
The Fool Who Unite The Worlds

- King Of Heavens -

* Smiling* Today is a nice day!

- Minister, Leon -

*Malicious Intent* Yes, My Lord...

- King Of Heavens -

[ So ... Today is the day... huh... ] ... * Smiles * Do you have any requests... Minister?

* The King Activates A Spell *

Suddenly, An Army Of Armed People Came in the Palace. Then, Many Mages Unite And Binded The King.

- Leon -

* Pulls A High Tiered Sword * Don't fret my Lord... We only need your life... * Curious * Also what is the spell you casted? It don't seemed an escape spell...

* Initiative * KILL THE KING NOW!!!

The King, Showed No Resistance, Accepted The Swords And Blades Then Died. Explosions Was Continuously Made In The Heavenly Castle. Countless Casualty And Treasures Was Scattered And The Beasts Was Scared And Run Away To Mortal Realm. The Heavens was Destroyed...

- Leon -

[ The King already noticed the revolt He casted a 15th Tier spell to destroy the heavens. A genius fool... ] ... Suicide ... Is This Your Answer... * Disappointed * My King?

Yay... A remake ... I'm still Amateur My apologies...

Giornocreators' thoughts