
Chapter 35: I Don’t Want You

Rachel had just cleaned up after the early morning rush for coffee and pastries and was about to take stock of things before the late morning break began. Then she became aware that she wasn’t alone. Henry had stopped in and was watching her. Who knows how long he had been there?

“What’s a guy gotta do to get some coffee around here?” he asked Rachel, while doing his best to make conversation.

“Oh Hi, Henry.”

“I’m joking. I didn’t come for coffee; I wanted to see you.”

“Henry, I thought our last conversation was clear: I don’t want to date you. And I have a boyfriend,” she repeated for what felt like the hundredth time.

“That tall bloke who came for you the other night?”

She rolled her eyes impatiently, “Yes! He’s the one.”

He complained, “Everywhere I go I see you two together.”

“That’s because I’m with Tres, so I can’t be with you, too, Henry. Understand?”

“But you have never really given me a chance. It’s like you already chose someone else.”