an affair behind her. When most of her friends tried to convince to break it up with him, Zoey finally decided to do it. She then again called and asked him to meet her at the park near our village. When he arrived she immediately said, "Mike, let's end this." At that moment, she was already shredding her tears as she was asking him to end their relationship. Mike wanted to hold her hand but before he even had the chance to grab her left hand Zoey already stepped backward to avoid him. "Z I'm sorry. I know I'm wrong. I know I wronged you but please don't this to me. I was tempted, I seduced. I don't like nor love America. Babe, please don't say that." Who would have thought that Michael has the audacity to say that? Zoey was confused about what to believe; she didn't know if Michael was telling the truth or if it was another set of lies. But before she turned around and leaves, she took aback when she saw him kneeling and crying on the ground while asking for her forgiveness. She took them back her words.

Phannawadee · General
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153 Chs

Meet the parents (3)

"And why are you still calling us Mr. and Mrs. Alcantara? Now that you're my daughter's new love, you should start addressing us as your new mom and dad." Zander said after their short skit to the new couple.

Zoey looked at her parents with wide amusement because their acting almost carried her away. She also looked at her brother who was laughing on the other side of the table while munching his dinner.

"You knew it?" She asked her brother. Zick nods his head and chuckles as if he is saying that this kind of skits is so normal within their family and why aren't you used to it? It is true that Mr. and Mrs. Alcantara loves pranking their kids especially Zoey because of her inanimate reactions whenever they fooled and pranked her. And now, they are going to add Nickel into their list of their favorite people to prank.

"Welcome to the family, Nickel" Fatima raised her glass for a toast to their new family member. Nickel is the first guy they felt connected with. He is a fine man for them that is why they adore him so much ever since the day they first meet him.

Nickel, on the other hand, was still in shock and in the mental breakdown, he had experienced minutes after they arrived at the Alcantara residence. He thought, he already blew up his chance to be on their good side and once again be belonged into someone's family. Although he doesn't want to regret his actions of not telling her parents beforehand about his plans. But if these things are really true he will probably lose all his hair thinking of will happen to his life.

Nickel came back to reality when he sensed that Zoey tried to squeeze his hand and looked at him with her full affection. He almost forgot the mental breakdown that he had because of that stare. He timidly smiled at her and reciprocates her gesture.

The five of them raised all their glasses as a way of celebrating Nickel as a new family member of the Alcantaras.

"Son, don't be mad at us, we just want to give you a meaningful welcome ceremony as our new child. For the record, you are the first and hopefully the last man to enter our small family." Fatima said as she went behind her daughter and hugged her from behind.

"Mom, what do you mean the last man? I am about to introduce to you to my man too. It is just that Zoey came out first." Zick said while drinking his wine.

The two elders looked at him with their wide eyes and in shock from what they have heard. Now it was Zick who pulled his prank to his parents. Zoey considered this as her brother's revenge on her behalf for stressing her limits.

Zoey laughed that her brother's words, first, which made them realized that their own son had fooled them. "HAHAHAHA! Do you actually think that I, Ziccolo Ferdinand, like men? HAHAHA! What a ridiculous idea, dear parents?"

The tiny tension around Zander's neck subsides as he acknowledges his son's joke. Even though he wasn't against the LGBTQ community, he still wishes that his own son will continue their family name until the end of time.

"Don't worry, I promised to myself that Zoey will be my first and last woman in this lifetime." Nickel was holding Zoey's hand and was looking directly on her eyes as he declares his full adoration to the girl in front of him. Even her parents felt the love that was overflowing onto his words and actions. It is indeed that love is in the air.

Everyone around the table was all in love except Zick who just received an emergency call that requires him to return to the hospital. The Alcantaras were already used to Zick's profession. Although he holds his time around his hand, he still needs to be in the hospital once they summon him for emergencies.

This is one of the reasons why Zoey doesn't like to be in a service profession because "no" is not acceptable once the duty calls.

Before Zick leaves the premise, he tapped Nickel's shoulder and softly whispered in his ears the words that Nickel never ever expected to hear from a doctor like Zick. "I just want to warn you, hurt my sister and I will cut everything that can be dismembered in your body. Especially your little friend."

Why did he think that Zoey's family is a bit scary at some point?

After his short remarks, Zick cheek-kissed his sister and congratulated Zoey from her new love ventures. Zick didn't anticipate that she still has this love bone in her body after what had happened to a past relationship with Michael. He thought that she will enter the convent, one of these days, after realizing that serving God is really her call.

After dinner, the four of them went to the entertainment room. Zander and Fatima shot their questions one by one. They are trying to know their so-called new son on their first night together.

The short get-together ended when Zoey reminded her parents that they still needed to return to their home as they have their work tomorrow. Also, this day is too tiring for both of them.

Zander shortly borrowed Nickel from Zoey and said, "As I loved to have my own grandkids, I still wish you will not cross the line, son. Try not to climb on my daughter's bed. I hope I can trust you with that." Nickel instantly turned red because that is something he never thought he would say to him.

"Yes, Uncle. I promise." "I mean, yes, dad." Nickel was reminded again by Zander's glare that he should start calling him Dad and Fatima as his Mom.