
Let’s Manage the Tower (Tou no Kanri wo Shite Miyou)

Kosuke is killed by a truck, his soul is lost in a garden with two beautiful girls. The owner of the place will let him choose whether he will be reborn or summoned to another world, and he maintains the summons. In this new world, the main two girls who were created by the owner of the garden to help him find the mystery behind the world - a Dungeon tower. Will he be able to become the owner of this tower and manage it? It does not belong to me I'm just sharing it here. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Volume 16 Chapter (6-10)

Chapter 6, A New Species of Wolf

Kousuke was taking a nap on the sofa in the Administration Floor's lounge, taking a break from creating golems and working on the management of Amamiya Tower.

Mitsuki was by his side and none of the other members were around.

Mitsuki noticed someone and turned her gaze from Kousuke to that direction for a moment, but then immediately returned her gaze back to him.

It was coming towards Kousuke, but she determined that it did not pose any risk.

Mitsuki saw that the white lump approached the sofa where Kousuke was sleeping in a straight line and softly jumped onto the space that Kousuke was not taking up.

After confirming that Kousuke was not awake, it gently placed its four legs on top of Kousuke's body.

Mitsuki, who was watching this whole thing, was just watching what the white lump was doing, amusedly.

The white lump, which was completely on Kousuke's body, approached Kousuke's face and licked his cheek.


Surprised by the feeling of being licked on the cheek, Kousuke raised his upper body with a gasp, but Nana, who was on top of Kousuke, landed firmly by Kousuke's feet without showing any signs of panic.


With that squeal, Kousuke noticed the white mass at his feet.


What surprised Kousuke was the size of the thing.

No matter how you looked at it, it was only the size of a small dog.


Nana shook her head in affirmation.

"Whoa. Seriously. That's insanely cute. I like your normal size, though."

Kousuke reached out his hand towards the miniaturized Nana, and Nana jumped at him happily.

Unlike normally, he was able to catch her without much of a shock.

Kousuke raised his body up again and lay down on the sofa.

Nana started to lick Kousuke's face happily.

Kousuke was also happily enjoying himself as Nana licked his face and wriggled her small body.

After they had had their fill of fun for a while, Kousuke asked Nana.

"So? What's wrong with you today?"


Kousuke asked in his usual tone, but unfortunately, Collete and Shrein who could communicate with Nana were not around at the moment, so he couldn't hear what she had to say.

Just when Kousuke was thinking of calling one of them, Nana let out a single howl.


In response to her voice, two shadows jumped in from the direction Nana had come from.

For a moment Kousuke braced himself, but as soon as he realized that the shadows were two wolves, he let his guard down.

There was no need to be alarmed, though, because Mitsuki, who was standing beside him, didn't react first.

Seeing the two wolves coming in, Kousuke immediately petted them on the neck.

"It's unusual for you to bring someone over here. What's going on?"


Kousuke asked Nana and Nana responded, but unfortunately, just like before, there was no interpreter, so he couldn't understand what she was saying.

Kousuke could see spirits, but he still couldn't master <spirit language>.

Collete was also puzzled by this, but it was something that couldn't be done.

Kousuke thought about calling Collete, but before he did, he suddenly thought of checking the status of the wolves that Nana had brought with her.

Proper Name: Eir

Race Name: White Wolf King

Skills: Howl lvl 7, Physical Assault lvl 8, Bite lvl 8, Intimidate lvl 8, Group Action lvl 7, Fairy Language Language Understanding (Kin) lvl 6, Wind Magic lvl 7, Earth Magic lvl 3

Blessing Skills: Leadership lvl 8, Piece of the Great Goddess (Full Moon), Proof of Change to King

Title: Kin of Kousuke, Favorite of the Wind Spirit Goddess of the Great Goddess Clan

Native Name: Mielle

Race Name: White Wolf Queen

Inherent skills: Howl lvl 8, Bite lvl 7, Bite lvl 8, Intimidate lvl 8, Group Action lvl 7, Fairy Language Language Understanding (Kin) lvl 7, Wind Magic lvl 6, Earth Magic lvl 4

Blessing Skills: Leadership lvl 8, Piece of the Great Goddess (Full Moon), Proof of Change to Queen

Title: Kin of Kousuke, Favorite of the Earth Spirit Goddess of the Great Goddess Clan

Both of them had changed their race from when he last checked them.

Both Eir and Mielle must have originally been white wolf leaders.

