
Let her out

‼️⚠️Warning: this story contains sensitive topics such as rape ,sexual assault , violence Strong language ) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! You never get used to the pain they say well that's wrong She got used to where it doesn't hurt much. A beautiful hardworking young girl going by the name of Luna Davis has been looking for a job her mother passed away and she's trying her best to move on. And she finally found it however .....

NouraAK · Teen
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 11

Luna's POV :

"Wake up ... wake up" I heard someone calling me or rather screaming.

"Wake up you sleepyhead"

That asshole .

I opened one eye to look around the room

were am I or rather, what time is it ?

"U-mmm what time is it " I said while rubbing my eyes.

"You've been sleeping for 3 hours I don't know why I let you sleep I'm so stupid , and it's 3:13 in the morning so you need to get up ASAP."

"Why.. what's wrong " I said

"Nothing's wrong it's time , someone wants to see you . You need to get change right now.!"

I stare into his deep blue eyes what's going on and who wants to see me ? So many questions going through my head

"Come on we haven't got all day " he said in a serious tone

I don't have a choice I'm so weak and I don't know if I can fight this bastard so I walk into the bathroom and changed my clothes they were so filthy I felt the need to take a quick bath first . I feel disgusting his scent is all over me , I dipped into the water whimpering slightly my bruises began to sting as the heat from the water.


I grabbed a towel and walked out of the bathroom, good he's not here

What caught my attention was that there's a box on my bed I guess he put it here while I was taking a bath. I want to throw it but I'm curious you know ( curiosity killed the cat) I approached it and open it my eyes set upon a beautiful short red dress it was just gorgeous. But it was too short for me "does he really want me to wear this ?" I whispered to myself

I don't have a choice though.

Slipping the dress onto my body I walk to the vanity I combed my hair and there  I noticed that there's a box of makeup on the bed I didn't bother to apply some

Why ? I wanted him to see what he had done to me . My cheek is still swollen I want him to see that he's a real monster , and he needs help . I slipped on the heels that accompanied with the dress I stared into the mirror one last time I look absolutely disgusting I look half naked NO NO NO , this is all wrong! I'm totally naked. I let out a sigh is this the real life ? , I wanna wake up I wish it was just a nightmare .

I was lost in thoughts when someone screamed my name .


that bastard I hate him.

He didn't even bother to knock and he walked into the room

What took you so lon——?

I  feel his gaze on me he looked up as he stopped and gasped.

I feel so uncomfortable.

Marcus's POV :

She looks ravishing in that dress

Beautiful ,stunning ,hot ,sexy ,gorgeous ,a real angel . My thoughts were running wild . As if she's asking me to fuck her but all I know is that she's nothing like those whores out there the difference is that I I took her against her will and make her look like a whore while on the other hand she's nothing but a true angel. But What caught my attention was that her eyes were sad , empty . And who's fault it is ? I snapped out of my thoughts and I grabbed her arms , I don't want to jump on her and rape her at least not now . The way she was staring at me with her beautiful brown eyes sent shivers down my spine.

"Wait " she muttered softly.

I looked at her "what now !"

"Where ...are ..you  taking ...me ? " she said.

"You will see" I said while grabbing her arm and with that we left the room.

We both reached out to the room and before we get inside I felt the need to warn her about what's going to happen.

"Listen " I grabbed her shoulders and started at her eyes she's shaking in my grip. I almost felt sorry for her.

"Listen carefully to what I'm going to say" I began.

"I want you to behave in front of him and don't challenge him I swear I won't have mercy on you and believe me Luna when I say it I——"

"You mean it " she cut me off .

"Good girl , so you get it know" I caress her soft hair .

"I guess you're ready,  now  go and don't forget what I said " she didn't even give me a glance with that she opened the door and  she vanished from my sight.


Luna's POV :

I'm here and I can't wait to leave I feel he's looking into my soul I didn't even dare to look at him I feel like I want to puke . There's only him and me .




The tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

I Can  feel his gaze on me . I shouldn't be here why this is happening to me why why why why why me ? I want to scream I want to cry but there's absolutely no tears left to cry .

My name being called took me out of my daze

"Luna .. Luna ..Luna I'm talking to you"

With a little ease , I managed to bring my face up to his eyes.

"Come here I'm not gonna eat you " he chuckled .  I Hesitate for a second but I don't have a choice I don't want him to get angry but all I know from the way he's talking to me he seems really nice not like that asshole. I approached him and I sat beside him .

I'm Adam by the way and I gotta say that you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"Tha—Thank you " I stuttered.

Swirling his whiskey around in his cup he viewed me .

"Why do you look sad ? " he said and his voice immediately sent me shivers down my spine.

Of course I'm sad why wouldn't I ? Did he really expect me to be happy Seriously what kind of questions is that . I can't wait to leave this place I have plenty of escape plans just you wait and see.

"I'm— im not sad " I stuttered again like a fool .

"Your eyes are swollen have you been crying ?" He said in a worried tone.

He get more close to me and grabbed my jaw softly forcing me to look at him

"Don't lie I don't like liars " he said softly .

"Im not lying It's just——" I mumbled

"Luna it's ok tell me anything you want I'm here you know " he said

What do you want me to say do you want me to say that I can't stand being here all alone do you want me to say that I don't like this place here and I want to leave.

Of course he will get mad if I say that.

"How old are Luna " he questioned me

"17 " I looked at him with tearful eyes he stared at me for what it feels like forever.


"Leave" he said

Wait What!

"Did I say something wron—-?"



He screamed and stood up abruptly the glass that laid in his hand was now shattered on the floor , Pulling my hands to my mouth I silently gasped looking at the mess before me his hands clenched by the side of his body glaring at me his eyes are dark now . what gotten into him ?

I take back what I said he's not nice at all .


All love ❤️

and sorry if there's any mistakes

- Anwar