
Let Fate Decide

Originally ‘Why Us?’. She vows to overcome her fear no matter what it takes. While trying to accomplish her mission, she encounters more troubles but as her personality of not giving up, she still had the results she needed. Aislin Hart, known my her friends as Ash gets raped by a stranger for a reason unknown to her. She suddenly develops a strange fear of the opposite gender and swears to find out who did that to her though she has zero clue. Whiles trying to overcome this fear, her parents transfer her to another school where her life changes forever. Who are these R3 (Ryan, Reuben and Ryder) and what do they want from her? What connection does her new friend Jennie share with Ryder? And why is Ryan strongly against that connection. Mr. Class President, Keenan and Ryan share a past but are now enemies. What led to that? Ash is interested in finding out but will that be an easy task? What happens when Ash starts getting close to Keenan and Ryan. Sparks fly and each starts developing feelings, who will Ash choose in the end? What shocking revelations is she yet to find and how will they affect her? Don’t miss out on all the cries, laughter and suspense in LET FATE DECIDE.

Patience_Adehoke · Teen
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94 Chs

Chapter 14

I got hurt because Keenan yelled at me and also I felt guilty for being the cause of him being called by the principal. I took my bag and ran out of the class without looking back or knowing where I was heading to. I ran through the long corridor with my tears filled eyes that I couldn't see what was ahead of me. I bumped into someone who had a familiar scent on and fell.

"After all you have caused you still want to do more?",he asked. I raised my head just to be met with two pairs of the eyes which I realized they belonged to Reuben and Ryder. I tried getting up on my own but I was pushed back to the floor.

"Ryan has to go on suspension because of you and you are here trying to cause more troubles", Reuben said rudely.

"I did nothing, I was only trying to….."

"Aislin", I heard Jennie calling from behind. She tried to help me get up when she got closer to me but she was pushed away from me by Reuben.

"Do you wanna join her?", he asked disgustingly.

"Reuben please leave Jennie out of this, she's done nothing ", Ryder pleaded on her behalf. I realized Ryder was the softest among them but he tried to be hard.

"Ain't they friends? she must help her friend pay for what she has caused ", Reuben replied.

"But she warned her and you are aware of it, just leave them and let's go away", he said and pulled Reuben away. Jennie helped me up after they had left. I watched the guys as they walked away and I noticed Ryder kept looking behind him wearing a sympathetic face. Jennie helped me dust myself after the the guys had disappeared and I made my way to washroom to dress my tear stained face. I made Jennie leave me alone in the washroom.

While I was there , I heard some people talking outside but I couldn't clearly hear their words. Before I could realize, I was standing by the door eavesdropping and could clearly hear those familiar voices.

"You know you can't fall in live with her ", I heard the first person speak authoritatively.

"I know, I don't feel anything towards her I just think it's the right thing do", I heard the second speaker but that was Ryder's voice, I clearly heard it meaning the first person could be Reuben.

"You don't understand anything that is happening to you boy, you are developing feeling for her", Reuben continued.

"That's not possible and you know…",

"It better not be or else you are going to regret it", he cut him off and heard their footsteps fading away.

'Who could they possibly be talking about', I thought after they had left. I hurriedly took my bag and returned to class for my last lesson.

I quietly walked to my seat when I realized the lecturer was not yet in, I sat down and took my book to read while waiting for the lecturer.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier", I heard Keenan speak. I turned and just gave him a nod and turned my attention back to my book. We waited patiently for the lecturer but he never showed up.

From time to time, I saw Reuben scolding Ryder when he focused his gaze on something I couldn't figure out.

It was finally time for us to go back to our noble homes. I didn't want to have another encounter with the R3 or let me say R2 guys since one them is on suspension so I hurriedly pulled Jennie along and left the class. I drove out of campus but didn't head straight home, we stopped by McDonald's to get some burger. Jennie said she wasn't used to going out of her home so I promised we were going to hangout some more another time. I took her number to get in touch with her before dropping her off.

Ash is being blamed for being the reason why Ryan got suspended, what do you say about that? Comment and let me know

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