

Travis is your average American trying to survive in a world were monsters and money are the main bosses with only a low rank Earth manipulation. Read this novel to see how Travis uses unconventional ways to defeat his enemies.

Obrempong · Urban
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Bojana (I am back)

(A.N If you guys have been reading through the lines in this novel, you will notice I am up to something. I might be small, but I know there is a lot to what meets the eye, guys. Open your eyes and let us be real; for once, this world isn't normal. Anyway, the reason I was late with the update was that I was trying to find a way to explain the evolution of man in this context. Ahhh, being a business student isn't helping me. (Doctors and scientists who might be reading this novel, please do not be too harsh.)

Looking at that blonde woman who once made my hard heart melt like Olav in summer, I honestly did not know what to say. But by the way, everyone was looking at her and showing her respect; she must be the strongest person in the world currently.

Right now, she was dressed in white military attire, which surprisingly had seven fucking shining stars. She had a white coat over her shoulders and had her long blonde hair left flowing without any restrictions.

Her blue eyes seem to have gotten deeper than the word blue itself. Her body had become more of a boxer because she had become a total knockout. 

She was strong, beautiful, proud, and the ideal woman every feminist on this earth dreams to be, but for us guys, she was a challenge every guy would love to conquer.

I watched her climb up the steps and head to the podium.

"Billions of people are watching at home. I know you are feeling nervous right now, but don't feel nervous because I am here. My name is Bojana Vladimir, and I am Serbian by birth. I don't like to talk much, but I can say this: I will be heading a new organization known as the Superhuman Coalition Assembly. This organization would be made for the superhumans among us.

This organization will also protect the weak from the strong. As of now, the organization has already been set up, and I am the chairperson. I was given the chairperson seat because I am strong, and one power that made me reach this level is the power to control time."

When she finished saying this, a person brought a rotten apple to her. Bojana just placed her hands on it, and bam, the apple turned into a brand new one. She bit into it to show those watching that this was no joke.

"Human evolution has always been a weird one because our ancestors who lived in caves were really strong people, so why is it that modern humans do not have such strength? The answer is simple, guys: MANA. In the past, mana was really abundant, but due to some events that happened in the past, the mana in this world began to stagnate.

This made fewer people have access to power as time went by, but something happened, and now Earth is being linked to many worlds. This had caused mana in the Earth's atmosphere to rise again. We honestly do not know what caused all this, but we do know for certain that the majority of humans on this planet will awaken and turn into superhumans.

You don't have to worry about prisoners because they are being taken care of. What I want you all to do is register at the nearest Superhuman agency near you and check your level before the end of the year because it isn't going to be funny when all hell breaks loose."

After saying this, Bojana just vanished from the podium, making everyone watching gasp in surprise. No one tells her what to do, and she also does not give a fuck.

So I was really right; there is mana in the atmosphere, and I have a high possibility of awakening a superpower. Hmmm, seriously, that's going to be wonderful, but if I want a superpower, I would just go in for a power that can help me talk with monsters.

Who knows how much money I can make for being a bridge between monsters and humans? Hhahahahhahahah