

Book 2 of Mafia Boss Wife "I sat beside Boss Logan with my fist clenched beside me. We were inside a room that could accommodate more or less five hundred people. This place was located in the underground of a five-star hotel in the business district of Manila. It was a round space with seats surrounding the open space in the middle. It looks like a mini stadium. On the ceiling, a conveyor was moving around the guest with cages attached to it. Each cage contained two women wearing sports bras and leggings. My blood boils in anger seeing the two women I've been looking for a month. Finally, I found them." *** Leon Miller, son of ex-Mafia Boss Scott Miller, and his wife, Lara Carter, from birth, Leon, was sheltered and protected by his parents and the people around him in the safety of their homes from the darkness outside. When he was a child, he didn't mind it. Instead, he loved all the attention he got from his family and their friends, but as Leon got older, he started to ask why his parents didn't let him out without a bodyguard beside him and trained him to be a skilled fighter. When his parents told him about their past life, and his father was the Mafia Boss, he understood why they were doing all these things. It is because of his safety. But when he turned nineteen, he wanted out. He wanted to experience life as a regular teenager his age. He knows that his parents were only doing all this for his safety, but the Mafia had been gone for years, and he could protect himself. After he finished his secondary education, he ran away from home. He knows if he asks his parents' permission, they won't let him. He has already planned everything where he is going. He was already accepted into the University abroad as a scholar. He passed the entrance exam and their scholarship program without his parents knowing and a place to stay, and that's where he is going, in the Philippines, away from home. Let's follow Leon's Journey outside the safety of his home without any experience of the outside world full of people wearing a mask to hide their real identities. Could Leon survive alone, naive and innocent of the darkness of the people around him? Let's find out how Leon survived.

Hope_seeker · Action
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10 Chs



I followed Aliyah out of our apartment and down to her car. I felt nervous as soon as I saw her car. This scrap she called a car will be the death of me soon I'm sure of that.

"Can we take a bus or a train or any other kind of transportation but not your car today?"

"It's very hard to catch a bus during rush hours and I'm sure you'll combust if we ride a train. The train is the last thing you want to ride during rush hour. The passenger inside the train is like sardines inside a can. And the bus is no different. Even if my car looks like scrap, at least you have a comfortable ride. Now stop being choosy and get inside. I'm going to be late for my work if we stay here longer.

I sigh but get inside the car and fasten my seatbelt. She grinned at me as she slowly drove away from our apartment while I clutch my seatbelt. I promised once I have money, I'll buy her a new car. God, this scrap might kill her soon if she keeps using this.

The traffic wasn't a joke. It moves like a snail and Aliyah keeps cursing beside me murmuring she's going to be late. I sigh. I think walking is faster than riding a car if this continues.

She turned to our right and I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that the street was clear. Within fifteen minutes she stopped in front of the three-story building.

"Let's go." She rushed out of the car and ran inside the building and I followed her. A receptionist waved at her and Aliyah returned it with a smile and ran to the elevator. I followed quietly behind her and stood beside her in the elevator. She pressed the third floor and anxiously watched as the number blinked on the wall.

When the elevator opened on the 3rd floor, She quickly stepped out and I followed. The whole floor was open. It was only divided by a walkway in the middle. Half part of the room is a gym. where exercise machines lined near the wall and the other half at the far end of the room hung different martial arts materials, as well as on the floor. "Good morning, Paul. I'm sorry. I'm late."

"It's okay, your students are just there warming up on the treadmill. Who's this?"

"This is the friend I told you about from Korea. This is Leon. Leon, this is my boss Paul."

"Hi, Paul."

"Hi, I heard what happened to you."

"Yeah." I sighed. "Now, I'm a beggar." He chuckled.

"Don't worry, I got a job for you. One of my workers resigned, so if you are fine working here you can already start tomorrow."

"Really?" I looked at Aliyah and she grinned at me.

"Yes, I trust Aliyah's judgment, are you willing to work here?"

"Of course, but what am I going to do?"

You'll assist our customers, if they need help, and clean the equipment after someone is done using it. Your work will start and end the same as Aliyah but if you want a night shift I can change your schedule."

"I'm fine with days for now. I still don't know how to get here using public transportation. Maybe when I am familiar with the way towards here."

Okay, I'm hoping you are familiar with some of the equipment here."

"Yes, I am familiar with most of them."

"That's good. Okay, if you're okay with your work description, you can sign a contract later."

"Okay, thank you, Paul."

"You won't ask how much your salary is?"

"Should I?"

"Of course. What if I only pay you 150 pesos per day? Are you okay with it?" Aliyah chuckled beside me.

"This is his first time working, that's why he doesn't know what he should ask before starting his work."

"How much is my salary, then?"