Although he didn't remember the races of all the other members of the Kin, he vaguely remembered the white wolf leaders because there were so few of them.

It was not that he was not taking notes, but he was properly keeping track of them.

It seemed that these two creatures had evolved.

He was curious about the <Proof of King> and <Proof of Queen> among the blessing skills, but he was more curious about the <Favorite of Wind Spirit Goddess> and <Favorite of Earth Spirit Goddess>.

These titles must be related to the goddesses, no matter how one thinks about it.

It was completely unclear what effect a label like <Favorite> would have.

He thought about asking Jal immediately, but decided not to do so.

He had a feeling that if he tried to communicate with Jal about this, it would be a disaster.

He decided to trust his instincts and stop relying on the Goddesses and stop looking into the matter of favorites.

He decided that if it was something that he really needed to know about, there was no point poking about because the other side would tell him.

While he was considering this, Collete came back from the control room of the South Tower.

"Oh, Nana, you're here… You're so cute!"

Collete immediately noticed the little wolf version of Nana, but was shocked by her appearance and began petting her as quickly as possible.

Collete had no desire to touch the Great Wolf Goddess version of Nana.

She had always been in awe of the Great Wolf God, which she had heard about as a fairy tale since she was a child.

As she was being petted, Nana made a gesture as if she was appealing to Collete, who could understand her.

"It seems like they came all this way just to introduce you to these two?"

"Ah, yes. Tell them it's okay because I've already figured it out somehow."

Kousuke's words were understood by Nana, who had <Language Understanding (Kin) >, but it was better to use words that could be easily understood.

"Is that so?"

"It appears that they've become part of a race known as the White Wolf King and White Wolf Queen."

"What's that?"

Collete tilted her head, as if it was the first time she had heard the name.

"I'm not sure. It looks like the Goddesses are involved, but if I poke around too much, there might be something else going on, so I decided not to worry about it."

What an odd way to put it, but Collete didn't say anything in response, just shrugged her shoulders.


"Oh. What a shame."

"I can't believe it, Kousuke is getting this sharp. It was as if he knew what was going to happen and avoided it."

Jal said, looking at the two disappointed Goddesses.

"Must be his Intuition."

"Really? Well, with all the things we've done, I wouldn't be surprised if he keeps getting more and more perceptive."

"He is growing?"

"Well, I wonder about that… We don't even know what kind of existence the current Goddesses are going to become in this world in the first place."

The two Goddesses stared at Jal as she said this.

"Don't stare at me like that, okay? A promise is a promise, you know? I can't help you any more than this. Those two creatures were only able to evolve and form a connection to you two because they met the conditions in the first place."

"What a bummer."

"You're right."

The two Goddesses revealed their disappointment at Jal's words, which were announced without hesitation.

"You guys should be able to interfere to some extent without having to go through Kousuke."

Jal said, a little dumbfounded.


"Right. That would be pointless."

"Well, okay. That's it for this time. We'll talk more next time."

"But, this is just…"

" I concur."

"What's not good enough, you don't want Asura-sama glaring at you, do you?"

Jal said, and the two Goddesses snapped their mouths shut.

"Go back."

"Ye, yes. Then we'll be leaving now."

"Yes. Good night~"

As soon as Asura's name was mentioned, the two Goddesses left quietly, and Jal sent them off without saying anything in particular.

In the divine realm, no one would be foolish enough to rebel when Asura was mentioned.

"Oh dear. I'm glad we got away with it this time around, but… You never know what will happen in the future, do you, Kousuke?"

At the same time Jal was muttering this, Kousuke may or may not have sneezed.

Unfortunately, no one had the time to investigate the connection between the conversation and his sneeze.





Chapter 7, More Title Holders?

The two wolves that came to the Administration Floor decided to go to a different Floor in the future.

They haven't decided if that would be a Floor for the existing wolves aside from the 81st Floor, or a completely new Floor.

Whichever it was going to be, it would be after the Golems were created.

When moving them to an existing Floor, the number of people that needed to be taken care of would increase.

If they were moved to a different Floor, they would summon new wolves.

Since it was still a long way off, they were sent back to the 81st Floor, where they were before.

For the time being, they had not decided if the king and queen would be separated yet.

If it was just the name of the race that changed, it would have been fine, but if they were actually a king and queen, there was no option of separating them.

There was no way Kousuke could understand the mannerisms of the wolves, so he was going to check with Nana later.

The reason why Kousuke said 'later' was simply because Nana was not around.

