
Let's play the perfect villainess role

A girl named Nora suddenly founds a weird book with a weird title. She felt as if that book was telling her future when she read it. The next day she got a message from her most hated person in the entire world, who offered her to join his big international company. She agrees for his offer. But day she entered the company's building that was her last day in this life. She dies in that building, the moment she opens up her eyes she was in another world. A world she never thought could be real. And she was sleeping beside a man in the bed at that time she opened her eyes. Note: I'll be posting this on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/446496/fictions

Shreya_Shri · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

◇The poisonous gas

Hoping like a bunny Mona steps inside Nora's office. She explains about the future plans of the company as well as some old statics which were always helpful.She also showed her some holograms of some buildings.

''As you can see in yhis hologram how much secure the building is. If someone tries to enter without entry pass from behind that person will be burnt into ashes.'' Mona explains.

''It's good to know that atleast the security is flexible.'' Nora stated.

And with this the time passed quickly and the Moon stole it's place.

''It's already 10:56 p.m., I must have worked up a lot.'' Nora said while stretching her hands to relax herself.

[Beeemm! Beeemm! Beeemm!]

''Wait isn't this firealarm?'' Nora said as she hears the loud sound of the firealarm and footsteps running downstairs...

Nora quickly rushes towards the exit door but she found it locked.

''What the deck! Why in this world the door is locked! Who could've been possibly done this?'' Nora says.

''I wonder who dared to lock me up. Was it Jiangh or Riley.'' Nora said as she finds the way out.

''Wait.. the window.'' Nora says to herself in her mind.

Nora goes towards the window trying to open it but she couldn't. As she struggles to open the window she notices a black cloud coming from the door.

''Wait this isn't smoke, it's poisonous gas which slowly melts down every thing!'' Said Nora while panicking...

''Good havens what do I do now?'' Nora said as she covered her nose and mouth with her plane white handkerchief.

Slowly the gas takes it place in the whole room whereas Nora struggles to find the exit.

''Everyone is here I guess.'' The police officer said as the rescuers rescued others in the building.

Jiangh's meeting was just overed. Seeing all people coming out of the building he rushed towards Riley. He grabs her both shoulders with his big hands and asks,''Secretary Riley where is Nora?''

Hearing that Riley looked a bit dissatisfied, she said,''Senior manager Nora is still inside the building.''

Riley desperately watched Jiangh as he rushed inside the building to get Nora out of there.

Jiangh clicked his earphone while running which quickly generated a safety mask for him, so he doesn't inhales the poisonous gas.

As he rushed towards Nora's room a big piece of building falls on him which he was able to avoid just by 0.1 centimeter.

He finally reaches the room where Nora is and knocked on the door so hard but he doesn't gets any reply.

Jiangh gets anxious as he gets no reply to his knock.

''Is it Jiangh. Did he came to rescue me. But why? Wasn't he was the one who locked this door? Why Jiangh? Why?'' Nora thought to herself as her body started feeling heavy to her.

Nora felt like as if the whole world was falling apart. Her vision slowly gets blurry. She couldn't feel her legs and ends losing her balance.

''Nora are you there?'' Said Jiangh. He still doesn't gets any reply.

Jiangh removes his square shaped-ring upper part which reveals up to be a obsidian spike. He used his ring to cut through the door.

''Nora.'' Jiangh said as if a lover has finally found his loved once.

Jiangh gently grabs Nora's body and lifts her up in his arms. As he was about to leave the building with her a big piece of building falls infront of him blocking the doorway.

''Thud!!'' The noise of big block of the building was so loud to almost make him deaf.

Jiangh clicked his earphone, and called one of his agents and said,''Can anyone come and help me I am trapped inside the building, on floor no. 7, in senior manager's office.''

Jiangh's mask oxygen started to drain. He didn't have much time left. The poisonous gas would soon suffocate Jiangh too...

But Jiangh still didn't lost his hope. He was still trying to contact his agents.

''Can anyone hear me. It's me Jiangh Kin.'' He said as the gas suffocated him with it's poison.

Everything soon started to get blurry. The strength of Jiangh's arms was drained but he still kept holding onto Nora.

Jiangh glanced at Nora as if she was the oxygen. He leaned closer to her face. Putting his hand behind her head. Both bodies heads touched each other. And Jiangh said...

''I never imagined that we would die in the same room Nora.'' He said with a smile of satisfaction and sorrow too....

Maybe he was confused but he knew what he was doing....


''Why is everything black. So dark so colorless why?''

''Uhhh what is this pain in my all body why can't I move but still feel it?''

''What the duck.'' She said to herself in her mind while gazing at a man who was helding a book in his hands, with all her eyes widened up.

''Oh, so you are finally awake lady Timeer.'' The man said with a smirk as closed the book.

The man had blonde hair, and irises which looked like rubies. He was sitting beside her without his clothes on his body.

She gazed at him for a long time. And then she suddenly realized that she was only wearing a robe while lying on the bed beside that man.

''What the deck, his look like bananas and why in the world he is looking at me like that.'' She thought to herself. She used up all her brain cells to find the answers of her questions but couldn't....

''I am sorry lady Timeer. Whatever happened was not good and I am willing to co....'' The man gets interrupted with his last lines cause of a loud knock on the door.

''Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!''

And with the last knock the door opened up as it's lock get breaker up.

''How could you do this to me?!!'' The man who breaked through the door shouted all loud saying that while gritting his teeth.

# Small cookies 0.5 #

* Nora originally belongs from the year 3030 *

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That banana man will come to your house.

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