
Lessons in Love

After saving the world a second time, Percy faces a fresh challenge more terrifying than any he's faced before: losing his virginity. He wants to give Annabeth the best first time ever, but how can he, when he's got no experience either? Luckily, the Aphrodite Cabin is here to save the day. "You want to learn how to have sex? We can teach you." Let the lessons begin!

BagofDepravity · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Bad Girls Go First

Percy was in the same spot by the lake when Aphrodite appeared again.

He was glad he was alone. This time, she didn't bother with disguises. A buxom woman with a beyond-perfect body and cascading blond curls sauntered up beside him. Before sitting she snapped her fingers. A half-dozen plush cushions appeared from thin air.

"Perfect," she declared in a musical, lilting voice before settling onto them.

Percy glanced at her from the corner of his eye. If he looked directly, he was scared he'd get sucked into staring. "What is it this time, Aphrodite?"

"Not much," said the goddess of love. "Really, I mean it. All I came for was to deliver one teensy little message. Honest."

"One message? What is it?"

When she didn't answer, Percy turned his head to see if she'd heard. As soon as he did he realized he'd fallen for a trap.

Her face was incredible— the best features of every girl he'd ever admired blended into one, dressed up with impeccable makeup ten times better than the perfect sets Drew always wore. It drew him in like a trance. Percy grit his teeth, and using just about all he had, managed to snap the urge to obsess over her that had blossomed in his gut.

Aphrodite smirked like he'd proven her right. "There it is. That resistance. That pure, unfettered will."

"Just… answer the question," Percy said tiredly. 

"Oh, very well." She waved a hand dismissively. "I just wanted to tell not to hold back. When your little 'lesson' starts tonight, give it your all."

Percy was about to say, "That's it?" when Aphrodite grabbed his face. Her long supple fingers held him with surprising strength, forcing him to look at her.

"Be a dear," she said slowly, "and give my daughters exactly what they want. Break them. Utterly."


It was the sixth day. The last lesson left before his 'final exam', whatever that was supposed to be. The thought left an odd concoction of emotions roiling in Percy as he stepped into the Aphrodite Cabin. He was sad it was almost over. He was nervous about what the test tomorrow would be. He was sad these lessons were drawing to their end. Aphrodite's ominous message still rang in his ears. But most of all, he was excited. He wanted to see what the girls had in store for him. He wanted to learn even more, and then show every single one of those tricks to Annabeth in a never-ending night.

Before that, he had a job to do. It wouldn't be right to get distracted now. His tutors would wreck him if he made a mistake like that.

Speaking of his tutors, all of them were there. Usually that would've seemed strange but somehow, on that night, it seemed appropriate.

Two new features had appeared in the room. One was a huge standing closet pushed against one wall, large enough to hold every article of clothing Percy owned… which probably meant it could store a third of what any of these girls had. The other newcomer was a broad bed, one which all three of the girls were perched on.

This bed was wide as three of the cabin's regular beds put together. It had an intricate mahogany bed frame and a headboard that towered above its luscious mattress and array of pillows. As beautiful as the bed was, Percy didn't spend long studying the details. There was something else more eye-catching sitting on it.

On the left, Silena. In the middle, Drew. Valentina sat on the right. Each wore lacy lingerie in different colors… and nothing else.

Silena's bra was the same black one Percy had pulled off of her at the third lesson. Her thong had been swapped for an equally-sheer white one, probably because Percy tore the old one in half. With all due respect to her milky legs, that weren't where any hot-blooded male was looking. Her enormous bust was tantalizingly exposed, cleavage going on for miles. Marks from Percy's teeth were visible as part of the view, which only made him want to make enough fresh ones to blot them out.

Valentina's underwear set was all white, standing out against her dark skin. It was the most elaborate out of the three. Straps around her thighs and waist were connected to her crotch by thin strips. Lacy veils hung down, partially obscuring her stomach and panties. It looked expensive, and long to put on. Percy reckoned he could get it off much faster.

Meanwhile, Drew's lingerie… Percy honestly wasn't sure it counted as clothes. Her thong was so thin that the lips of her pussy stuck out around the sides of the fabric. Somehow, her bra was trying even less. It looked almost normal, pink and frilly, except for two large circles that had been cut out possibly by hand. Each was placed to let her nipples poke straight through. It defeated the entire purpose of a bra, and Percy couldn't deny that he still found it utterly hot for some strange reason.

"So, what is it this time?" Percy asked, coming to a stop in front of them. "We covered reading hints, keeping sex going, foreplay, letting the girl take the lead, and even taking the lead myself. What's left by now?"

The girls exchanged looks. Valentina pouted, while Silena just smirked.

"Phooey!" Valentina said. "I really thought he'd be at least a little flustered by all this."

She pulled a golden drachma from… somewhere, promptly handing it over to her counselor. Silena accepted it readily.

"I told you he'd grown," Silena said proudly.

"You bet on me?" Percy asked.