Thus, he went to send the two animals, the White Wolf King and the White Wolf Queen, to the 81st Floor.


"Nevertheless… This timing is quite perfect, isn't it?"

Collette asked.

Kousuke didn't even bother to ask what she was referring to.

"Well, I suppose it's because the last time something like this happened was when we went to the Shinto shrine."

"Was it the Wind Spirit Goddesses and Earth Spirit Goddesses this time?"

"Yeah. They were. Do you know anything about them?"

He was going to ask Sylvia about it later, but if Collete knew, he wanted to hear about them.

"I don't know much about it… They're the Goddesses that are called Spirit Kings or Fairy Kings among the Elves."

"I expected that to some extent, but… Are they big names by any chance?"

"Yes. There are many races other than Elves that worship Spirits."

The beings presiding over those Spirits would be the Goddesses of Wind and Earth Spirits.

He tried to remember if there were beings like that among the Goddesses he had met in the divine realm, but he could not remember.

Firstly, at that time, they only told him their names, and only a few of them bothered to mention what they were the Goddesses of.

He didn't particularly care about it, but it made sense.

"…Am I reading too much into this?"

Kousuke muttered, but in fact his prediction was correct.

Firstly, only the Goddesses that inhabited the realm of the Goddesses had the habit of naming themselves after their domains.

Furthermore, the name 'Goddess of XX' was given by the inhabitants of Earthgard, not by the Goddesses themselves.

Therefore, in the divine realm, it was possible that only their original names were used, so they rarely mentioned their divine names.

It would take a bit longer for Kousuke to learn of these circumstances.

"Well, okay. More importantly, if Kousuke and the Goddesses can increase the number of dependents with titles just by meeting them, then the number of dependents with titles from Goddesses will continue to increase."

The situation was about to get outrageous simply by imagining it.

"… If possible, I don't want to think about it too much."

While Kousuke welcomed the idea of his dependents becoming stronger, it was only fine to think about it inside the Tower as there was no telling what would happen if word got out about his dependents holding titles.

It was going to get more troublesome no matter what he decided to do.

Kousuke also didn't think that he could keep the existence of his dependents of the Tower hidden forever.

The reason for this was simple: there were people who maintained Towers in continents other than the Central Continent.

He did not think that only the Towers in the Central Continent had the ability to summon dependents.

In fact, he believed that it was natural for the other Towers to be able to summon them.

For now, foreign attention would be focused on the city of the 5th Floor, but they would eventually turn their attention to the rest of the dependents.

He didn't have to think about what would happen if it became known that there were many people with titles from the Goddesses.

It would not be a pleasant situation by any stretch of the imagination.

"That's fine, but… Can we stop it?"

Collete pushed him, and Kousuke became reluctant.

No matter how he looked at it, Kousuke didn't think he could stop the Goddesses' actions.

He knew why they were giving blessings to Kousuke's dependents in the first place.

He could imagine that it was an expression of their desire to maintain a connection to this world.

If Kousuke were in the same position, he would do the same thing, so he could not complain about it.

In a way, it was one of the jobs of a Goddess, so he was not going to stop it, nor would he be able to stop it.

"It will be impossible for me… If I tell them that I absolutely hate it, they'll stop, but it's not like I hate it all that much. I'd rather not bother because I know what's going on, and can empathize with them. So, I'm not going to stop them."

"Are you okay with this, then?"



As Kousuke crossed his arms and pondered, Sylvia suddenly interrupted him.

She returned after finishing her Tower Administration and was listening to the conversation from the middle.

"I think it would be better if it became known that there was someone with a title given by a Goddess within the Tower."

"Why do you think so?"

"Well, it's because this is something the Churches do."

What Sylvia was trying to convey was that the Churches were recruiting people with titles to protect them.

It was an obvious fact that temples with many people who bore titles had more power.

"Just like the Churches, huh…"

Kousuke, who didn't have a very good perception of the Churches, let out a sigh.

"Kousuke, no. Kousuke-sama, I understand that you don't have a good perception of the Churches, but for most ordinary people, a place of worship is necessary."

Otherwise, religion wouldn't have been created in history.

"I understand what you are saying, but…."

Kousuke knew the need for a temple.

As long as there were Goddesses in this world, it would be strange not to have temples.

In that sense, the fact that there were so many dependents with titles from Goddesses was an unparalleled power.

"The difference is in how Kousuke-sama uses that power. Those who hold the titles are innocent of any wrongdoing."

