
Let's Imagine a Female Knight from Another World

After an untimely death, Momoko Miwa is transported to Euphoria's troubled lands by the Goddess of Sorcery. She embraces the opportunity despite her fantasy misconceptions when tasked with defeating the ominous Evil King. Placed in Phoenia, a powerful nation under magical scrutiny, Momoko grapples with unfolding magical secrets, tested alliances, and shattered mentalities. Will she rise as a formidable Holy Knight or succumb to the overwhelming challenges of her new surroundings? Want to support me directly? https://www.patreon.com/wintertimecrime Check out Callixtus (a VRMMO similar to Let's Imagine) on Royal Road, ScribbleHub, and, for the earliest chapters, my Patreon!

WinterTimeCrime · Fantasy
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234 Chs

Let's Imagine: Beautiful Despair!

The sky above casted dazzling sun rays on the townspeople of Phoenia gathering around the Royal District where several concessions stands offered sweet treats and meat sticks. Despite the nobles' usual stern appearance, they all laughed and smiled behind their large blue and gold fans with the men wearing colorful tuxedos with wide capes while the maidens wore illustrious rainbow gowns.

"Mmm!~ I've never ever tasted something so good!" A girl with red skin and long white locks exclaims with a palm on her cheeks.

A girl wearing black armor with a few strands of her pink hair poking from her helmet takes a bite out of a fluffy cake coated in white chocolate and sprinkles on a stick. She smiles upon the pastry entering her mouth enveloping her tastebuds and looks over to another girl, a bit taller than her with orange hair wearing a blue frilly dress.