
the heartbreak

he was a nice guy and took me like a surprise .i hugged and kissed my pillow fantasizing it was him and slowly drifted to sleep . several hours later , around 4am i was up .my thoughts were flooded with my encounter w greg .

his well built body w nice lips made me to crave for his touch and kiss .

i took my phone to text him but a thought of being portrayed as a cheap woman crossed my mind .

within no time he wrote me a text that read .

" hey shan ,i don't wish to start by saying i love you this will sound as the obvious hormonal disturbance in men .i know you're awake and thinking about me lmao i think .from the way you spoke to me over the phone last night showed a woman to be interested and maybe inlove ? to be honest you're a sweet and amazing person * ye i have been stalking you .* anyway uhm you'll hear from me in the morning "

i constantly smiled as i read through his text .the good thing greg was being inlove .

i didn't reply his text and drifted back to sleep again full of anticipation.

morning came ,hours turned into minutes and finally the agreed time to meet was here .i dashed out the bathroom with a white towel covering my body and a black stockings wrapped around my head .(yes yes idk where my doek is ,funny .)

within no time i was dressed in my pink short dressed that hugged me and emphasised my big and well curved figure .my ass was slightly exposed stimulating the hungry men to salivate .

i looked gorgeous and presentable i guess .

i confidently walked out of my room toward the meeting area .

" wow! look at you damn .you so smart and i love the dress ." greg complimented me as he wrapped his arms around me. my firm boobs pressed hard on his muscled chest .

i felt the security i yearned for in his arms .

there after we walked towards the botanic garden exchange a few words ,made jokes and bursted into laughter .we chose a nice green place where we sat like two people already inlove .

i sat between his legs,with his hands wrapped around my tummy just below my boobs.

i loved this position for it gave him a better view of my brown boobs that stuck out from the dress i had.

i leaned on his chest resting my hands on his arms that belted my tummy.

"the first day i bumped into you was like a dream, i never knew it would come to this, " he broke the silence. he smiled, exposing his white teeth as his lips separated. i looked at him very funny .

"come to what greg? you said it yourself you were stalking me ." i poised, rolling my eyes around the green garden.

"you mean, you dont feel me the way i do??" greg asked .

"thats so fast, we just met yesterday, and you say you love me? what are you taking me for? i know you men like to decieve us by lying to us that you are in love," i chested.

this prompted him to unwrapp his hands.

he stood up and crouched infront of me.

"shanie, look at my eyes, ju...jus..just look,do i look like i can lie to you? do i? have been single since i came here, and now i got you, a woman my heart has fallen for,a woman who has changed my thinking and you brand me a cheat?" greg lamented as he shook his head in disbelief. i was like is he crazy ? he does know how men are right?

but deep inside my heart i loved him soo much, i also wanted to admitt and declare my love for him. but i feared he would brand me cheap and take advantange of my vulnerability.

he was a sweet and a kind man, a heart of many women!

"yea, you men are always a cheat, you guys come into our lives, slowly we give you every part of our hearts ,flesh and mind then you deattach from us after achieving your mission ,you leave us shattered and broken ...please greg."

" it's okay but why can't you give me a chance to prove my love look i agree it's easy for any man to just say i love you but proving it is hard if you give me your heart * clears throats* uhm it's safe it's really safe sweetheart trust me " he continued to prove his worthy and that made me to even fall in love with him even much deeper deep down my soul i felt greg was the guy for me. okay wait a quick flashback ( remember i said the school i used to go to dating was a "crime ." so the feeling im feeling now was just out of this world .but i didn't want to give in that fast .)