
Let Fate Decide

Originally ‘Why Us?’. She vows to overcome her fear no matter what it takes. While trying to accomplish her mission, she encounters more troubles but as her personality of not giving up, she still had the results she needed. Aislin Hart, known my her friends as Ash gets raped by a stranger for a reason unknown to her. She suddenly develops a strange fear of the opposite gender and swears to find out who did that to her though she has zero clue. Whiles trying to overcome this fear, her parents transfer her to another school where her life changes forever. Who are these R3 (Ryan, Reuben and Ryder) and what do they want from her? What connection does her new friend Jennie share with Ryder? And why is Ryan strongly against that connection. Mr. Class President, Keenan and Ryan share a past but are now enemies. What led to that? Ash is interested in finding out but will that be an easy task? What happens when Ash starts getting close to Keenan and Ryan. Sparks fly and each starts developing feelings, who will Ash choose in the end? What shocking revelations is she yet to find and how will they affect her? Don’t miss out on all the cries, laughter and suspense in LET FATE DECIDE.

Patience_Adehoke · Teen
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94 Chs

Chapter 59

I tried opening the door but it was locked. I was really getting uncomfortable and scared at that moment and just hoped Ryder would appear soon to help me out.

"Ryan. Please open this door", I didn't stop calling to make them notice my presence.

"Ash please stay out of this", I finally heard Ryan's voice and it was very calm which gave me some light of hope that everything would be fine.

"Are you okay? Keenan please don't act recklessly in there", I asked Ryan before talking to Keenan to make sure he wouldn't do anything to hurt Ryan.

"I'm not in the mood to fight hun, no need to worry", Keenan finally responded.

"Ash. Just wait in the hall", Ryan said but I wasn't ready to leave both of them to be alone in the room.

"No Ryan, let me in and I promise not to get in your way. Please", I said pleadingly. I didn't know why I was getting worried or should I say I wasn't sure whether they were really not going to fight.

"Just sit quietly when you come in", Ryan advice and all I had to do was to respond like a good girl. The door was opened and I rashes inside to find them staring at each other. I wondered what they were talking about before I came in.

"So what have you guys been talking about?", curiosity got the best out of me.

"You are supposed to be quiet ", Keenan reminded and all I could do was to shoot him a killer look but that didn't move him.

"Ryan can you explain to me what you meant by you don't want to undergo the surgery?", Keenan finally asked Ryan as if he was his big brother.

"That's my own decision and I don't need to give explanations to anyone", Ryan retorted. I wanted to speak but I was afraid they might push me out of the room so I had to remain quiet.

"Don't give me that bullshit as a reply, do you think the world revolves around you and that if you die we ain't going to continue leaving our lives?", Keenan was at the verge of loosing his patience.

"I never said so and besides, why do you care anyways? Are we friends or what?", Ryan was trying to make his points clear to Keenan.

"I can't watch my enemy die so what we are doesn't matter, what matters is your life ", Ryan spoke back. I never knew they were both good at words because whenever they met they spoke less and then action followed. It was the first time I saw them speaking so much.

"And since when did you start caring about my life?", Ryan wasn't ready to lose to Keenan. He started coughing after his last statement making me worry more. His condition was getting worse as each day passed by and anything could happen at any time.

"Are you okay?", Keenan and I asked simultaneously.

"I'm fine, just leave me alone", he said and sat on his bed not expecting any comment from us.


"Let's just leave", Keenan cut me off before I could utter any more words.

We left Ryan in his room and got out just to meet Ryder and Jennie in the hall also making their way to Ryan's room.

"What's up? Did they fight again?", Ryder asked when we approached each other.

"No fight this time around but Ryan wants to be left alone", I told him as I let my body fall in the comfortable fluffy sofa.

"Is it really okay to leave him alone?", Jennie jumped in after being quite for sometime.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'd just stay here in case there's an emergency ", I said not wanting to leave Ryan's side.

"I'd stay with you", Keenan added.

"Huh?", Ryder asked surprised at what Keenan just said.

"Then I'd stay too", Jennie said ignoring Ryder's comment.

"That leaves me no choice e than to stay here with you guys ", Ryder finally added. We sat comfortably in the hall as if we were invited meanwhile, we invited ourselves and invaded someone's privacy. We weren't sure Ryan even knew we were still in his house.

"What the heck is going on here?", Ryan asked when he came out of his room to see us sitting in the hall.

"Having some fun", I responded since everyone suddenly became mute.

"What? Do you know this is invasion of…."

"Privacy?", we all chorused with the exception of Keenan since he was finding it hard to speak to Ryan.

"Gosh", Ryan uttered feeling stressed out.

"It's better you come and join us than to stay in there all alone", I tried to invite him over.

"How did you even know my house?", he finally asked. I turned to look at Ryder while he averted his gaze to his phone.

"No need to answer that, I already know it", he said and dragged his feet to sit beside me.

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