
Floor Master pt.2

With a burst of speed belying his size Kanjiru tried to close the gap between him and Leon, running away Leon reached behind his back drawing three arrows before nocking one and firing. Snorting Kanjiru encased his fist in Nen as he blocked the arrow, putting up some resistance the arrow continued to try and pierce its target before falling to the floor. Surprised at feeling some pressure from an arrow Kanjiru sped up knowing that Leon having range on him was a problem. Firing another arrow Leon systematically targeted Kanjiru's joints but he had yet to draw blood.

' Damn I can get close to the kid from what I know he hasn't used a bow before so he knows something about my ability. I guess I need to stop treating him like a kid, after all the Zoldycks aren't people to underestimate. '

Waiting until Leon was off the ground trying to avoid him Kanjiru closed the distance suddenly and pivoted to face Leon before his arms discolored turning purple before splitting into a multitude of tentacles. Gritting his teeth Leon used Tempo Field enveloping him in an instant, ' I hate using this move. ' As the tentacles swarmed towards him Leon seemed to move at two times speed as he dropped to the floor and moved away leaving behind a see-through mirage. Grasping at empty air Kanjiru reformed his arms now wary of whatever Leon had just done. When he came to a stop Leon winced as his arms started to twitch against his will, a function of his Tempo Field was he could speed up or slow down his body's reactions. But it had a massive backlash if he used it more than three times in one day.

' That was close, he was conditioning me so he could surprise and end me in one blow. The arrows aren't working either I just need to survive two more attacks and draw blood for me to finish the fight. '

Tossing the bow aside Leon drew his sword facing Kajiru head-on, chuckling Kanjiru's arms shifted back to tentacles writhing and thrashing. Shivering Leon dashed in to attack as soon as he entered ten meters Kajiru's tentacles honed in one him aiming to restrain his limbs, with inhuman flexibility Leon seemed to move before the tentacles reached him. When he couldn't dodge Leon was able to cut through the fleshy appendages but they just exploded into purple smoke obscuring his vision for a brief second.

Jumping over Kanjiru Leon tried to take his head but the large man ducked before bringing his many arms around to try and grab at Leon. Dropping to the ground Leon moved out of reach, ' you're not the only one who was hiding their strength. '

Starting a game of cat and mouse Leon and Kajiru danced around each other, so far Leon had narrowly escaped twice he had ended up dislocating one shoulder to escape.

Panting after his latest attack Leon licked his busted lip, ' Those things pack quite a bunch, and I haven't landed a single hit on him. I never thought I would encounter someone this strong outside my family. '

Even with Tempo Field Leon wasn't able to compete with Kajiru, mind racing Leon knew that there was only one way he was going to walk out of this alive.

Sheathing his sword Leon sighed before he yelled at the top of his lungs, " I Forfeit!! " Everyone was silent but that didn't stop Leon from picking up his bow and turning around to leave. Just as he reached the door Kanjiru spoke, " Come back here when you're ready. "

Rubbing the back of his head Leon grinned as he entered the elevator leaving the arena, once he was alone Leon sighed. It wasn't his first loss, but this one was a task given to him and he prided himself on completing every job, contract, or mission given to him.

Arriving at his room door Leon reached for the handle when he saw the door was slightly ajar, opening the door Leon relaxed when he saw his fathers figure standing in his room.

" So I saw you failed your task, get packed were heading back home. " With the attitude of a child who just got scolded Leon packed the few items he had, following his father without a word Leon kept his head down in shame.

As they walked Leon could feel his father's eyes on him evaluating how he could mess up so badly, ' I should have trained harder, I thought I was some prodigy who was above everyone else. I need more training maybe Maha would let me spend another three years in his cave. '

When they got in the car Leon barely noticed they started to move when Silva placed his hand on Leon's shoulder, " You don't need to feel shame for losing a battle while you may have lost yourself in the moment I know that you see what you did wrong. Learning and adapting are skills every assassin needs, the man you faced has used Nen longer than you have drawn breath. "

Leon let his father's words take root in his mind, while he was still disappointed in himself his resolve strengthened.

" That said you still failed a task, you shall spend three days in the torture room, Milluki needs a practice dummy. " Lips twitching Leon resisted the urge to laugh, ' Well I can't expect not to have any punishment we're a family of assassins after all.

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A special thanks too: AlucardDCLXVI, Hades, Ben, Vampwalker, Matt Campbell, Ryfo, Jhon Roy, kool_aid75, Nikolas Kovács, Judd.

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