
the heartbreak

i was disturbed and in a great dilemma i made up my mind to personally meet up with martin and plead with him to forgive me for my rude words .

"shanie? shanie? are you okay ?" i heard greg call out my name .i was lost in deep thoughts ." yea erh kev...sorry yes greg? i collected myself .

" you called me kevin? lol who is kevin? greg barked .

" im sorry ,kevin is my sister's boyfriend " i lied .

" and why are you lost in deep thoughts ?" greg continued to ask .

"would you please stop asking me questions for christ sake !" i retorted

" it's okay let's get back to school it's about to rain .

all the way from the botanic garden we maintained silence .

i was afraid greg was losing the interest to lure me into his box .

as we approached my room .i gathered up the courage to say " thank you for today it was amazing .you're an amazing guy ."

"thanks too , uhh you said you're spending tonight with me right ? in my room ?"he asked curiously

i thought oh my word, i forgot and quickly said ." uh about that ..."

"nah it's cool .you got better things to do ." greg walked away .i couldn't help it but to scream.," i feel like im going to get my periods today !!" that's when greg just threw a middle finger at me and walked even faster ,three girls passing by laughed at me i really felt stupid for that .why would you do that shanie ? stupid stupid stupid .

yes i felt bad for lying to greg just so that's i can go meet kevin overnight .

the evening cold wind swipped smoothly across the frontyard of our hostels.

the golden sunrays were no longer visible.

the clear sky was quickly covered by thick dark clouds.

the small crickets started to chrip maybe to signal and welcome the slowly dying day.

from tree to tree, birds flew to their respective nests to avoid being caught out in the dark.

the cool evening breeze numbed my skin as i boringly stared at campus students go about in the dark.

i loved him so much. (yes i know you're wondering okay how did we get here well .im still thinking about what i did .)

though at that moment i acted with pride so he can up his sicks to finally win my heart, afteroll that's the law of nature.

i decided to i dash into my room and within no time i had taken a shower and dressed in my red short with a sleeveless light blouse

the numbing cold stimulated my nipples to stand erect and thorned my blouse alarmingly.

i took my phone and dialled kevin's number ready to inform him i was going to his room.

unexpectedly he wasnt picking my calls.

I tirelessly tried several times with no response in return.

i angrily lowered myself on my bed and dropped my phone just besides my pillow.

I felt bad as to why kevin couldnt just recieve my call and even yell at me!

i grabbed my pillow hugged it tightly and slowly drifted to sleep , because that is all i could do .