Valentina laughed. "Oh, Baby, you have no idea how much money Silena has gotten out of us this way. She really knows you well." Her eyes dipped to the drachma she'd handed over and her voice turned sour. "Maybe too well."

"Can we get started already?" Drew snapped, rubbing her legs together.

Valentina yanked her long dark hair, causing the asian girl to fall back with a yelp. "Don't be impatient, Drew."

"She likes that," Silena warned.

"I know," Valentina said. "That's why I did it. I want to see how worked up we can get her before Percy gets to her. If we boss her around a few more times, I bet she'll cum the second he touches her."

"Good points," Silena said thoughtfully. 

Percy held his hand up. "First of all, no they were not. Second… Can someone answer my question?"

"About what the lesson is?" Silena asked. "Well, I suppose it'll be whatever you make it."

"Technically it's endurance," Valentina said. She saw Percy about to interrupt and held up a hand. "Not like with Drew. It's not about you trying not to cum — although I certainly hope you will for the experience's sake — but about going for as long as possible. A good lover doesn't keep only one in the chamber, if you catch my meaning."

"She's saying keep fucking us after you cum," Drew said, still laying on the bed. "I figured I should explain it, because you're probably too dull to understand."

"And to give you the best chance, we decided to let you decide what happens tonight," Silena said cheerfully. "We've told you what to do an awful lot recently. Tonight, at the final lesson, you don't have to listen to a single thing we say."

"And we have to listen to everything you say," Valentina added huskily. She turned her head away and held up her hands between them, cowering playfully. "Whatever will you make us do? I… I… can't wait!"

For a moment Percy stood frozen, grappling with what he'd heard.

It wasn't like he didn't have a lesson for tonight. If his stamina gave out, it would be a failure. He couldn't forget that. But it didn't change the wave of raw anticipation rising inside of him.

He stared at Drew and Silena kneeling there in the bed, looking up seductively. Drew was more glaring at him than anything, but he hardly noticed. The lower lips visible around her thong were already glistening slightly. She was probably the most eager out of all of them.

Percy would be lying if he said the lessons hadn't left him with certain… fantasies. Beyond even the curriculum. Even the night before it felt like he was dancing to someone else's tune, as crazy as that sounded considering the brutality he'd dolled out on Drew. This was different. This time, he was calling the shots. He pulled his shirt off.

Each of the girls traced his muscles with their eyes. It was nothing they hadn't seen multiple times by now, but that didn't stop them from enjoying the view.

"Get the rest off of me," he commanded.

The girls leapt forward, even Drew who'd been laying down. She popped open the button on his jeans, loosening them. Valentina and Silena pulled the pants down the second they were loose, each yanking on one leg. The three girls moved like person. Their movements were perfectly in sync.

His boxers followed his jeans just as quickly. The three girls quickly grouped up, kneeling in front of him at head-height with his cock. They looked up, awaiting further instructions.

Needless to say, Percy was already hard. He had been since the moment he caught sight of their outfits, and it had only swelled since. There was only one thing to do about that.

"Suck it."

The girls shared a look, just for a second. Somehow, that was enough for them to come up with a plan of attack. They surged forward.

Drew attacked the top of his shaft, shoving it against her throat. She forced herself down further and further, taking his massive length inside of her far past the point most girls would've been left a choking mess. That much Percy had felt before (twice!). But this time, she wasn't alone.

Valentina ducked down lower, suckling on his balls. Her soft lips caressed him. Her tongue worked in subtle little circles. It was perfect for her delicate, domineering style. Drew could go on obliterating her own throat. Valentina would get the same results with technique and a softer touch.

Percy groaned. The chemistry of both of them at once made him shut his eyes from pure pleasure. It also made him lose track of Silena. That continued right up until he felt a tongue at his opposite side.

He almost snapped around as fight or flight roared to life in him. He thought that was a perfectly reasonable response, considering a tongue had just entered his asshole. He managed to rein the urge in, although his whole body did noticeably tense.

Silena giggled at his reaction. He felt the vibration in the sensitive skin her mouth was pressed to, nearly flinching all over again.

Drew's relentless assault on his cock was well and truly underway. Although maybe it was more accurate to describe it as an assault on her own throat. Percy's cock battered relentlessly against the vulnerable skin inside her all without him having to move at all. She did it to herself, thrashing up and down with a raw kind of violence.

Silena and Valentina's tongues worked just as tirelessly. With Valentina, every time her skin brushed his she felt softer than satin. Always moving, never harsh, she caressed his hairy balls like they were the world's greatest treasure.

With Silena, her tongue didn't need to be so delicate. Percy was so sensitive back there, so unused to this kind of treatment that every touch felt amplified multiple times over.

Percy's groans had become all out moans, and he wasn't embarrassed about that. Not even slightly. With three of the hottest girls at camp down there worshiping him, you'd be moaning too. It would've been rude to hold himself back when they were working so hard.

