
chapter 2.4


Serusia killed 42 People, who she saw in the castle. Some of them got away, she was left all alone in the castle.

Few days past, shortage of food started, so she decided to eat the people she killed.

On the other side, the subject's never went to the castle again, they decided to move out from the kingdom, slowly-slowly all the people left the kingdom left.

In 4 months she ended up eating all 42 people she killed, so again there was a shortage of food, this time she decided to go into the village and look for food.She took a knife and went straight to the village.

By walking she realised no one was present here, so she started to searching in their house, from behind, she felt like someone was watching her, she took out her knife pointing behind her but no one was there, she thought it was just her imagination.

She got nothing to eat in the whole kingdom.

Few days past she started living on water, she was not having any energy left in her, it was even hard for her to walk. Somehow she managed to walk and went out of the castle, she saw grass, starving for food she ate those grass and now she finally got ill. She knew that her death was close, and died after few days in 1045.....

(Present 1200)

Reaina "It was quite dark, I feel bad for those 42 people"

Maid " Your highness where are you?"

Reaina "I'm here"

Maid "Your highness we were so worried about you, you should tell us where your going (worried) and your room is ready"

Reaina "Oh! thank you, sorry I worried you all, however I cleaned the library"

Maid "Oh! thank you your highness for helping us, now you should rest in your room."

Reaina : Yeah.....