
The Contents Within the Disk

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ji Xiaonian kept close tabs on Bai Yan during her ride to school.

Disappointingly, Bai Yan had not shown any noticeable reaction and was acting as per usual. He retained his stone-cold demeanor and had not spoken a single word to her. Worse still, Bai Yan was seemingly unfazed by the events of the previous night, as there was no trace of awkwardness to be found in his expression.

As such, she thought, 'I bet he's only treating me this coldly because he isn't bothered by the incident!'

However, she had at least managed to verify a certain fact during her excursion. Bai Yan had gotten a hard-on last night. As such, would it not mean that …'He isn't gay?'

As long as Bai Yan was not gay, Ji Xiaonian could rest easy.

Upon realizing that the school was just around the corner, she hurriedly stated, "Brother Yan, you can drop me off here."

The Bai and Ji Families were extremely close, and they were both large families that were extremely influential in the upper echelon of society. Moreover, they were both true-to-the-word rich people. In spite of this, Ji Xiaonian did not wish for any of the other students to see her hitching a ride to school with Professor Bai.

After all, she had no intention of letting others know about her close ties to Bai Yan. Should that happen, she would no longer be able to mingle with the other students.

On another note, there was something we forgot to mention regarding Bai Yan. Not only was Bai Yan the CEO of a major corporation, but he was also a substitute lecturer that was hired by Ning University. As such, Ji Xiaonian's decision to be dropped off a distance away from school was not without reason.

Respecting Ji Xiaonian's decision, Bai Yan stopped his car by the sidewalk. Once he had ensured that Ji Xiaonian got off the car, he left for Ning University's campus without uttering a single word.

As the man's vehicle faded off into the distance, Ji Xiaonian lowered her head in dejection, a bitter sensation plagued her heart.

'What kind of person are you? Would it kill you to say a few words?'

In the end, all she could do was bitterly walk alone to Ning University.

For the next few classes until noon, Ji Xiaonian's heart was elsewhere. She seemed to be in a sad mood, and whenever she was not slouched over the table and spinning her pen, she would hold her head while mindlessly flipping through her books.

Ji Xiaonian's desk neighbor noticed this poor mood of hers and decided to cheer her up. "Someone broke your heart?"

Upon hearing those words, Ji Xiaonian rapidly turned around and shouted, "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

'I've never even been in a relationship. How could I be heartbroken?'

"Tsk tsk tsk. Are you still trying to pretend? Just look at how depressed you are! It's as if your soul has been separated from your body. Go on, lay it on me. Tell me who you're interested in and your big sis here will do the rest for you."

Ji Xiaonian's deskmate, Han Le, was an exceptionally open girl. Since she first entered Ning University, she had already gone through five different boyfriends.

Suddenly, an idea struck Ji Xiaonian. While clinging onto Han Le, Ji Xiaonian quietly whispered, "Say, will a woman get styes1 if they see a guy's manhood?"

Seeing it was one thing, but ever since the previous night, Ji Xiaonian's thoughts were constantly lingered on Bai Yan's manhood.

It was to such an extent that even when she grabbed her pen, she would think about his manhood.

She personally felt that she would lose her mind if the situation persisted any further.

"Whose manhood did you see? Hurry up and tell your big sis, Ji Xiaonian. C'mon, which man showed you their manhood?"

Upon hearing the question, Han Le immediately sparked with excitement and had begun hounding Ji Xiaonian.

Ji Xiaonian's face turned red and hurriedly lowered her head to avert Han Le's gaze. "Just answer my question. Will a woman get styes?"

"Hahaha, they will."

After laughing out loud, Han Le continued in a serious tone, "However, a word of advice, Ji Xiaonian, it's one thing if you peeped and saw it, but if the man purposely showed it to you, trust your big sis's words, that man is no ordinary pervert. Instead, he's a pervert among perverts, and you'd best stay away from him."



'Bai Yan's a pervert?'

Ji Xiaonian shuddered as she thought, 'That's not possible, right?!'

After all, she could vaguely remember herself pulling Bai Yan's towel off.

Sensing the overwhelming innocence from the girl beside her, Han Le pulled out a disk from her textbook and handed it to Xiaonian. "Take this. Watch it properly. Once you've seen it enough times, you'll understand what to do naturally."

Ji Xiaonian took the disk, and upon a quick inspection, she realized that the disk had no images nor words on it. Ji Xiaonian then stared at Han Le curiously and asked, "What's this?"

"Why do you care? Just go back home and watch it very closely. Learn well from it, and I assure you, you'll reap a ton of benefits. Alright, the class is finally over, and I have a movie date with my boyfriend, so, see you."

As Ji Xiaonian watched Han Le's hasty departure from the classroom, she thought about how much she envied Han Le sometimes.

Not only was Han Le extremely beautiful, but she also possessed fantastic body proportions. As such, she had plenty of male admirers. Although Ji Xiaonian herself was no slouch in that regard, the fact that she was unable to get Brother Yan to notice her made her feel insignificant.

At that moment, she decided that she would do everything in her power to learn from Han Le.

A week had gone by in a blink of an eye and it was yet another weekend.

That afternoon, a bunch of people stood in front of Ning University's entrance.

Ji Xiaonian tagged along with a couple of other students as they left the school campus side by side.

Every student present seemed to have a youthful vigor to them as they all looked particularly energetic.

"Ji Xiaonian, remember to watch the contents of the disk, and make sure you return it to me on Sunday." Han Le reminded Ji Xiaonian just before they parted ways at the school's entrance.

Ji Xiaonian gestured the 'OK' sign, and answered, 'No problem! I'll watch it as soon as possible. I'll definitely return it to you by Sunday."

"Alright, we'll be leaving then. See you on Sunday."

"See you on Sunday."

After seeing the other students off, Ji Xiaonian turned around and prepared to hail a cab by the roadside. However, before she could do that, she heard the honking of a car coming nearby.

In response, she turned her head towards the source of the honking. Upon noticing the familiar vehicle, her heart leaped with joy and she immediately ran towards the car and hopped into it out of worry that other students might spot her.

While putting on her seatbelt, she uttered, "Brother Yan, let's go."

Bai Yan swept his gaze at her as if he was uncomfortable with her behavior. However, he did not speak a single word of it and drove off as told.

Throughout the ride, Bai Yan did not utter a single word. In Ji Xiaonian's case, she was too embarrassed to speak as she was constantly thinking about the incident from the other night.

All of a sudden, Ji Xiaonian suddenly remembered the disk Han Le had given her. Seeing as there was nothing better to do, she took it out and messed around with the buttons to release the disk player.

After messing around for quite some time, she was still unable to figure out where to insert the disk. As such, she pleadingly looked towards Bai Yan and asked, "How do I insert disks in your car?"

Bai Yan took a quick glance at her, and upon noticing the disk in her hand, he swiftly pressed the correct button.

Upon realizing that she was finally able to insert her disk, she hurriedly placed Han Le's disk onto the player.

Since there were neither words nor images on the disk, Han Le's promise that the disk was interesting and educational had piqued Ji Xiaonian's interest, especially when she refused to talk about the disk's contents. Moreover, since the vehicle was able to play the disk, Ji Xiaonian could no longer hold herself back from learning the contents within the disk.