
The Husband that Appeared Out of the Blue

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ji Chen spared a glance at Lu Yifei as if he had found his reaction amusing.

However, Lu Yifei was no idiot. Upon realizing that he had overreacted a moment ago, he immediately lowered his head and stepped back.

When he raised his head and looked at Ji Chen, Yifei noticed that Ji Chen was perfectly fine. As a result, he sighed a breath of relief.

"Xiaonian, did you forget your birthday again?"

Ji Chen pushed out a huge cake and brought it before Ji Xiaonian. Following that, he then plucked out the crown that was on top of the cake and placed it on the little girl's head.

Ji Xiaonian smiled so brilliantly that her face flushed red. She then exclaimed, "I really thought you were sick, you know? Who knew that you were just pulling my leg?"

She was touched at the sight of the six-layered cake before her.

'Hah, having an elder brother's the best! Even if I forget my birthday or the fact that I lost my parents when I was young, I still have my Big Bro by my side.'

After all, what more could she ask for when she had such a concerned, loving, and protective elder brother?

"Sigh, you're truly hopeless. To think that you would even forget your own birthday. Now, hurry up and blow out the candles to make a wish!"

Ji Chen sighed as he patted Ji Xiaonian's head and motioned her forward.

Ji Xiaonian pouted mischievously.

She was just about to blow out the candles when suddenly, she thought of something. She turned towards Ji Chen and in a curious tone, asked, "Brother, where's Brother Yan? Also, where's Uncle and Aunty? Aren't they going to celebrate my birthday with me?"

Bai Yan had always attended Ji Xiaonian's birthday celebrations together with his parents. However, all three of them were absent this time, and it had soured Ji Xiaonian's mood.

Especially since Bai Yan was missing.

'There's no way that he would be missing. It's my birthday, after all. He should remember it. So, why isn't he here?'

Upon recalling Bai Yan's trip to England and the way Bai Yan had spoken to him, Ji Chen felt that he should prepare a counseling session for the little girl.

After a moment of silence, Ji Chen then spoke the truth, "The company has been facing some issues lately, and as a result, Bai Yan had gone off on a business trip to England yesterday. As for Uncle and Aunty… Well, since they're about to have a new family member soon, I figured that they'll be busy, so I didn't want to bother them. Now, hurry up, blow out the candles, and make a wish. Your brother has a surprise for you after this."


'Bai Yan is on a business trip?'

'Why now, of all times?'

'Could it be? Did he forget about my birthday?'

'Hehe, that might be the case. After all, I had forgotten about my own birthday, so it's unreasonable for me to expect others to remember!'

'As for Uncle and Aunty…'

Ji Xiaonian was well aware that Fang Miaoling would move into the Bai Residence during the weekend. As such, she was convinced that Uncle and Aunty would be busy accommodating their new daughter.

She smiled bitterly in an attempt to mask the deep sadness that she was feeling. "Alright, I'll make my wish then."

"Go for it," Ji Chen answered.

Ji Xiaonian brought her hands together and closed her eyes. As she stood before the massive cake, Ji Xiaonian made her first-ever birthday wish in the nineteen years of her existence.

No one knew what her wish was, but a forlorn expression appeared on her face when she opened her eyes. Coincidentally, no one had noticed it as Ji Xiaonian bent over when she blew out the candles.

Once the candles were out, Ji Xiaonian returned to an upright posture, and the lights within the living room turned on. 

Ji Xiaonian playfully asked Ji Chen, "So, where's the surprise, brother? Didn't you say that you would give me a surprise once I blow the candles?"

In truth, the wish Ji Xiaonian had made earlier was for her to meet the Prince Charming that she was destined for, or in other words, the man who was constantly in her thoughts, by the end of the night.

She refused to believe that he had gone off to England.

'I know he's here! I bet he's trying to give me a surprise, and he's currently hiding.'

Ji Xiaonian could not wait to take off and look around the house for him.

Ji Chen grinned and pointed to the stairs behind Ji Xiaonian.

It was the staircase that led to the second floor, and it was one that was attached to the wall. When Ji Xiaonian turned to look behind her…

All she saw was a pair of slender legs making its way down the stairs.

Ji Xiaonian looked up even higher. At first, she saw the man's thighs, then his abdomen, and then the gift that he carried before his chest, and then…

The moment Ji Xiaonian saw the man's face, not only was she not surprised, she had even been shocked silly.

She flinched for a moment before exclaiming, "Why's it you?!"

The man who walked down the stairs was carrying a huge present in his arms. With a smile that was reminiscent of a spring breeze, he began to approach Ji Xiaonian.

After making his way in front of her, he then looked down at her, and with a brilliant smile, he exclaimed, "What a surprise, right? I was surprised as well! I can't believe the little girl from back then has already grown into such a beautiful lady."

With that, Yu Shengjie bent over and intimately blew Ji Xiaonian a huff of air with a smile on his face.

Ji Xiaonian was stunned. She subconsciously took a step back, and with widened eyes, she looked towards Ji Chen with disbelief. "Brother, w-w-who is he? Why is he in my house?"

'Dammit, isn't this punk the b*stard who forced a kiss on me in the canteen?'

'Why is he in my house?'

The moment Ji Xiaonian spotted him, her jaw had almost dropped onto the ground.

Ji Chen made his way over, and while patting Ji Xiaonian's shoulder, he introduced Yu Shengjie. "Lil Shengjie here is your cousin. You've met him before when we went to Australia for a holiday. Don't tell me you've forgotten about him?"

Before she managed to respond, Yu Shengjie winked at Ji Xiaonian and cried out with a sad look on his face. "It seems that my fiancée doesn't remember her future husband anymore. Sigh, I can't believe she's already forgotten. It truly is a painful sight to behold."

Ji Xiaonian widened her eyes in shock.

'This… This b*stard that looks better than a woman, who kissed me in front of so many people… He's actually…'

'My far-away cousin?'

After being reminded by her brother, Ji Xiaonian suddenly recalled the time where she had lived in Australia when she was around five years old.

Back then, Ji Xiaonian had indeed possessed an open personality.

'I can't believe that guy. It's one thing to be beautiful when you're young, but why's he still so stunning even after all these years?'

Back then, due to how pretty Yu Shengjie looked, Ji Xiaonian had always treated him as a girl. As a result, she had even made noise and begged for him to sleep with her.

She remembered Yu Shengjie telling her, "I'll only sleep with my wife. You're not even my wife, so why should I sleep with you?"

Ji Xiaonian was only five years old back then. As such, how could she have known? Moreover, since she had assumed Yu Shengjie to be a female, she had immediately promised to be his wife.

Indeed, it was only after Ji Xiaonian had promised to be his wife that the two had finally slept together.

At this point in her recollection, Ji Xiaonian finally snapped back to reality. She glared daggers at the devilishly handsome b*stard before her and retorted, "Although y-you might be my relative, don't you dare think that I'll forgive you for bullying me in school!"

Upon recalling how he had kissed her in front of so many people, Ji Xiaonian fumed.

Her kiss had belonged to Bai Yan and Bai Yan only. How could any Tom, Dick, or Harry steal it from her?

Yu Shengjie feigned a look of innocence. "Since when did I bully you? Oh, are you talking about that kiss? Well, that's pretty normal, right? Is it wrong for me to kiss my wife? Plus, didn't you steal a kiss from me when we were young too?"