
Let's Date Mr Alex

Elena watches her boyfriend propose to another woman at a party right there and then he ends things with her. Elena is heartbroken and gets drunk. She was up in a hotel room realizing that she had a nightstand with a stranger and by her bedside, she saw a marriage certificate. Elena is shocked and doesn't know what to do. Just in one night she had a one-night stand and got her marriage registered. Elena is unable to resolve this issue because she immediately travels abroad to complete her studies. In just three years, Elena was able to build a name for herself and return home. Immediately Elena is offered a job at one of the best hotels in the country, Empire Hotel. Knowing fully well that it was her ex's family business. Elena accepted the job and she came in contact with her ex once again. Elena comes to meet the president of the Empire group only to realize that he was the man she had a one-night stand with and also got married to. Alexander Stanislav Wilson who is also her ex's uncle. Alex rejects her offer of a divorce and tells her that he wants her. he burns for her, she is his wife after all. To make things more complicated, her ex wants her back, he misses her and still loves her. He wants a second chance but his uncle wouldn't let him have her. What will Elena do ?

Slay_kwen1975 · Urban
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8 Chs

Viktor Hamilton Stanislav

            I was in high school when my mother first told me. Life is a crazy ride. Like a roller-coaster. You can't avoid it when it starts to get scary, if you try to jump out of it, you will die. All you have to do is hold on tight. And see where it takes you, if possible, try to enjoy it. Eventually, it will come to an end. Most times it is when you are finally beginning to enjoy it that it comes to an end.

            When she told me, it felt like she was telling me about my life. It was indeed a crazy ride and I have learned how to hold on tight. And try to enjoy it when possible. And I am still holding on. Holding on to see where it takes me.

            That is the main reason I am here. Standing in front of this stunning Skyscraper which says on its luxurious sign. Empire Hotel. I got my employment letter two days ago and here I am. I don't know why this ride brought me here. No matter how much I try to avoid it, it still calls me here. All I can do is hold on and see where this ride continues to take me. I walked into the building and was stunned by its beauty. The first time I came here was when Viktor brought me in to see his family business. And a lot has changed since then. It looked even more grand than before. I saw several Concierges attending to different guests of the hotel and they all carried a smile. The number one rule of every concierge. I made my way to the reception and gave them my details. Immediately, one of them made a call and I was told to wait a few minutes.

            '' Miss Elena Rose? '' a male, deep voice called from behind me and I turned around to see a tall young man. Dark blond hair, warm brown eyes, slim and attractive looking. He gave a small smile when I responded

    '' That's me '' 

    '' I see '' he sized me up

    '' right this way Miss Elena ''

    '' Ok '' I followed him to the elevator and we got into the elevator and it took us to the 11th floor. While it went up, silence lived between us until

    '' here '' he handed me a document and collected it. '' that contains codes and ethics that even employees must abide too

    '' Got it '' Not long after that, the elevator stopped and then opened he walked out and I followed and on the way, we walked past concierges, who carried a bright smile as they greeted the young man. He led me to an office and opened the door. I walked in after him and stopped when he did

    ''This is your office '' My eyes fell wide open at his words. Wait? I get an office as well. I didn't know the chief Concierge got to have a private office and it made me smile.

    '' thank you very much '' I spoke while I stepped forward to observe the office

    ''Get a change in 10 minutes and meet me outside the office ''

    '' oh...OK,'' I smiled and watched him leave. I studied the room for a short while. It was perfect for my first office. Painted white with black furniture. My table and executive chair are on the right, Close to the glass wall which has a perfect view of the city. Then a three seater sofa couch next to a single sofa chair. And an over glass centre table. by my left. Right behind the three-seater sofa was a Tree style wooden bookshelf. It was painted green. '' Cute '' I let out with a smile. To the look of things, I guess I was given the freedom to rearrange things. My eyes fell on the table to see the glass desk nameplate. Elena Rose, Chief Concierge and next to it was my uniform. Looked around trying to see if I would find a bathroom and there it was. I grabbed the uniform and hurried to get changed. When I finished, I stood in front of the mirror to get a good view of myself. Damn, I looked nice. I used to think that I looked good in the uniform, from my previous hotel but Empire tells me otherwise. I got out of the office and gave my office on final scan before I walked out to see the young fellow really waiting for me

