
Let's Imagine a Female Knight from Another World

After an untimely death, Momoko Miwa is transported to Euphoria's troubled lands by the Goddess of Sorcery. She embraces the opportunity despite her fantasy misconceptions when tasked with defeating the ominous Evil King. Placed in Phoenia, a powerful nation under magical scrutiny, Momoko grapples with unfolding magical secrets, tested alliances, and shattered mentalities. Will she rise as a formidable Holy Knight or succumb to the overwhelming challenges of her new surroundings? Want to support me directly? https://www.patreon.com/wintertimecrime Check out Callixtus (a VRMMO similar to Let's Imagine) on Royal Road, ScribbleHub, and, for the earliest chapters, my Patreon!

WinterTimeCrime · Fantasy
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234 Chs

Let's Imagine: Keep your friends close...

Goma stands up and looks into the sky. Her yellow pupils gleaming in the sun as she turns to the blue-haired woman with a wide smile.

"… Papa said if I let others feel pain, I won't hurt as bad anymore."

The woman backed away with a concerned expression. "What are you talking about you—"

A red liquid starts to secrete from the corner of the maiden's eyes. Her screams resonate through the entire street as her head starts to deform and flatten like a deflated basketball. Her eyes then widen with her pupils becoming shallow, she starts to fall backward and descends to the ground.

A man with a red tuxedo and orange hair bends down with his hands outreached. "Lady Flora, I'll catch you!"


The man, along with the surrounding men and women are coated in streams of stringed intestines along with pieces of meat and buckets of blood streaming down the pavement. 

"AIIEEEE!" A woman screams as the crowd starts to disperse in a frenzy.