"Well, that's true. But it is also true that having that power increases the number of uninvited guests, right?"

As for Kousuke, he really didn't want to cause more unnecessary trouble.

However, Sylvia and Collete's faces turned into scowls when they heard that.

"Kousuke… It's already too late for that, you know?"

"Are you telling us you don't know?"

"What? What? What do you mean?"

Kousuke was surprised, and they both let out a sigh.

"Hey, Kousuke, haven't you forgotten that you're a living god?"

"I don't think I've forgotten. Though, I have to admit that I don't understand the magnitude of the impact."

""It's already too late for that.""

Kousuke sank as the two of them gave him another lecture.

It wasn't that he had forgotten, but as Sylvia had successfully guessed, Kousuke hadn't properly understood the magnitude of the impact of becoming a living god.

This was the downside of being confined within the Tower.

"I see. I see. It's too late for me now, is it… If that's the case, I won't hold back anymore."

Looking at Kousuke's face, which had regained its composure rather than falling apart, Collete and Sylvia had a bad premonition.

"So that's why, I will no longer need to hold back."

Kousuke didn't do anything in particular.

He merely muttered that.

However, Sylvia sensed that something had indeed changed.

It wasn't that Kousuke himself had changed, but his atmosphere had changed.

"… Did I say something I shouldn't have?"

Seeing Kousuke's facial expression, Collete quietly whispered to Sylvia.

"No. I'm pretty sure this would have happened sooner or later."

"Then it's good, isn't it?"


Kousuke stood up radiantly, oblivious to the two sneaking a conversation.

"Okay! Now that I'm done worrying, let's go make some Golems."

Sylvia saw Kousuke off as he headed for the lab, but immediately decided to try to communicate with Eris.

Eris confirmed that there was no particular problem, so she and Collete heaved a sigh of relief.





Chapter 8, The Result of having More Title Holders

A few days later, the two wolves received their titles with the names of their Goddesses.

Kosuke was still working on the golem, but this time Wanri came to visit him.

She brought two girls he had never seen before.

"Big brother, it looks like my sisters got the title of a Goddess, have we done something?"

She was suspicious of Kousuke from the start.

"…Wait, would Wanri even say something like that?"

Kosuke was feeling depressed.

Shrein and Floria, who happened to be standing beside him, laughed at him.

"Hey there! You guys are laughing too much… Ah, Wanri, don't worry about it. It's not like it's your fault, and besides, maybe this time it's definitely my fault."

Kosuke patted Wanri's head, wondering if he said something wrong when he saw the two of them laughing.

"So? You said those two are sisters, right?"

"Yes. They're foxes like me, and they belong to big brother. I brought them here because they said something about receiving a message from the Goddesses. I think that's how they were able to transform into people."

At Wanri's words, the two girls behind her nodded in agreement.

"I see."

He didn't doubt Wanri's words, but he decided to check their skills just to be sure.


Name: Kirika

Race: Great Heavenly Fox

Inherent Skill: Fox Fire LV7, Bite LV5, Evasion LV8, Perception LV7, Language Understanding (Family) LV3, Divine Power Manipulation LV4, Heavenly Rage LV6, Water Magic LV4

Heavenly Blessing Skill: Change LV4, Telekinesis LV3

Title: Kousuke's Kin, Water Spirit God's Favorite


Name: Houri

Race: Earth Fox

Inherent Skill: Fox Fire LV7, Bite LV8, Evasion LV6, Perception LV7, Language Understanding (Family) LV4, Divine Power Manipulation LV5, Earth Rage LV5, Fire Magic LV3

Blessing Skill: Change LV4, Telekinesis LV3

Title: Favorite of Kosuke's Kin, Fire Spirit God's Favorite


The title "Favorite of XX God" was firmly attached.

This time it was water and fire, so he now had a complete set of four titles.

He expected this to happen to some extent, since he had made it clear in the past that he did not need to hold back.

He didn't expect it to be assigned to his fox dependents, but he figured that it would be assigned to one of his dependents.

"…Can you two come over here?"

He called out to the two, who were still hiding behind Wanri and not coming out in front of Kosuke.

He thought that before returning to this world, someone could have told him about this situation.

Fortunately, no one knew about his thoughts. Kirika and Houri slowly approached Kosuke.

He patted them on the head, just as he had done with Wanri.

Kosuke was thinking that he was simply doing the same stuff as what he did with Wanri, but that action actually made them incredibly happy.

