
Let's Modernize the Cultivation World

In "Let's Modernize the Cultivation World," meet Jar, an engineer from the modern world with a knack for bad but hilariously funny attitudes. His life takes an unexpected turn when a hammer, of all things, ends his existence prematurely. But death is only the beginning for Jar, as he is transmigrated into a martial arts world bearing his own name. Jar's arrival in this mystical realm is anything but smooth. He soon discovers that his entire family has been wiped out in a brutal robbery, leaving him with nothing but a colossal, empty mansion and a handful of quirky individuals indebted to his family. Enter Jo, the faithful servant; Jake, the lovable blacksmith; and Jung, the fiercely loyal guard. As Jar grumbles and curses his newfound predicament, he stumbles upon a remarkable power – a unique system only he can perceive. With this system, Jar can acquire items from his previous modern world using karma points, which he earns by performing good deeds. What could possibly go wrong when a man with Jar's irreverent wit and offbeat sensibilities gets his hands on such a system in a world of martial arts? Set against the backdrop of the Murim world, "Let's Modernize the Cultivation World" is a comedy-filled adventure that follows Jar's hilarious attempts to navigate his new reality, all while trying to make sense of karma, martial arts, and the zany characters who join him on his journey. Get ready for a wild ride as Jar strives to bring some modern sensibilities to a world that desperately needs a dose of his unique humor.

Jhon_8387 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

A Helping Hand and a Glock 19

Days turned into weeks, and Jar's integration into the Murim world continued. His DIY skills had not only transformed the mansion but had also earned him the respect of those who remained loyal to his family. However, life in this world was not all laughter and renovation; it had its share of challenges.

One morning, Jar received news that sent a pang of worry through him. Jung, the fiercely loyal guard, had sustained injuries to his legs during a recent skirmish with a group of bandits. His injuries were severe, and he was unable to fulfill his duty, which weighed heavily on his sense of honor.

Jar knew he couldn't sit idly by. His modern knowledge told him that there were advanced medical treatments that could heal Jung, but he didn't yet have enough karma points to access them. So, he decided to do what he could with the resources at hand.

With determination in his eyes, Jar set to work crafting a splint for Jung's injured legs, using materials he had found around the mansion. It was a makeshift solution, but it would at least provide some support and relief for Jung.

As he carefully wrapped the splint around Jung's legs, Jar couldn't help but think about the progress he had made in this world. From a clumsy arrival to a resourceful builder, he had come a long way.

After he finished, he stepped back to admire his handiwork. "There you go, Jung. It's not much, but it should help you get back on your feet, quite literally."

Jung, his face a mixture of gratitude and determination, nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Master Jar. Your kindness means more than words can express."

Just as Jar's good deed was acknowledged, he heard that familiar "ding" in his mind. He couldn't believe his eyes when he checked the karma points system. He had received a whopping 100 karma points for his act of compassion.

A sly grin spread across Jar's face. "Well, well, looks like the universe is starting to recognize my contributions. Time to cash in."

Jar accessed the system and scrolled through the items. Among the options, he found something that piqued his interest—a Glock 19 pistol, a relic from his previous life. He had always been fascinated by firearms, and this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

With a thought, the pistol materialized in his hand. He examined it with a mix of excitement and caution. "Now, this could come in handy in a world like this."

As Jar continued to navigate the complexities of the Murim world, he couldn't help but wonder how his new acquisition might change the dynamics of the challenges he faced. One thing was for sure—his journey was becoming increasingly unpredictable and filled with surprises, and he was ready to face it head-on, armed with both his newfound skills and a Glock 19 pistol from the modern world.