
Chapter 10

Every kiss from his warm, soft lips felt scrumptious and made me want to give him more. He pushed me against the wall with one hand while stroking my face with the other and giving me a deeper kiss. I had never been touched by a man, but I wanted this man to keep touching me. As he kissed me harder, I felt my body tremble, and I liked the sensation. His hands ran over my boobs and started squeezing them so hard. As my garments tumbled to the ground, he pressed his lips to my chest and kissed each of my boobs individually. Damn, I've never felt anything that delicious in my entire life. I heard him whisper, "Oh my Princess, you are so beautiful," as his hands moved to my thighs and tightened their grip on my buttocks.

I muttered back, "I didn't start desiring you today, I always want you," and he grinned.

He asked me with a serious look in his eyes, "Are you ready? Do you really want this princess?" I innocently remarked, "I've never done this before," remembering that I was still a virgin.

He paused and asked, "You mean you're a virgin?," his face flushed with surprise. I nodded in agreement. He moved away while stooping to pick my clothes from the ground. "You ought to put these back on".

I inquired, "Why did you stop?"

""I don't want to take this away from you," he said, looking at his wristwatch, "but I really need to go now, and I might not be back for a while." There is enough food in the refrigerator ", he said as he exited the room and the house, making sure to lock the door as usual.

Jealousy and rage Welled up inside me again as I imagined him meeting his girlfriend. What made him stop? , Did he not want me? , Perhaps I wasn't as beautiful or appealing as she was, I reasoned.

I blushed as I remembered how he touched me. "I'll make him want me," I said, determinedly smiling.

Sofia wore a blue strapless gown that revealed her figure eight. She sighed as Henry approached the back of her black SUV. Her driver got out to open the door for him as he entered and sat next to her.

"Hey babe," she said as she kissed him on the right cheek. "What took you so long, it's nine already," she wondered.

"I'm sorry, baby, I was busy with a few things and didn't notice I had run out of time," he apologized, and she smiled back before saying it was fine and instructing the driver to begin moving the car.

She recalled how she'd met this wonderful young man. On a Sunday morning, she had been prowling around Mary's parents' apartment in quest of information because she had a gut feeling she would undoubtedly discover something there. Before parking her car in front of the house's gate, Sofia checked the area to see if the police or anyone else was nearby. She then put on her dark sunglasses and peered through the window.

She decided to go home after about two hours of waiting since she was exhausted. A young, attractive Man emerged from the house as she was about to start her automobile. She decided to follow him, driving slowly behind him, as he rapidly left without seeming to notice her presence. "Hello, would you like a ride?" she asked as she drove slowly by his side. Henry thanked her and got into her car, where they began talking. Sofia had a strong suspicion that he knew something about Mary's whereabouts, and she was willing to go to any length to obtain it from him.

"My name is Sofia," she said as she took off her sunglasses.

"Nice to meet you, Sofia," Henry smiled back, "I'm Henry."

"An amazing name for an amazing young man," she said again, smiling.

"So, Henry, do you live there?" she inquired, pointing to the house she had seen him walk out of.

"No, I don't," he said after a brief pause, adding, "but a friend of mine used to live there." "So, where is this friend of yours now? Did he go on vacation?" she inquired. Henry desperately wanted to avoid the conversation because he knew he couldn't trust anyone, Mary was in danger, and he needed to protect her at all costs. Fortunately, they were driving by a restaurant at the time.

"You can drop me here, I'd like to get a meal from the restaurant," he said, and she immediately obeyed, pulling over to the side of the road. She stopped Henry as he was about to get out of the car.

"Can I get your contact, you know we could hang out often?" she asked, pulling out her phone to dial the numbers as Henry called them out.

Henry was surprised to receive a call from Sofia that day asking him to see her at noon. He declined her offer to pick him up at his home since he didn't want her or anybody else to find out where he was hiding with Mary.

At first, he felt horrible for leaving her home alone and prayed that nothing bad would happen. He assured her he needed to go for a few items before leaving the house, adding, "She'll be OK as long as she's locked up in here."

He learned it was her apartment when he arrived at the address Sofia had sent him, and he was shocked to see her step outside wearing a very short skirt and her huge cleavages popped out from under a top that covered only her nipples, and he couldn't help but stare. She smiled as she hugged him tightly.

"Thank you for coming over, Henry."

"This is a really bad idea," he thought to himself as he trailed behind her. Her apartment was small and lovely, with three cushions neatly arranged in the white living room. She took his seat and went to the dining room, returning with a tray containing two glass mugs and a bottle of wine. As they drank, they talked about movies, sports, and politics, which Henry found interesting and he conclude she was really interested

"Do you have a woman in your life?", she asked filling her glass with wine.

"Well, I have a mother and a sister, so I think that's a yes," Henry chuckled, and she laughed with him before turning serious.

"Wait, do you have a girlfriend?"

"No, I don't," he stated flatly.

"Yes," she said right away.

"What?" he asked, perplexed.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend," she laughed, and Henry laughed along with her. He reasoned that she must be extremely drunk. She grabbed him and pulled him close for a kiss, rubbing her hands on his chest and rough kissing his neck as she pressed her body against him. She moaned as she took his hand in hers and pressed it against her cleavage.

"Don't you want me? Don't you want this body?" she asked quietly.

"Stop, Sofia, you're drunk." he said as he pulled away.

"No I'm not drunk Henry, I want you", she said as she took off her top leaving Henry stare at her bare boobs with his mouth wide open. He immediately stood up to leave and she stopped him.

"Okay fine, I'll stop", she spoke with tears forming in her eyes as she put on her top back. "But I don't want you to go, can you please stay a little", He sat back down on the couch while she pleaded. Henry didn't realize she was crying for approximately thirty minutes because the room was quiet. He turned to her and put a hand on her shoulder, thinking he had hurt her.

"Hey, did I say something wrongy?" he enquired.

"Henry, I apologize for the behavior I displayed. She sobbed once more as she turned to face him and said, "You know, I've been going through an emotional crisis. All I need is a friend Henry, but it looks like you don't want me." ".

He gave her a hug and added, "No Sofia, I'm here for you okay. She should feel better, he thought.

After crying for an hour, she eventually fell asleep before Henry left.