He got a little embarrassed, and did as they asked.

After a while, they hugged Kousuke as if they wanted to be pampered.

"…You've completely tamed them."

"As expected of Kousuke."

Shrein and Floria, who were watching from the side, said something, but Kousuke pretended not to have heard them.

"So? What are you going to do with them?"

Kosuke asked Wanri.

Wanri looked as if she had been caught off guard by the question.

Wanri had been expecting Kosuke to tell her what to do.

"Shouldn't big brother decide?"

"No, Wanri can decide. Well, don't worry about it so much, and do what you think is best for them. But if you want to move them to a new floor, you should consult with me beforehand."

When Kosuke said that, Wanri started to think about it, as if troubled.

"There's no need to rush into thinking about it, you know. It's not like we're in any particular hurry. You can think about it slowly and decide."


Wanri nodded.

"If that's the case, why not ask the other ladies as well?"

"Hey. I'm always open for consultations, okay?"

"That's right."

Shrein and Floria readily agreed.

Even if they hadn't said anything, if Wanri had come to them for advice, they would have immediately discussed it with her.

It was not just Shrein and Floria who would have done this.

Basically, all of the women had a soft spot for Wanri.


At the time when Kousuke was looking after the two members with their new divine titles.

A certain Goddess was screeching.

"Hiii, Kousuke, what have you done?!"

The owner of the screech was Jal.

She had been forced to deal with a comment from Kousuke that said, "Don't hesitate."

Normally, giving a title with a Goddess's name was not something that could be done casually.

The concept of a status was first brought to this world by Kousuke, but granting blessings and similar things had been done before.

When the target creature fulfills various conditions, a Goddess could give it a blessing or it could become the Goddesses's favorite.

Jal was in charge of managing such things, but until now, her workload was never that heavy.

In the first place, Goddesses rarely found beings that could receive their blessings.

This time, however, it was a completely different story.

Normally, Goddesses give blessings almost unilaterally, but this time, by giving blessings, they were trying to establish a relationship with Kousuke.

It was very manipulative and not something that would normally be allowed, but Kousuke allowed it.

As long as Kousuke allowed it, there was no way the people around him could say anything about it, and Jal, who was in charge of the management, cried out.

Incidentally, Kousuke had a vague idea that the other Goddesses were doing this for their own manipulative purposes.

He knew what was going on with the Goddesses during his last visit, so he had some idea of what was going on now.

He didn't know that Jal was suffering like this behind the scenes, though.


Jal's role was to review the applications of the Goddesses to see if they met the requirements for granting blessings and protection.

Thanks to Kousuke, an unbelievable number of applications were reaching Jal.

Documents that used to be delivered only once a day were now being delivered multiple times a day.

"I'm going to spend the whole day just reviewing these documents…"

"It looks like you're being punished for not working properly up until now."

Jal gulped at Eris' ruthless words.

"I'm going to make a firm protest about this!"


"Ah, no, well… I have to adjust my paperwork, so I'll work."

Jal was stared at by Eris for a moment, and she looked down at the document to escape her gaze.

No matter how much she tried to run away from reality, the pile of papers would not decrease.

Incidentally, Eris was here to monitor Jal in order to prevent her from fleeing from the mountain of papers called reality, but Jal was unaware of this.

Eris didn't intend to do this either, but she was begged by the other Goddesses to keep an eye on Jal to prevent her from running away from the papers. So… here she was…

Jal didn't suspect anything at all, since the place they were in was the shared office of Eris and the others.

But that didn't mean that Eris could relax either.

The Goddess in front of her was a professional escape artist.

For now, she was still doing her job quietly, but if she tried to escape, she had prepared a final weapon.

Obviously, the final weapon would only be used at the end.

When Spica, who was aware of the fact that Eris was playing the role of surveillance, heard what it was, her face tightened, but fortunately or unfortunately Jal never found out about it.





Chapter 9, New Summons

A day when the first golem was almost completed.

Kousuke was relaxing in the lounge space when Haku came to talk to him.

"Father, is this a good time?"

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"Could you please come to the Administration Floor of the Northwest Tower?"

Kousuke's eyes twitched at the sudden request.

"Is something wrong?"

"There was, or rather… Or should I say, I did something…"

Kousuke inclined his head to Haku, who was fumbling her words.

"Hmm…? Well, okay. I'll go."

Kousuke answered and got up from the sofa and headed for the Administration Floor.


