
Let's be Mates: The story of a transmigrated Beta(?)

Set in the Omegaverse is the story of a Beta girl who is trying to find a place of belonging, something that she couldn't get in her previous life. Yuki Winterdale: I was the villainess in the world I lived in... I died to protect... and to be free... I got a second chance to live, but it was another world... and it seems I became a Beta(?) Selene 'Aki' Winterdale: I am an Omega... The Cute brother of my Onee-chan~ Our ML: My world faced an Apocalypse. I chose to protect. I got a second chance to live again, it was 'the world inside a book', my sister was the author... Her regret and my mate... I'll protect her this time!! .................. Let's follow the dependable sister, clingy brother and the stalker(?) man to find out what actually happened in the story....hm? PS. This has action and war along with soft twists of romance, love, family relations and so on... Hope you like it!! WARNING: This is a BG&BL story, that is, the secondary couple are 'two men in love'.... This is set in OMEGAVERSE and hence, there will be mpreg, it means men will get pregnant!! Again, I repeat.... this story contains BL elements as its secondary story... if you are not comfortable with it please don't advance further... To the rest of my kins who came here to enjoy this story....ENJOY YOUR STAY!! Discord: https://discord.gg/5J3xdvr PS. The front cover is not mine... got it from pinterest~

AtsukiJoou · Fantasy
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50 Chs

6. Yuki Winterdale(?)

There lived a girl whose name was Yuki Winterdale.

She was the firstborn to the Ducal couple of Winterdale Dukedom in the Empire of Agape.

This world was a bit mystical, that is to say, that even though there was already internet and smartphones around and this world could be called modern, there still exist the rule of Monarchs and a clear line of division between the nobles and the commoners, the monarchy and the nobles were the one who held the absolute power in this planet called Erth.

The world was divided into a huge united continent on one side and with about the rest of a third of it was covered by the deep oceans and seas.

The whole continent was divided into 5 Empires.

Winterdale Ducal belonged to the Empire on the South, Agape.

Agape was governed by the Emperor Phillip K. Apollo and was supported by his brother Duke Lyon K. Apollo and Duke Sigmund Barschester Winterdale as the Prime Minister of the kingdom and Imperial General of the Sun Army respectively.

Duke Winterdale was not related to the imperial family, but he still got the title of Duke, it is to say that the man was charismatic and legendary!

The country was prospering with business as its cornerstone and was the richest among all other empires in the continent and hence, the better half of the nobility were involved in businesses, well, except for the ruler being a monarch and a few things such as nobility still dominating the working class, this world was fully modern.

But there was a slight loophole;

....in this world which was divided into the 6 gender system, magic existed...

It was only something that the noble Alphas and Omegas had, but it still existed!

You ask why it was needed?

Well, there existed a certain class of demonic Zergs, it was the responsibility of the nobility to get rid of them with their powers...

The Omegas who belonged to the nobility held some magic powers since forever and hence, their position was slightly better than their commoner counterpart.

Still, some things remained the same; the Alphas took the job of being the 'heroes' and were precious entities.


If asked, Yuki should have had a beautiful life, but even in this beautiful land which was blessed with love from God, she had a very stereotypical life of a Nobility and she had a few secrets...

At birth, her real gender was hidden and re-written as an Alpha because of which or that is to get results similar to those of Alphas, she was made to do hard work and more hard work....

You ask, why she knows about it?

Well, this was a secret only known to her, but from the time she was inside her mother's womb, she could hear, understand and could remember everything!!!

Let's add some more exclamation marks,


The way she was groomed and brought up with, that it, meeting the better half of her day with different tutors, learning different skills including swordsmanship and reading books to get a better hang of everything, she will never say anything that was unacceptable and unnecessary to anyone!

She may not hate it, but she was already tired of her life and sometimes thought of herself as a machine, a robot without feelings and working without exhausting.

She, who still strives to get a laid back life in the future, didn't want any more problems in her life, she will take this secret to her grave!..... and even if she said it and forced others to believe it, her future will either be

A.in a mental asylum or,

B. in a research table to get dissected.



Duke Winterdale was a bona fide soldier, he never cared about anything other than protecting his country and empire...

He was born an Alpha and he was married to an Alpha woman.

Though he may not care, it wasn't as if, he treated his family wrongly, just that.... they could never be called a family...

Duchess Winterdale was the high born princess of the empire on East, Orientalis.

She was an alpha with a huge pride and ego; when she saw that her first daughter was not an alpha like her, she readily left her to the maids and so, Yuki grew up in a family without any parental love...

