
witchy books

Tim who was watching Joyce on his laptop did not understand why the screen went dark. Nobody was surposed to hack into his laptop. He had clearly seen Jackson enter the building and he had seen him approach Joyce. He had listened to the part of the conversation where Jackson said he had killed red . He hoped that it was recorded.

Since he could not see what was happening in the factory, he decided to play tricks on Jackson. He sent some photos to the media showing Joyce in the factory, where she was chained and some fake blood was smeared on her wrists.

Joyce pitiful face drew much attention after Tim sent them to a pseudo account they had created. It was the same account they had used to spread rumours of Jackson being involved in her mother's death. Nobody cared who the owner of the page was. The netizens tagged the police departments urging them to rescue the unknown girl. There were some photos leaving clues to the location where Joyce was being held. Those nearby decided to go by themselves while some volunteered to use their cars to take rescures there. Ofcourse the media was not left behind.

They wanted to cover the return of the ghost factory.

A helicopter landed in the factory's compound but the almighty Jackson was not bothered by its noise. He believed it was from his men. Little did he know that his helicopter was bombed and there was no survivors.

Slowly but cautiously the police entered the building, followed by the allowed media reporters . The place was dusty and cobwebs were everywhere but that did not distract their focus. They followed the sounds or rather the maniacal laugh. Yes and some whimper were also originating from the same direction. The building was huge but they managed to check each corner and it was fruitless.

"Recheck and try to check any hidden passage" one officer ordered. They all reorganized themselves and some more officers were brought. The inspector was present at the site and he was double sure that he did not ask for any backup. Who are you? Who sent you here? The new group was dressed just like them but there was something off. They weren't police officers. Relax Mr Kales. We are here to help. A femanine voice replied. If you really want to help why do you have masks on? One officer asked? Can I have a word with your boss? It was more of a command than a question which Mr kales obliged. After two minutes, Mr kales was back with the

"Lady officer" . My group will check from the right. The reporters can divided to follow each group, we don't want any mishape. She gave another order that was followed unquestionly.

After several rounds the new group found a book shelf.

Book 1... origin of witches

Book 2 ..The ancient witches

Book 3... Turned witches

Although they wanted to go through the books, they had no time and the reporters were capturing everything since the event was live on all media platforms.