"… So? We're here, what happened?"

"Take a look at this."

With that, Haku opened the summoning circle page in the administration menu.

The Northwest Tower was completely untouched, so only a small amount of summons could be summoned.

However, where Haku had indicated, new summons had been added.

The race of the summoned beast that had been added was <Mini Dragon>.

"Did you summon this?"

Kousuke only knew of two elements that could be added to the system, even though the level had not increased.

The two factors were to bring them in or summon them.

He couldn't think of any other Tower that could have added the Mini Dragon race, so he guessed that it had been added by summoning.

When asked, Haku replied with a nod.

"Yes, the Mini Dragon is my kin, and I can summon them at any time, so I summoned them."

"I see."

Kousuke didn't say anything about Haku's summoning in the Northwest Tower.

The decision to leave the Northwest Tower alone was partly for verification, but it was also because they were short on manpower.

The timing was just right, because with the possibility of golems, the point in leaving the Tower empty was diminishing.

"However, before I summoned it to this Tower, I also tried summoning it on other Towers, but it was only registered on the menu for this Tower."

Kousuke was surprised by the unexpected information.

"Tell me more about it."

At Kousuke's urging, Haku started talking, but her reason was very simple.

At first, when she was accompanying Sylvia to check the Floor, she suddenly thought of summoning the Mini Dragon.

She was able to summon it as usual, so she went back to the Administration Floor to check, but the Mini Dragon had not been added.

Then she tried again on the other Towers, but no Mini Dragon was added to any of them.

Amamiya Tower and the Northwest Tower were the only ones left, so she tried it in the Northwest Tower first, and it was registered, which was why she came to Kousuke's place in a hurry to report it.

"I see."

"… Um, aren't you angry?"

"Angry? Why?"

Kousuke inclined his head to Haku, who asked fearfully.

"Because I used the Northwest Tower without permission…"

"Oh! No, I'm not mad at you. Rather, I'm glad you found out about it."

Haku let out a sigh of relief at Kousuke's answer.

The first one didn't go so well, so she summoned one after the other on the spur of the moment, but then she remembered that Kousuke had mentioned leaving the Northwest Tower alone. By then, the Mini Dragon had been registered there.

"I'm glad."

"Anyway, what happened to the Mini Dragon you summoned in the other Tower and the Mini Dragon in this Tower?"

Summoning was basically summoning one at a time, so he was worried about whether the Mini Dragon she summoned would be able to survive with just one of them.

"That should be alright. I've released all the summoned ones together in a Floor in this Tower."

"Right. Then from now on, Haku will be in charge of the administration of this Tower."


"That's what I was planning to do originally, and it's just the right time for you to do it."

"…I understand."

Haku nodded at Kousuke's request.

From Kousuke's point of view, Haku's summoning was quite an interesting result.

Besides, there was one more thing he wanted to check.

"The Mini Dragon summoning, did you do that at Amamiya Tower?"

"No, not yet."

"Then, can you try?"

"Of course."

After seeing Haku nod, Kousuke took Haku and Kouhi to the Eleventh Floor of Amamiya Tower.


The Eleventh Floor was formerly the First Floor of the South Tower.

Since it was replaced in the Floor replacement, the environment was that of the South Tower.

Kousuke chose this location because he wanted to see what would happen if she tried summoning in Amamiya Tower when she failed in the South Tower.

If the Mini Dragon was summoned here and registered in Amamiya Tower's administration menu, only the environment would have been inherited from the South Tower, but the content such as the rules applied would be from Amamiya Tower.

When the Floor was replaced, there were vegetation and monsters that naturally were not registered in the Amamiya Tower menu, but all of them were unregistered.

He was hoping that he might be able to figure out the rules behind it.

In front of Kousuke's eyes, Haku summoned a Mini Dragon.

One Mini Dragon was created in front of Haku's line of sight.

It looked like a lizard with wings.

He looked at its status as well.

Name: None

Race Name: Mini Dragon

Inherent Skill: Flight LV3, Wind Magic LV4, Bite LV2, Swing (Tail) LV3

Blessing Skill: Dragon's Bloodline.

Title: Kin of Haku (temporary)

The reason the title was <Kin of Haku> was because, it was Haku who summoned him.

As for the other skills, there should be no particular change.

Leaving Haku and the summoned Mini Dragon there for now, Kousuke returned to the Administration Floor.

When he checked the summons in the administration menu, he found that the <Mini Dragon> had been successfully added.