Maybe her aloof nature and wanting to lead a laid back life was because she didn't want to invest too much of her feelings in anything?

In the end, she will just get hurt from this loneliness... she learnt it just after birth and because of a simple test that branded her life with a mark, "BETA"

Though her mother had abandoned her, the proud Duchess still couldn't take the fact that she had laid birth to a 'commoner Beta';

She bribed the doctors to change her gender in the certificate and by the time Yuki could talk and walk, she was given tutors, tutors and more tutors so that she could 'keep up' with her 'fellows Alphas"!

Her father mainly stayed in the capital city and always stood behind his majesty while the Duchess preferred to stay at her room, they only minded their own business.....and so, continued the life of little Yuki till she reached the age of seven.... without once seeing her father or mother.


That day there was a sudden unrest in their mansion...

She, who was sent to an adjacent courtyard since the age of two, was called back to the mansion.

She saw hordes of doctors in their white coats coming into the mansion...

Though she should be scared under normal circumstances as a child, she was very calm, she wasn't exactly normal, after all?¯\_(ツ)_/¯

She waited downstairs in the lounge area while reading a book about basic magic.


Magic was an innate talent and it was strictly possessed by nobles...and no, there has been no exception till date.

It is believed that the closer they are to the being called a 'pure' or 'thoroughbred', that is born strictly from nobles parents, the more was the chances of them becoming more powerful~

It also defined the line between the 'chosen' ones and the 'rest'.

Though it was called magic, it was actually one's attribute towards a single element, and though it was called to be a sign of nobility, it was a harsh truth that no noble Beta had it;

Only Alphas and Omegas were given this power, as a result, the hierarchy order went something like this,

[Commoner Omega < C. Beta < C.Alpha < Noble Beta < N.Omega < N. Alpha]

The reason the nobles wanted Alpha children can be seen from here, it indicates and solidifies their position at the top of the food chain.

The reason the Omegas and Alpha, even in the nobility had a difference was probably due to their different attributes, the Alphas used the magic of Power-class while Omegas usually had magic in the Support-class, Alphas were deemed more useful and important.

The attribute was different for different Empires on the continent;

The northern empire possessed attribute towards lightening and dark magic, the kingdom at the centre possessed attributes towards wind and water and so on...

Similarly, the Agape Empire at the South were blessed by the Sun and Moon.

Noble alphas were blessed with the power of Sun, they were differentiated into strength and light magic.

The Sun represented strength and light and so,

with an attribute towards 'Strength', they could their body the perfect shield and weapon against the enemy in the front lines, and with 'light' magic, they were able to infuse the same in weapons, as the light was called, 'holy grade', it did have the power to strengthen someone, as a result, they were chosen as mages, they could give similar power buffs to people at a certain distance away from them, but considering most of them were Alphas, they mainly preferred to fight for themselves.

In this way, the noble Alphas of Agape were either weapon-master or, simply master-class warriors.

In the same way, having Sun's attribute as a whole made them rare geniuses too, it was the same reason, the emperor was led by the imperial family with the surname Apollo and the army was called Sun Army.

In contrast, the Omegas were blessed by Luna and their power was close to healing powers, keyword being 'close to'.

The Moon represented 'hope in the darkness' so, the power they possessed was a kind of energy that made people calm in any situation, they were able to calm even the Alphas in ruts and they were also able to heal wounds....

In case you mastered the powers it seems you can control people according to your wishes! According to research, they can make and break someone's mind if they controlled it carefully, but maybe it was because of their limitation as the weakest gender, most of them could only perform immediate first aid and were able to make people feel calm and collected in any situation.

Hence, even though they couldn't be brought to wars against the demonic zergs, they still came in handy in some hospitals and in noble houses with many alphas or with alphas with unstable ruts....

These two classes were the 'chosen' ones and were treated with existences similar to deities in their lands...

So, here's a question?

Why was she, someone who was a Beta, and didn't have any connection with magic, reading all this...

The answer had two parts;

A. It was a rule among the nobles to hide the power of their children; it was their way to safeguard themselves and also served as a warning to others. Since no one knew how powerful their opponent, was no one dared to get involved in petty fights ignorantly... As a result, there were no practical exams in magic during school years, it was only measured during official employment of a student, it became mandatory for all Alphas and Omegas to give theory papers magic and so, as a fake 'alpha', she will also have to give the same in the future and she was just getting ready for it.

B. She was so bored that the books felt amusing to read! (-_-)

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