"I'll give 750 pesos as your starting salary plus overtime, but it can go up depending on your performance."

"Thank you, Paul."

"You are welcome. Allen, call Jomar, Bryan, and Jacob, I want you guys to meet your new coworker." A few minutes later four guys came, and all of them are fit but I'm taller than them and they all look older than me.

"Okay, this is Leon, and he will start working tomorrow. Leon, this is Allen. He is the one I trusted with the maintenance of the whole place. He is the one who supervises the whole place." I smiled at Allen and he shook my hand. He has a shaved head, and tattoos covering his arms.

"This is Bryan, he is the one who is assigned to maintain all the equipment. If something is not working, you'll ask him for help." I nodded and shook hands with Bryan. He has long hair and ties it into a ponytail, and also has some tattoos on his arms. I'm sure there are more hidden under his shirt.

"Jomar and Jacob are the ones who were assigned to cleaning and assisting our client but Allen and Bryan also help if there's no other important thing to do and you join them. The three of you will do the cleaning of all the equipment and assist our clients. There are three others during the night shift and they are the ones who clean the whole place ." I frowned to see that they look almost the same. Blond hair and they didn't look Filipino.

"They are twins, and their father is American but their mother is a Filipina," Aliyah said.

"Oh, no wonder they look alike." I smiled and shook their hands. I'm thankful that they all look friendly.

"How old are you, Leon? You look so young." Allen asked.

"I'm nineteen."

"Umm! Excuse me guys, My students are here," Aliyah said and left us.

"You don't know how to speak Tagalog?" Jacob asked.

"No, I just arrived here two days ago, and I was robbed as soon as I stepped out of the airport. I should be studying here but all my documents are all inside the bag that the thief snatched from me."

"I experienced that too, but I beat the hell out of that guy and I got my wallet back." Jomar proudly said.

"Okay, continue your talk while working. Show Leon what he needs to do tomorrow." Paul said and patted my back.

Jomar and Jacob, just ask me to watch them while they are working, and I observe their work. I don't want to embarrass Aliyah for backing me to get this work done. I'll make sure to do my job properly.

I watched as Jacob and Jomar quickly wiped and sprayed a disinfectant on the equipment after someone was done using it and returned it to their right places.

Sometimes they assist those who're doing weight lifting, and if there's some minor problem with the machine. This job is easy and I'm thankful for Aliyah. I owe her a lot.

Aliyah's students are kids. Maybe around the age of ten to fifteen. She has fifteen students and I could tell that she's good at what she is doing.

During lunch time Paul orders food for everyone including me, and we eat together. I feel like I found friends with these people and all thanks to Aliyah.

We left her workplace at four in the afternoon and we stopped at the grocery. I paid for it despite her protest. We bought rice, bread some instant noodles, eggs, can goods, some meat, fish, drinks, and chips.

Arrived home around five and Aliyah rushed to take a bath and change to go to school. "Don't worry, I'll arrange everything, and I'll cook our dinner."

"Are you sure you know how to cook?".

"I'm a fast learner. I'll wait for you for dinner."

"Just make sure you don't burn our apartment. I'm going to see you later."

"Okay, take care." She nodded and stepped out of our apartment. I arranged our groceries inside the cabinet. After that, I took a bath and then clean our apartment.

Around nine thirty I cook rice. I just followed the instruction given by Google. I'm glad that she has a rice cooker. Then I fried a fish, god I think I got many burns because the oil keep popping but I'm glad I made it, and it looks good. I smiled proud of myself. I also cook an instant crab and corn soup, and around ten thirty I'm done cooking. I couldn't believe I do it by myself.

I hummed a song as I set the table and then cover the food. I smiled and went out of our apartment to wait for Aliyah downstairs.

I went to the ground floor and lean on the wall near the parking lot. There are still people around. Some are drinking in the eatery we eat we I came here. And there is some mean just longing around smoking and some are just talking.

I stood there waiting for Aliyah's car to come. After thirty minutes of waiting, I saw her car approaching but I saw the three men who were smoking not far away from me standing up from their sitting position looking at Aliyah's car.

I push myself off the wall and as soon as Aliyah parked her car I rushed to her. I saw the men also move to her car but I open the door for her and wrapped my arms around her shoulder.

"Finally you came. Let's get inside." I said and guided her to the building.

"Aliyah!" One of the men called out. She stiffened and stopped walking. The men blocked our way, and I make sure I won't forget their faces.

"Sir Logan wants to talk with you."

"We already talk, and I won't change my mind."

"You sign a contract with, Boss."

"I only signed for three months, and I finished it, but he cheated me and change it to two years."

"Even if it was true, your signature was there. And he can sue you."

"Let him sue me then but I won't work for him anymore," Aliyah said and pulled me to our apartment.