
Let's Dive into This Beautiful Madness

She swore she would never love anyone in this lifetime. But she found herself screaming with pleasure under this man. The heat from his body was so warm that she couldn't help but cling onto it. "My love, I don't give a damn that you're my brother's fiancée. From the moment I first set eyes on you, you became my everything. I will never let you go. " The crown prince of her country, brother of her fiancée, whispered dangerously in her ears. "But we can't be together." He smirked and stared at her pink eyes sparkling with tears and said, "Not even death can separate us. I will chase you down to the depths of hell." Before she could say another word, Nick crashed his lips onto hers and kissed her deeply. *** Arabella Karterios, a villainess princess hated by everyone. After getting thrown in prison for a crime she didn't commit, Arabella escaped prison and committed suicide at her ex-fiancée and cousin's wedding. But a miracle happened, and she returned to the day her life began to fall apart. She was given a chance to survive, so she will live her life without any regret. However, her enemies will still try to ruin her life, and her family will abandon her again. Mere girl without any political power wouldn't even stand a chance against the second imperial prince. Arabella needed someone's backing who's stronger than them, and she found him. The crown prince, Nicholas Van Hinsbergh who died on the battlefield in her previous life. She had planned to leave the dukedom after she saved the crown prince and spend the rest of her life doing whatever she likes, but that turned out to be just a daydream. The man she was supposed to save fell in love with her. Arabella knew that there was no chance for them to be together. Despite knowing that, why is her heart beating so wildly every time she feels his burning gaze at her? What will happen If she let this man kiss her? Everything about their forbidden love seemed impossible, yet somehow they had already chosen to get drown in this madness. Trigger warning: This novel contains mature content, explicit scenes, and brutal actions only intended for adults ( R+18, Violence, No rape, and No major misunderstanding )

Koney_23 · History
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Chapter 2

One day, Roxie said that she wanted to go to the palace with Arabella to see the prince. She said she would help Arabella build a loving relationship with her fiancée. Arabella trusted her and took Roxie with her to see Alex. But it turned out that Roxie wanted to steal Arabella's fiancée from her.

Arabella was blinded by love. She was so desperate for her love that she didn't even imagine that her cousin will stab her in the back.

Roxie kept crying in Alex's arms and looked at her with innocent eyes. The moment Arabella saw her fake innocent expression, she lost her control again and went to beat her again.

''I'm gonna kill you! You slut!''

When Arabella tried to grab Roxie again, she felt someone slap her in the face and fell on the floor. She cried out in pain and tried to figure out what happened for a second. Her eyes popped open when the realization hit her.

'Alex hit me! He really hit me!'

She couldn't believe that her always gentle and courteous fiancé hit her, but her cheek burning with pain forced her to face reality.

''You touch her one more time, and I will break off our engagement right away,'' said Alex.

Arabella laughed bitterly. She felt a little dizzy that she didn't know if it was because of the strong hit she received or the hurtful words she heard.

''So you're saying that… you will break off our engagement for her.''

Arabella knew. She knew the reason why Alex agreed to get engaged with her and kept her by his side even though he didn't have any feelings for her. All because she was Arabella Karterious, the only daughter of duke Karterious. He needed to have a strong duke's support to fight for the throne. But she didn't care about all this and was still happy that they were getting engaged.

She knew that she was being used by him in the bloody political struggles this whole time, and he didn't love her. So why she was feeling so disappointed now.

Alex answered her with a cold voice.

''Yes, I will talk to his majesty regarding this matter once everything is settled.''

Arabella bit her lips until she felt a stinging pain.

"Do you think the emperor and the duke would let you do as you please after your dirty affair with Roxie?''

Alex stared at her with eyes full of hostility.

''Shut your mouth! Who do you think you are to talk like this? Someone like you doesn't have any right to judge us. We love each other.''

The words that left his mouth made Arabella want to vomit. Her once hazy eyes turned fierce, and she shouted angrily at them.

"Go to hell with your goddamn love! I will make sure this bitch dies by my hand!''

Arabella was not a weak type. At least she wouldn't cry in front of them, saying shit like 'Please, don't leave me. Why her not me?'. No matter how she was suffering on the inside, she will never show them to others.

Arabella reached to Roxie again and slapped her until she fell to the floor. But she didn't get any more chance to beat her up. Alex separated her from Roxie, grabbed her by the neck, and shoved her hard against the wall.

''Call the guards and kick this insolent woman out right now!"

He called the guards and didn't let Arabella free from his grip. Arabella looked into his eyes which were flashing threateningly. Her heart sank as she saw the dark expression on his face.

''I warned you! How dare you touch a woman as gentle and weak as her? I will make you regret this!''

He glared at Arabella with fury and disgust, unlike Arabella, who was looking at him with disbelief and disappointment.

''I will inform your family about what happened today. They will give you the appropriate punishment. From now on, don't interfere in my affairs and think that our engagement is already broken.''

Alex threw her a dirty look and turned around as if he couldn't bear to look at her face anymore. When Arabella looked at him, she wanted to cry, but she held her tears back cause she knew if she started, she would not be able to stop.

Arabella couldn't say anything to him. The worst feeling in the world is being hurt by someone you love. She was trying not to cry in front of them. That moment when you have to beg yourself not to cry and remain strong was so painful. Maybe this pain will hunt her until the moment she dies.

She tried her best to make Alex love her. But she never knew that they would betray her like this. She believed one day Alex would love her and smile at her tenderly. Their relationship was not bad at the beginning. They spent 3 years together and got close to each other, but Alex started to keep his distance from her for some unknown reason.

Arabella wanted to disappear right this instant and go somewhere no one would see her. She was on the edge of breaking down.

After a moment, royal guards came to escort her out. Arabella didn't say anything and didn't resist them. She decided to leave his bedroom quietly.

As she walked out of the bedroom, she looked back and saw Roxie, who was laughing mockingly at her as she put her head on Alex's chest.

On the way to her carriage, Arabella's eyes glistened as they filled with tears and her lips trembled. She wanted to scream and cry, but she couldn't show her weakness in front of all these people as a matter of pride. She has to endure it, at least until she gets to the place no one would see her.