He immediately set up his normal set as well as <Mini Dragon Summoning Circle (10) x 2> and immediately returned to the 11th Floor.

"The base has been built, does that mean it has been added?"

Haku asked him, as she had guessed by looking at the surroundings.

"Yeah. It's been added. In the meantime, I'm going to summon twenty Mini Dragons, so you're free to do whatever you want with that child."


In the end, the Mini Dragons summoned by Haku were taken to the Northwest Tower.

All the Mini Dragons summoned by the summoning circle were given the title of <Kousuke's Kin>. He thought it would be lonely if only one of them was called <Haku's Kin>.

However, he wasn't sure if the Mini Dragons even knew about their titles.

After summoning twenty Mini Dragons, Kousuke returned to the Administration Floor.

Haku was left behind to take the Mini Dragons she had summoned herself to the Northwest Tower.


Returning to the Administration Floor, Kousuke thought about what had happened this time.

First, he thought about the fact that Amamiya Tower and the Northwest Tower registered the entry in the menu, while the other Towers did not.

This could be said for other installations as well, but in each Tower, there were clearly defined items that were registered and those that were not.

It was unclear where and on what basis this distinction was established.

In addition, the title given by the summoner would be given priority to the person who summoned it.

The Mini Dragon summoned by Haku was given the title <Haku's Kin>, while the Mini Dragon summoned by the summoning circle was given the title <Kousuke's Kin>.

The Mini Dragon summoned from the summoning circle in the Northwest Tower was also labeled <Kousuke's Kin>.

This indicates that the summons from the summoning circle were only the kin of the head administrator registered in the Tower.

The same was true for summoned creatures in other Towers, so it may seem like a bit of an oversight, but it was interesting to see that summoning within a Tower has a different result.

In the Northwest Tower, Haku would raise the Mini Dragons she summoned, so he was also looking forward to seeing what would happen in the future.


Haku decided to take over the administration of the Northwest Tower, so now all the Towers would be managed.

The golems were almost complete, so once they were completed, it would be possible to add even more kin without worrying about how to feed them.

Amamiya Tower did not have any major changes lately, except for the town of the 5th Floor, so it was going to undergo a major change when the golems were completed.





Chapter 10, Support #1

Everyone was gathered in the Administration Floor's lounge.

The reason they were all there was because Kousuke had asked them to gather when dinner was over.

The reason for the gathering was the completion of the golem that they had been working on.

The golem, a group project by Kousuke, Isnani, Kouhi, and Mitsuki, was bowing in front of everyone.

"Nice to meet you. I am Auxiliary Staff #1."

Its words were faltering, but its movements were almost seamless.

All of them were in awe when they saw it.

Even the previous experimental machine had been astonishing, but this one was even more so.

No matter how they looked at it, the level of technology far surpassed the existing ones.

"So, Floria, is this what golems look like?"

When asked by Collete, Floria seemed to be too stunned to answer.

However, just by looking at her, she seemed to have already given her answer.

"Floria… Are you okay?"

Shrein waved her hand in front of Floria's eyes.

"…Hah!? Wa, wasn't this something impossible…"

Floria started up from her freeze, but stopped again when Auxiliary Staff #1 came into view.

"Hey. Enough of this."

Shrein poked Floria in the head.

"What the heck is that? That's not supposed to be possible!!!?"

Floria pointed in disbelief, but the rest of them remained calm.

"Thank you, Floria. You've helped me keep my cool."

"Yes, I suppose it did."

"It's true that when someone else is in a panic, I can be calm instead."

As the other members calmly poked at her, Floria started to take a deep breath, her face slightly reddening, as if she was becoming embarrassed by her panic.

"Fuuh, haaa… I'm sorry for the commotion."

"Well, I understand how you feel, so please don't worry too much~"

"I will."

Seeing that Floria had calmed down, they all looked again at the first assistant.

No matter how many times they looked at it, it was impossible.

Except for Floria, no one had ever actually seen a golem before.

She realized immediately that the being in front of her had surpassed the existing golems.


"Just out of curiosity, is this really a golem?"

Floria, who knew the most about golems, asked.

"Of course it is. It's using the same basic theory."

"The basic theory, huh?"

"Yes, the same basic theory… Wait a minute. It's true that I'm involved in this one, but it's mostly Kouhi and Mitsuki's fault, right?"

Kousuke's words drew everyone's attention to the two of them.

