
Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

This is SMUT, Harrem, and Raunchy/full of sex and debauchery. I can't get the tags to work but don't read if you have a problem with sex with strangers and nonmonogamous relationships. Also will have relations with monsters and inanimate objects. Hedone is a young woman who put her all into running throughout her school life. However she was never the best and after graduating highschool she felt a lack of motivation. Not only that but her perfect mother has always made her feel inferior. In the end she becomes a shut in like her sister for a year only going out to run in the morning every day. As she wallows in stagnation she finds adult art and revels in women being humiliated imagining that those who seem to have their lives together being brought down. However Hedone can't even sink in the temptations of lust as her body rejects all sexual pleasure. Hedone's mother worrying about her daughters shut in ways decides to move out to a small town surrounded by forests. After exploring the forest near their new home Hedone find's a dungeon seed. Her envy and desires activate the seed opening up a new world to the young woman. Not only that she finds out about gods, other worlds, and even that she was cursed. Accepting to become the Mistress of the dungeon Hedone's life is now tied to the success and continuation of the dungeon! Why was she cursed? What will she do with her power? How will she manage the dungeon? Please read on to see the answers to these questions!

Untolddead · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
91 Chs

I choose you!

  I select the Minion menu, and once again, a surprisingly large list streams in front of me. "This is ridiculous. What a worthless system," I complain to myself. "Alright, how about a slime that should be cheap, right?"

  "That's correct," the sultry female voice replies as the menu switches to a slime.


  A creature with a gelatin body is often found in dungeons and caves as it can eat anything. The slime's temperament and color will change based on what it eats. Slimes lack higher thinking, but a dungeon master can give them basic commands.

  They are tough to kill, but solid and blunt strikes or magic can cause them to lose cohesion, turning into puddles. They can be dispersed from there without enough slime to reform. Fire is the simplest way to kill slimes.

  Slimes reproduce by splitting in two. They grow as large as the food will allow in their territory. Once its body becomes too large to live in its local area, it will split. The two slimes will take half of the old territory while expanding out in opposite directions.

  Cost 10, upkeep 1

  "Sure, let's get 4 of those and finish up," I say without much thought. I don't know anything about being a dungeon master, so I don't have any plans beyond being able to orgasm.

  As I select to buy a slime, I feel something expanding in my stomach. "What's going on!" I exclaim as my uterus fills and shifts.

  "The slimes spawn at the heart of the dungeon. Which is the crystal you're sitting on," the crystal explains without worry.

  "Oh god, it's filling me up, and wiggling around this is so weird!" I yell while gripping the armrests. It's a strange mix of pain and, for some reason, pleasure. I glance at the sensitivity controls with a mischievous smirk. Well, it won't hurt to try once, will it? I reach out and turn it up until the pleasure entirely overshadows the pain of suddenly expanding.

  I feel the power of the introduction continually repairing my expanding uterus. It's as if I'm experiencing nine months of pregnancy in only a few minutes. Usually, this would destroy me from the inside but not in this exceptional circumstance.

  The slime gently explores my uterus while also probing the exit in and out as if I'm being fucked from the inside. It's a fantastic, mind-blowing sensation. I squelch all over the chair while having a full-body orgasm. The pressure on my bladder forces me to pee, squirting all over the place, mixing with my sexual juices. The pee itself feels terrific as it vibrates and falls on my clit. With the increased sensitivity, it's basically like having a second vagina.

  My eyes roll, and I feel myself starting to pass out as my body shakes uncontrollably. My fingers turn white as I grip the stone armrests. I forcefully stay awake, not wanting to miss out on this rollercoaster of pleasure.

  The slime now fully formed squeezes out of my womb, opening up the inner part of my pussy. It ever so slowly caresses every aspect of my lower flower. It squeezes around the crystal. It moves like a worm extending and contracting, giving my most sensitive spots a massage.

  The slime finally reaches my lips and squeezes out between the crystal. Rubbing and bumping the lips, my clit is sucked and pulled by the creature. It doesn't force its whole body out but slowly slides its way through the hole like it would a small cave hole.

  I convulse and orgasm releasing more fluids. However, now the slime happily eats up my nutritional cum. I guess it enjoys the taste as well. I think while smiling.

  After an hour of unforgettable pleasure, the slime is finally released from my pussy. It slides down the chair and begins sliding along the floor. It goes straight towards the wall and starts climbing up it. After making a circle, it returns to my chair, this time slightly to the side. It reaches my juices on the ground and sucks the liquid up. Then it continues. It's basically an automatic vacuum cleaner I observe.

  I relax for a bit as I feel my stretched womb return to its original size. "How convenient," I mutter happily. I then happily press to create the second slime. Returning to orgasmic bliss. Once the second one is released, I do this again two more times.

  With four slimes climbing around the room, I relax back into my chair. Then I hear a bing and look up in surprise. Brood Mother title acquired. The dungeon master may choose to birth a minion at a discount. They will be born as the earliest stage of life. The minion will be more powerful than normal summons. The dungeon master's vagina and uterus will have maximum elasticity, not feeling pain or suffering damage from stretching.

  "I wonder how often people get two titles during their introduction?" I question as I inspect my new title.

  "It's rare but not unheard of."

  "So that's it, right?"

  "The last thing you have to do is to create a retainer."

  I sigh and ask, "what the hell is that?"

  "It's the same as a minion, except they will be more powerful, unlike minions that are more like citizens of a dungeon. The retainers are tied to you as the dungeon master. If the dungeon is captured or destroyed, they will die with you. Are you prepared to end the introduction and create your retainer? This will end your chance to get the introduction discount."

  "Yeah, I'm ready," I state as I slick back my fiery hair and reset my ponytail.

  "Alright, entering retainer designer mode."

  The world then disappears, and I'm standing in a starry sky. The stars shoot out lights that cover my body. Once the light fade, I see a hot woman her shinning green hair cascades down her back to the floor. Her body is tone and well-shaped, her skin a beautiful, healthy pink. Her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes are black with a solar system in them. Her perky breasts are the size of baseballs with pink suckable nipples. Her lower part has a strip of green highlighting her gumdrop clit. Her vaginal area is dripping with anticipation.

  "Hello, master. What do you think of my body? It's created from your mind," The voice that once came out of the crystal now speaks from this nude sexy woman. She sexually shows off her body by spinning around.

  I swallow hard as my body is instantly getting hot and bothered. I reach out to grab the attractive woman; however, my hand only passes through her.

  "I'm not a living creature, so I can not personally pleasure you. I apologize."

  "What a tease. So what do I need to do?" I question in frustration.

  "Unless you have a specific creature you'd like. I'd recommend the Fae. They are attractive and amorous with a lot of magic power."

  I shrug, "alright. I don't have any other ideas, and I don't feel like spending a century looking through all the existing creatures." I then pause and think. "Should I give birth to them? They'll be more powerful in the long run then, right?"

  "That is true, but while it's true, a baby fae does start out as a small fairy. They take quite some time to reach their maximum power and human size. They are amorous from birth though they are more interested in sex as a prank. Which makes them a good choice."

  Hmm, well, sexy women are great… "Do the grown Fae that is spawned have a life I take them away from? And do I get dungeon points for having sex with them?" I ask, tilting my head.

  The sexy nude woman looks at me as if what I asked was odd and explains, "no, the creatures have no past. They are created when you choose them. However, every creature's creation is different. Sex with minions and retainers doesn't count for the dungeon points. But any sex they have with intruders does."

  "Let's go with birthing then. It's more fun for me now, and they'll be stronger. It's the best long-term."

Thanks for reading!

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