    '' sorry for keeping you waiting '' He smiled

    '' No issue... how do you like the office ''

    '' It's nice ''

    '' 1 to 10, how nice '' I was left speechless

    '' Pardon ''

    '' Forgive me... Mr Alex wanted to know how much you liked the office ''

    ''Oh... '' confused. Just then I remembered who Alex was. The was the president of the Empire Group. The runs both the hotel and the Empire wine company. He was Viktor's uncle. The one person Viktor hates the most. He told me several stories of how evil he was. I had to stay alert because that evil fellow was now my boss  '' I would say 9 ''

    '' Noted '' gives a slight nod. My eyes fell on his nametag

    '' Edward '' whispered '' Mr Edward '' I said out loud '' Nice to meet you '' offering my hand for a handshake and he took it.

    '' Nice to meet you, Elena Rose. I am Mr Alex's secretary ''

    '' I see '' nodding in understanding '' So where to? '' asking for the first thing I am supposed to do. I have never led people before. It was my first time and before I returned, I had been studying the job of a chief concierge and I believe that I would do perfectly.

    '' I will direct you to the manager's office and he will take you up from there '' My heart dropped at the thought of seeing the manager. He began walking to the elevator and I followed behind him. I wanted to ask, wanting to confirm my worst suspicion. But I chose to remain silent.  We took the elevator again, to the 15th floor and Edward led me to the office. And he knocked

    ''Who is it '' that familiar voice responded. It was so familiar, too familiar. I thought I had forgotten his voice, but I was wrong. Hearing only his voice brought back all those memories, the memory of that night. The way he looked, the way he offered a toast and called us friends, the way he smiled at me and the way he offered his hand for a handshake. To end our relationship.

    '' The new Chief Concierge has arrived '' Edward informed

    '' Come in '' Edward opened the door and walked in. I hesitated before I followed. Walking right behind Edward with my head lowered. I thought to myself. Should I smile, should I keep a straight face, should I be angry? What should I do? And with Without awareness, Edward stepped out of the way

    '' Meet. Elena Rose '' Here I was, standing in front of him, once again, once again after four years and five months. He lifts his head to look at me. Instantly my gaze met with those dark blue ones. Does warm dark blue eyes that once upon a time, showed me love. His face hasn't changed. His hair was as dark as ever. Nicely cut beards, and his smile still brought out the spark in his eyes but that smile vanished the moment he saw me and he stood up in shock '' El...Elena? '' What should I do? What should I say? I then thought of what Olivia told me



  '' You will eventually run into Viktor and I know when you do you will feel down once again. But you can't let him Elena. You can't let him see you weak. You should show him that you have been doing damn well without him. Show him that you are strong and have forgotten about him a long time ago ''

End of flashback


            '' Hello, Mr Viktor. I am Elena Rose, Chief Concierge '' I smiled and offered my hand for him to take, looking straight into his eye ''

    ''Mmm'' confused at first but instantly composed himself. He walked around his table, past Edward, to me and took my hand. Once again I almost fell for that warm hand '' Nice to meet you, Elena. I am Viktor Hamilton Stanislav. Manager of Empire Hotel. ''

    '' Nice to meet you too '' with that, we broke contact

    ''Mr. Alex instructed me to hand her over to you sir. You are to introduce her to the staff and... '' Viktor caught him off with a frown. He turns to Edward

    '' Tell Mr Alex that I know how to do my job.... if he keeps invading my space it won't be a nice sight '' The same as ever, Viktor was. He always felt insecure and inferior towards his uncle. Scared that his uncle would take away his right to the company.

    '' Yes sir.. I will take my leave now '' with that Edward walked to the door and stopped '' Miss Elena. Call me if you need anything ''

    ''That wouldn't be necessary '' Viktor responded '' And tell Alex, I would like to speak with him in an hour '' and I was left alone with Viktor.