"It was more fun than I thought it would be, and I was so excited."

"It's nice to have something to get absorbed in, right?"

Kouhi and Mitsuki's words caused everyone to let out a sigh.

If those two were involved, it was normal to expect this sort of outcome.

"What can I say… I'm impressed."

Collete said on behalf of the group.

"Thanks… But, sure, we're screwing things up too, but the reason we're progressing so far is because of Kousuke-sama, okay? We're only contributing to the material part."

Kouhi and Mitsuki were able to create such a golem because they gathered the materials Kousuke wanted.

All Kousuke and Isnani did this time was to come up with various ideas.

Kouhi and Mitsuki were in charge of collecting and processing the materials.

Of course, Kouhi and Mitsuki came up with some new theories themselves.

In the end, all the members of the production team did something unorthodox.


The completed golem was named "Support #1".

There was a lot of controversy about the name, but when Kousuke said that there would be more golems in the future, everyone fell silent.

Kousuke must have realized that there would be more than just a few golems.

Afterwards, people simply called it "Ichigo" or "Ichigo-san" or whatever they wanted to call it.

No one called it Support #1.

Support #1's job was to set up summoning circles to feed the summoners.

It was originally intended to be set up for that purpose, so there was no point if it couldn't be done.

For the time being, he decided to teach routine tasks and see how it went for a few days.

A summoning circle was still a summoning circle, so they couldn't be too careful because if they installed the wrong number, it could result in a catastrophe.

As a conclusion, the golem worked as instructed without any problems.

It was not possible for them to do the work by themselves, so they had to be taught all the things they needed to do at the beginning, but it was natural for them to bear this burden as well.

It was more beneficial to eliminate the burden of setting up the summoning circles.

The control room of each Tower was gathered on the Administration Floor of Amamiya Tower, so there was no need to go through the Transfer Gate.

So far, Support #1's schedule wasn't filled just by installing summoning circles in all Towers, but they were going to be filled sooner or later as they plan to add more Floors for summons.

This would naturally require the creation of a second golem, but Kousuke was not worried about this.

Because Kouhi and Mitsuki were already working on the second golem.

Kousuke was not going to participate in the production of the second golem.

With the first one completed, he was going to resume the management of Amamiya Tower, and more importantly, since they were motivated, he decided to wait and see.

Isnani also said that she was going to start working on another tool, so the two of them would be working on the rest.

When Kousuke mentioned that he was looking forward to seeing what kind of golem the two of them would create together, both Kouhi and Mitsuki's faces turned amused, but unfortunately, Kousuke didn't notice.

Naturally, the other members who were around them at the time noticed, but when they saw their faces, the common thought of everyone was that they were going to do it again.

Kouhi and Mitsuki, as far as Kousuke was concerned, did not have the word 'self-restraint' in their vocabulary.

In this way, one golem was added as a support staff for managing the Tower, and the addition of this golem would be very significant for the Tower's management.

As he mentioned many times, just being able to delegate routine tasks to other people saved a lot of time.

With the time constraints gone, more things could be done.

In a financial sense, too, there were significant savings from using the golem.

At least in terms of the Tower's administration, the golem was a good thing, but it would not be long before the golem created by Kouhi and Mitsuki would have an even greater impact in the future.


"Hey, Floria, you got a minute?"

"What's wrong?"

"What happens if people find out that those golems exist?"

Sylvia asked Floria one day, a few days after the unveiling of Support #1.

"I don't know… I don't have to answer that, do I?"

"I understand, but I'd like to hear some specifics."

They were able to understand that the golem was an extraordinary being.

But they wanted to know exactly how much of an impact it would actually have.

Incidentally, Shrein, Peach, and Collete were also there.

"I see… Hmm, that said."

Floria crossed her arms for a while and thought about what to say, but then she came up with just the right example.

"Wouldn't it be better to just show the priest using that Divine Tool in front of them?"

"…I suppose."

This was something that some people would want desperately.

The golem, however, differed from the Divine Tools in that it could be used by any person.

If word got out that they existed, there would be a huge uproar, no doubt.

"It's a good thing they're not allowed to leave the Administration Floor."

Everyone nodded at Shrein's thoughts.

They couldn't go through it alone, unless someone went through the Transfer Gate with them.

"For now, there's no problem as long as we make them only operate on the Administration Floor, so let's not think about it any further."

Everyone agreed with Collete's words.

However, it was not that far in the future that those who were present would feel the impact of their lack of planning.