
Let Fate Decide

Originally ‘Why Us?’. She vows to overcome her fear no matter what it takes. While trying to accomplish her mission, she encounters more troubles but as her personality of not giving up, she still had the results she needed. Aislin Hart, known my her friends as Ash gets raped by a stranger for a reason unknown to her. She suddenly develops a strange fear of the opposite gender and swears to find out who did that to her though she has zero clue. Whiles trying to overcome this fear, her parents transfer her to another school where her life changes forever. Who are these R3 (Ryan, Reuben and Ryder) and what do they want from her? What connection does her new friend Jennie share with Ryder? And why is Ryan strongly against that connection. Mr. Class President, Keenan and Ryan share a past but are now enemies. What led to that? Ash is interested in finding out but will that be an easy task? What happens when Ash starts getting close to Keenan and Ryan. Sparks fly and each starts developing feelings, who will Ash choose in the end? What shocking revelations is she yet to find and how will they affect her? Don’t miss out on all the cries, laughter and suspense in LET FATE DECIDE.

Patience_Adehoke · Teen
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94 Chs

Chapter 37

Keenan reminded that the study group will be starting so we must make it a point to be ready for it. I drove out of the compound with Jennie straight to her house. I told her I wanted to meet her mum but she was reluctant for a while before allowing me to meet her. She had a very beautiful mother who was happy to see her close from school. They had a beautiful relationship just like mine but the only difference was that, they weren't really wealthy. After a while of having a conversation with Mrs Brooke, we sped off to my place so we wouldn't be late. Ana had gotten everything ready for as I asked her to. She even over exaggerated and added some decorations to the hall.

"Ana please can you take away those decorations, we are not here to have a party", I said to her and headed straight to my room with Jennie following behind. I dropped my bag on the floor and went to the washroom.

"Why did you drop your bag like that?", I heard Jennie asking behind me.

"I don't know , maybe because I feel exhausted ", I said before coming out. I took my uniform off and jumped lazily on the bed. Something was on my mind but I couldn't figure out what it was.

"Why did you behave like that towards madam Ana?", she asked again sitting on my bed.

"Do you want to be a detective in future?", the question that came from my mouth shocked myself. I knew I was being rude but I didn't know the reason behind it.

"Sorry for asking", she said and walked out of the room and I became alone. I lied on the bed for a while till the story Jennie told me about Juan struck me in the head. I finally knew why I was being like that. Juan is also a victim of rape just like me so it saddened my heart but I had to put myself together so that I wouldn't loose anyone closer to me. I took my bath and wore my big hoodie with some shorts before heading downstairs.

When I got there, I heard Jennie and Ana chit chatting and laughing beautifully. I felt sorry for my behavior earlier so I decided to apologize to them when I got to the kitchen .

" Ash dear, dinner is almost ready", Ana said when she saw me standing by the door. She never gets angry at me even when I'm rude to her but it seemed Jennie had a problem with me.

"Okay Ana… Urhm I wanted to say sorry for earlier, I really don't know what's wrong with me", I said to her as tears threatened to form in my eyes.

"Princess, I'm fine as long as you are also fine ", she said and I ran into her arms . "I'm sorry Jennie ", I said to her when I was out of Ana's embrace. She looked at me with some sort of scary eyes as if she wanted to eat me up before relaxing her look.

"Come here", she called me with opened arms and I went to hug her.

We set the table together and sat in the hall waiting for the Keenan and Ryder to arrive so we could eat together. We wanted to watch a movie while waiting for them but we never came to an agreement on the type of movie to watch. I wanted to watch cartoons, Jennie wanted to watch romance and Ana wanted to watch horror. We continued fighting over the control till the door bell rang. The only people we were expecting was Keenan and Ryder so I went to open the door to find both of them leaning on each side of the door. I asked them to come in and they followed behind.

The study group is now about to be active, what do you expect to happen during this period?

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