Three different strains of pleasure rocked his body, mingling into something that transcended each of its parts. One of his hands went back to grip Silena's head while his other grasped Drew. He shoved both of them forward. Silena went with it, using the push to dig her tongue in even deeper. Drew, on the other hand, played dead. She let his girth fill every corner of her mouth. Saliva and moist flesh clung to Percy's cock, amplifying the pleasure that had been building. Riding the rising wave, Percy came for a first time.

It was fairly fast, but when three daughters of Aphrodite come together to make you burst, there's only so much you can do.

Cum flooded Drew's throat. Most of it slid straight down to her stomach, entering her too deep to spit out even if she wanted to. The rest burbled back into her mouth as Percy dragged his cock free from her. So much filled her, twin white trails even dripped back out of her nose, dribbling down her face.

Lipstick ruined, eyeliner running in trails from her watery eyes, Drew looked up at Percy with a look that solidified his next step in his mind.

"Get her on the bed," Percy told the others, inclining his head at Drew.

Silena leaned around from behind him, her eyes sad. "You give her the whole first load, and now she gets to be fucked first? We're are here too you know."

Percy grabbed her, physically pulling her around next to Drew and Valentina. Silena's eyes widened slightly at the move.

"Tonight I'm choosing," Percy reminded her. "You and Valentina will get yours too… so hold her down for now."

Valentina moved first, Silena a moment later. They hauled a mostly-unresponsive Drew onto the fancy bed set up for their use. Under Percy's directions they set her down in the middle. Each of them took one of her legs and pulled them up, until they were holding her ankles next to her ears. Drew was incredibly flexible; the position didn't even make her flinch. Only when Percy stepped onto the bed himself, positioning himself in front of her crotch, did she show some reaction. She craned her neck to look up at him.

Percy held eye contact. That only seemed fair. Then he grasped his cock and pushed it under her thong. Slowly lifting it back up, the fragile fabric strained against his length until it quickly couldn't take it. The thong snapped in half. Drew whimpered.

Percy slammed his whole length into her without any more warning.

If anything, he figured that was doing her a favor. Drew had shown just how little she cared about small things like comfort and taking it slow.

She gasped as Percy thrusted into her. His hands found the nipples poking out of her 'bra' and pinched down, hard. He pulled her breasts with so much force that she would've risen off the bed if her sisters weren't pinning her down by the legs.

As he turned and twisted her breasts, his hips never stopping, Drew raised her voice as loudly as he had earlier. Percy was glad to see he could get reactions himself, instead of just giving them. With one more harsh twist, he released her breasts.

Drew looked disappointed, but only for a moment. She quickly found two fingers shoved into her mouth. Her moans were muffled now. Percy sped up. His fingers clawed around her mouth, and almost to his surprise, she responded.

Drew's cheeks hollowed as she sucked on his fingers. Even as her eyes rolled up. Even as her pussy shook under his onslaught. She went on sucking.

"Now that's Aphrodite's kid," Percy mumbled

"You want to really drive her crazy?" Valentina asked suggestively. "Grab her throat."

Percy gave her a disbelieving look. But he didn't think she was lying. He jerked his fingers out of Drew's mouth and grasped her neck.

At first he didn't notice a reaction, but as his fingers tightened the change came on quickly. Drew's mouth shot open to drag in more air. At the same time, a violent orgasm hit Percy's cock, washing against it. Another followed not ten thrusts later. Drew looked like she would've been screaming, if she could generate any noise at all.

Apparently sick of being sidelined, Valentina and Silena joined in. Each of them used their free hands to grab Drew's nipples the way Percy had earlier. They twisted them, especially Valentina who seemed to draw vindictive pleasure from watching Drew thrash.

Percy let go of Drew's throat. She looked confused for a moment, or even disappointed, but that didn't last. Percy descended on her. He supported himself with his hands, attacking her throat with his mouth. The red lines where his fingers had been became targets. His teeth sunk in with too much force to be considered a hickey anymore, but Drew adored it all the same. Voice returning, she moaned and screeched to her heart's content.

The new position directly above her let Percy spear straight down into her on every thrust. Drew's taut pussy was mashed down with resounding claps. The heat from her uneven breathing washed over Percy's left ear. He could feel Silena and Valentina's hands under his chest as they continued to drag and jostle Drew's nipples. 

Finally, Percy sunk his teeth in so deeply he was almost shocked it didn't draw blood. He couldn't be gentler though; the rush was more than he could take. He came inside of Drew for the second time in two nights. 

When he pulled himself up and struggled off of her, he felt his cock beginning to soften. Two ejaculations in under half an hour will do that.

Luckily it was a problem that didn't last long. One look at Drew, held down with his cum dripping out of her, red marks around her nipples and all along her neck as she stared dazedly at the ceiling, and his erection came roaring back.

Then he looked past her, at Valentina and Silena, both in their full lingerie sets eagerly awaiting their turn. Suddenly he was harder than a rock. 

"Bend over," he told Valentina. "You're next."

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