
the heartbreak

i remember vividly it was after my friday evening lecture when i bumped into Greg by then it was my first year studying at UP University .

having gone through a strict high school ,where dating was a crime i managed to be a single lady up to the time i got into university .i was so slow to fall inlove w the so called campus guys for the fear of being used and my heart shattered .

this feeling was short-lived the moment i met greg at the common upper mess . as i lined up to buy my supper ,greg accidentally knocked my plate of fries and burger down as he handed his order via the same window i took my food from. having no cash to order another meal i threw weird eyes at greg .

"im so sorry ma'am, i didn't mean to."

" it's okay ,bye ." i coldly interrupted him and walked through the door raving w anger . few minutes of walking out of the exit door i heard someone call me ," hey ! hey ! excuse me madam?"

i quickly turned just to find that it was greg .

" im sorry ,im greg."he introduced himself , flashing a cold smile .

", it's okay , im shanie ,first year,", i responded ." well take this please ." he said handing me fried rice beef stew . in my mind i was like wtf ? this is not what i wanted i wanted fries .i shook my head a little then back to reality i turned down his offer until he insisted ." thanks " i worded shyly .

"by the way it's almost 7pm can we meet tomorrow at 2pm give me your digits please ?" he requested burying his hands in his pockets .

" sure take my numbers. " i gave out my 10 digits and i rushed off to feast on the free meal .

i quickly walked to my room to fill my stomach with the fried rice and beef.

i sat comfortably on my bed and kept on glancing at my phone waiting to hear from greg as i ate the rice. all of a sudden i asked myself why i wanted to hear from him .

several hours passed and yet he didnt call me. i felt sad and decided to fall asleep.

as i drifted to sleep, a new number came through my phone and immediately i thought it was greg.

"hey, shanie?" he greeted clearing his throat there after.

"hi? who is this please?" i asked curiously. my heart sunk with dispair when i learnt it wasnt greg.

"it's kevin ,can i talk to you tommorow please?" i heard him plead over the phone.

"Its 10pm, i cant, further more my boyfriend is around, i told you im dating, how many times should i tell you? please i have no time for you!" i lied as i pulled the bed covers over me and disconnectd the call.

kevin was a fellow first year biochemist student who constantly wooed me into love.

my heart was hard on him. his constant calls and texts bored me alot!

just then, my phone vibrated again and this time it was a new number again.

"uhm h..hey shanie?" he greeted.

"hey Greg, i was waiting for your call,you know" a minute later i thought you did not just say that . stupid shanie .

"wow uhm okay are u asleep?" he asked.

"yea, i was almost turning to dreamland.

"mmh, well so are you still going to meet me?" he asked and kept silent immediately.

"of course, i will. tell me where and at what time should we meet greg?" i happily answered.

"ok, we are going to meet at the chemistry complex and go for a walk and talk is that okay w you ?" he explained to me w his feel voice settling sweetly in my ears .

" sure, thanks uhm enjoy your night. " i hung up. it was only a day since i bumped into greg and yet my soul and body and mind trusted him .there was something about him .