
Let's play Baseball

star Baseball player for his high school Alex died be for his time and was offed another chance at life

JD_William_Grant · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Ch 13 Chris-senpai

Alex was with Chris-senpai Throwing pitches in the ball pen. As Alex was warming up hi ask Chris if he could throw a new type of pitch that he learned.

Alex- Chris-senpai I have been playing around with a type of pitch and I was wondering if I could throw it to you and give me feedback. That ok with you.

Chris- That is ok. What type of pitch is it Alex.

Alex- The pitch is called Low spinning ball. It is supposed to spin about 3 or 5 times before it gets to the batter and because the low number of spin's the ball dip's down under the bat of the batter.

Chris- That sounds interesting. Ok give it a go.

Alex- Thank you.

Alex got in his pitching motion and pitched some Low spinning balls to Chris. The more Alex pitched the more the number of time the ball spin's went down before getting to the batter's box. As Alex was pitching he notices that Chris is paying a lot of attention to his right shoulder and wondered if he was ok.

Chris- That is a good ball Alex. If you can get the control up it could be a lethal weapon in a game. I'm going to call it quits foe to day. I will see you tomorrow.

Alex- Yes. Thank you Chris-senpai. See you tomorrow.

After Chris left Alex went off to find Miss Rei to see if Chris is ok or if his shoulder is injured. He went in to the room that she is normally in and went in and see Miyuki holding Sawamura by his shoulders, back against the wall and yelling at him and saying that he wont catch his pitches anymore and walks out. Miss Rei watches as he walks out and see Alex at the door and ask's.

Miss Rei- What do you need Alex.

Alex- Huh, aa, yes. Its about Chris-senpai. Is his shoulder ok. He seemed a bit uncomfortable at practice when I was pitching to him.

Miss Rei- Sigh. You noticed did you. Sawamura come with me, you can come to Alex and you will have the answer to your question.

Alex followed Miss Rei and Sawamura to her car and got in. Alex took the front set and Sawamura in the back. On the way Miss Rei was talking to Sawamura about how Miyuki's anger was justified and how he looks up to him as a catcher and then how he injured his shoulder and hid it and kept playing. As she was talking they pull up to a training center. They got out of the car and walked up to the door Alex and Sawamura herd some one talking.

???- Once more. Ten more signal handed dumbbell raisings. Don't hurry. Take it slow.

We opened the door and see Chris doing excesses for is shoulder. Miss Rei kept talking about how he keeps hope that as long as there is a small chance that he came play again then he will keep doing it. As Miss Rei was talking Sawamura ran in and said.

Sawamura- Tell me why. Why didn't you say anything even after being maligned by a first year like me. Damn it. What that make me a big idiot.

Sawamura kept asking Chris to teach him to play baseball and to train him as he kneels down on the floor and smacks his forehead on the floor and it starts. bleeding.

???- What is this. Who is this crazy guy. Don't tell me he is one of your teammates from the team. No, don't tell me you went back to the baseball team back at school. I had forbidden you before the high school preliminaries. If your shoulders are injured again your life as a player will be wasted. Brat don't approach my son again. If you what to understand baseball, please finish reading this entire book first.

Sawamura- I am not going to read this piece of crap book. Don't bother me. I am Talking to Chris-senpai now

Alex- What idiot's. Chris-senpai are you still able to catch my pitches.

Chris- Yes I can. But why are you here.

Alex- Well, when we were in the ball pen I noticed that you looked unconfutable and you kept on looking at your shoulder and rolling it so when you left I went to find Miss Rei and ask her if she new anything and well stuff happened and mow we are here. Well I will see you tomorrow and we will see if I can get that pitch up to scratch.

Chris- See you tomorrow but take the idiot with you.

Alex- Aww. I thought I would leave him with you and go out we Miss Rei for some dinner.

Miss Rei- What was that Alex. Get that idiot in the car now. We are going back.

Alex- Ok, ok. No need to get angry it will ruin your pretty looks you know.

Miss Rei- ALEX. CAR. NOW.

Alex laughed and dragged Sawamura and went to the car to go back. On the way back Alex kept hitting on Miss Rei and when they got back he went to his room and went to sleep.