
Let's play the perfect villainess role

A girl named Nora suddenly founds a weird book with a weird title. She felt as if that book was telling her future when she read it. The next day she got a message from her most hated person in the entire world, who offered her to join his big international company. She agrees for his offer. But day she entered the company's building that was her last day in this life. She dies in that building, the moment she opens up her eyes she was in another world. A world she never thought could be real. And she was sleeping beside a man in the bed at that time she opened her eyes. Note: I'll be posting this on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/446496/fictions

Shreya_Shri · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

◇Juncked Book

Hearing that from Jiangh's mouth now was making Nora even more frustrated.

She was about throw the phone out of the window but.....

''Nora please don't throw your out of the window because of me.'' Jiangh says to Nora.

Nora listens that from Jiangh with all her eyes wide open and ears opened.

''It's always have been so easy for you right Jiangh? Playing and manipulating others feelings just for fun, am I right? You have always been like this right?'' Nora says that with her eyes wide opened and scratching her nails on the wall.

''It's not like that Nora.....'' Jiangh tries to convince her but Nora intervenes...

''Shut up!'' Nora says that in a loud voice, venting out all her anger.

'Hah... Jiangh listen I called you for only getting some information about my post, not to hear my life's melody drama from your damn mouth, understood!'' She punches the window beside her as she says that...

''Miss please refrain from damaging yourself!'' Elyzabeth jumps and tears her aprin to stop blood from coming out of Nora's hands.

Nora was bleeding badly but she didn't even blinked while breaking the glass of the window with her bare hands.

''Nora are you okay?'' Jiangh says in a worry for her.

''Jiangh!, if you want me to proceed further then you may stop your melody drama from now on Mr. Jiangh Kin the CEO of JK company.'' Nora says this with a serious tone.

Seeing Nora bleeding so much Elyzabeth shivers. She wraps her apprin tightly around Nora's right hand. Her hands trembles as she wrapped the apprin cloth around Nora's hand...

With that Elyzabeth calls out for the guards in the mansion to call the doctor,''Guards! Miss Nora needs help! Come here fast please!''

''Fine! Tell me what do you want to know. I will tell you everything about your post.'' Jiangh grabs his head from his hands as he says that.

''Tell me when should I come to join in the company?'' Says Nora as she gets her hand treated from the doctor.

''You can come from Monday, next week.'' Said Jiangh

''Fine then meet you next week's Monday, Sir.'' Nora replied to that

''Nora...''Jiangh was about to say something but..... Nora cancels the phone call.

''Elyzabeth bring me some warm water to drink.'' Nora orders to Elyzabeth.

''Yes Miss!'' Elyzabeth replies and hurries to get the drink..

Nora Vaynerchuk was an orphan who lived in the small streets. But her life suddenly transmuted dramatically when she met Jiangh Kin....

Nora was about six years old when she met Jiangh. It was a normal day for her. When she just finished stealing a bread from a stranger but abruptly she hears a loud voice of child for a moment saying,''Help!''

It was pure silence after that. Nora couldn't control herself so, she ended up going in the direction from where she heard that voice.

She ends reaching a desolated place. A place which covered by walls of bricks from three side, of whose fourth side was leading to a place where all type of garbage from the city is thrown.

She steps closer to that place and takes a peek...

''Please let me go.'' Says a small boy with dark burnette, of whose nose was bleeding and his face looked all swollen.

''How can we?, we will get a huge profit from you parents for you afterall.'' Says a bald guy with ear piercings, wearing a hunter green shirt and a cadet blue jeans.

The bald guy also had his partner with him who wearing a red jacket and black pant. Both of them had guns in their pockets and chains with them.Those two kept threatening the little boy

Nora couldn't bear to see this cruel scene so she gathers some of her courage and grabs a bat leaning against the walls.

She decides to throw a rock first to distract the two. As she thought the two of them gets distracted a bit.

With that, Nora takes a deep breath a says with all her energy,'Who dares to touch my son!''.

''I'll kill those ducking baskets!''

''Get you hands off him you freaky baskets!''

With Nora charges her bat to beat up those baskets.

Hearing such a loud voice the guy wearing red shirt goes towards it. He goes there but didn't saw someone there.

As he was about to go back a big bat bat hitted his head,''Bang!'' It sounds like that.

The guy turned behind to see who dared to do this to him but before he could see that someone, his eyes were gouged out by sharp, long, poisonous nails of a little girl.

''Aaahhhh!'' The red shirt guy screams in pain.

Hearing this the bald guy also goes towards the place from where the screaming was coming from. But.....

Before he could see someone his head gets shot by a bullet passing through his eyes.

It was Nora. He sees her with her right eye for the last time of his life. A little girl who was holding his friends gun in his hands.

''Huff...huff...huff...'' Nora's hands trembles and her breathing becomes heavy.

She rushes towards the boy without wasting anytime more.

''Don't come near me!'' The boy shouts seeing Nora coming towards him.

''Oh you're afraid of this gun? Fine then..'' Nora throws the gun away in her hands with that

''You're like a Junked Book literally. How can someone be afraid by just a gun?''Nora stated with a soft smile

''Ummmm..... .Don't be afraid I am here to help.'' She reaches her hand out for the boy while saying that.

''You will help me?'' The boy asks uneasily.

''Of course!''Nora says that with feeling proud to save the little boy.

''Oh then...'' With saying that the boy took the girl hand shyly.

''By the what's your name?'' Nora says that while leading his way out the packed place while holding his hands tightly, so he doesn't gets lost...

''My name is Jiangh Kin, you can call me JK.'' Little Jiangh said as he stared at those rough little hands who were holding his hands tightly.

''But I will call you JB or Juncked Book okaie.'' Nora stated.

''But would you call me that?'' Jiangh asks him while heightening his head a bit..

''That's because your name's short form is JK but when I first saw you I coincidentally called you JB means Juncked Book which somehow matched your name heh.'' Nora laughed while she explained that.....

''Hello! It's me Nora. Do you by chance have lost your son Miss named Jiangh Kin.'' Nora says that to a lady in telephone booth.

Little Jiangh Kin was quietly sitting there since he didn't knew how to use telephones. He was also gazing at Nora too...

''Yes he is with at the telephone booth I'll wait for you here at Nogally street.'' Said Nora with a cheerful smile.

''Hey Junked Book!'' Nora says with lovely smile to him.

But Jiangh was lost into Nora's simple beauty he was just gazing at her with his deep ocean eyes.

''Juncked Book!'' Nora says with a loud scream this time.

''Huh... yes?'' Says Jiangh

''Your parents said they coming for you right now. Ain't you happy?'' Nora says to him with lovely cheerful smile while holding his hand.

'''Yes I am.'' Jiangh says with a calm voice. He notices Nora's hands on his hand and blushes.

The night was cold so Nora rubs her palms together to generate heat. She then touches Jiangh's cheeks with her warm hands to warm up his face.

At first Jiangh retreats her touch but he soon puts his head into Nora's little hands like a cute puppy.

# Small cookies 0.3 #

*Jiangh has two different eye colors in his both, eyes right one is arctic blue whereas the left one is royal blue*

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