
Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC

One day in the six-faced world, a newborn child, completely conscious of his surroundings, is taken in by a certain party of adventurers… the Fangs of the Black Wolf. But not two years later, the party splits, and our main character, Leon, is greeted with the pleasant surprise of a younger brother, in the form of Rudeus Greyrat. As Leon discovers more of the world and increases his strength to stave off any danger he could encounter, he comes to realize that in this world, and in his life, there is one thing he holds dear above all… family. Arcs are released in batches. Relationships (Spoilers): OC x Sylphiette, Roxy, Eris, ? Rudeus x Sara, ?, ?

OmegaLul1234 · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 21 - Tenth Birthday

— Rudeus Greyrat —

It was evening when I arrived in Roa, and just like Leon had said, it was a cool city to see in person, with large walls and a fortified castle in the centre.

As we got into the city, Ghislaine told me about all the places I pointed out, such as the Adventurer Guild, the weapon smith, and the brothel, which I was quite interested in.

She was a stern, but kind woman, just like Leon said.

As I entered the manor, a butler led us to what looked to be a reception room, where I was then pointed to two sofas that were facing each other.

Okay… this would be my first interview, I guess. 

I didn't want to know what would happen if I failed it, but I knew I wouldn't want to see Paul's teasing face upon my return after getting rejected.

So let's do this!

As I waited, it didn't take long for someone to open the door, revealing a thin, lightweight man with sleek brown hair.

Standing up, I hastily bowed while lowering my head.

Introductions were key, after all.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Rudeus Greyrat," I said respectfully.

"Ah, yes, and I am Philip Boreas Greyrat. It seems like you are just as polite as Leon said, but for your information, nobles greet each other by putting their right hand on their chest and bowing slightly," he said.

"Like this?" I said, repeating his movement.

"Yes. Quite right. Even my father would be pleased to see a worker greet him like that. Now please, take a seat," Philip said, flouncing on the sofa with a thud.

"Now… how much have you heard?" he asked, steepling his fingers.

"I was told I would be spending the next five years teaching the Young Mistress, taking over my brother's position. Speaking of… why exactly did he leave?" I said.

"He simply thought it would be best for you to see the wider world, and for him to spend time with his family. Or at least, that's what he told me," Philip answered with a shrug.

Hmm… was he trying to steal the 'cool older brother' title from me?

Well, considering he was already a Sword Saint, I didn't think he had to use such shrewd methods.

"But yes. In return, you will be compensated with free tuition to Ranoa as well as a noble family's support upon completion of Eris' education. I believe you've already met her, yes?" he said.

"Umm… yes, I have," I said, thinking back to when that redheaded mad dog smacked me around with a sword.

"And? Do I have to worry about becoming a grandfather?" he asked.


Well… Paul did mention that he lost his virginity at ten, so the standards were quite different from my old world.

But Eris?

"No. I am not like my father," I said.

Even if she wasn't head over heels for my natural flirt of a brother, I didn't want anywhere near that ball of violence and anger.

A nice girl that I could form into my perfect future wife would be best for me, thank you very much.

Someone like Sylphy, but with a bit more stats in the breast department.

"Oh really? Then you pass. I'll be honest, I don't expect much from you, but since Leon recommended you, I decided to give you a try," he said with a shrug.

That was quite honest. 

A little bit too honest, in my opinion.

"Leon recommended me, huh?" I said.

"Yes. Are you confident?" he asked.

"I won't know until I meet her again. This time as her tutor," I answered.

"Very well," Philip nodded. "Thomas, can you take him up to Eris' room?"

And so, with the large man leading me through the halls of the manor, I soon found myself in front of a closed door.

"Miss Eris," Thomas said, knocking on the door. "Please open the door."

Hearing the tussle of bedsheets and a following set of stomps, the door was flung open to reveal a familiar face with blazing red hair and an arrogant expression.

Except… different from what I remembered, Eris' eyes were reddened as if she had just finished crying.

Oh… I see. 

She must be pretty upset.

"Rudeus? What the heck are you doing here?" she asked with a glare.

Right. I didn't exactly make a good first impression, considering I tried to catch a glimpse of her and Sylphy showering by 'accident' on the second day of her visit.

Although, unlike how Leon would usually quell those attempts with Roxy, that time it was Eris catching me in the act, landing a sharp blow on my cheek.

And I hadn't even seen anything!

"I-It's nice to see you again, Lady Eris. I'm your new tutor. Please treat me kindly," I said with the bow Philip taught me.

"…What!?" she shouted, eyes narrowed in rage. "Don't kid with me!"

"Unfortunately, I am not kidding-"

My words were interrupted by the door being slammed shut, leaving me standing there frozen in place.

Haa… this wasn't going to be easy, huh?

"Having some trouble there?" Philip said cheerfully from the side.

Tsk. How could he be so casual about this?

She's quite obviously heartbroken about that stupid brother of mine leaving, and I wouldn't be surprised if she never picked up another book because of it.

"Yes, I am. But I won't give up so easily," I said.

"Is that so? Well, if you want to warm up to her and earn her respect, it might be best to take her out into the town for a practical lesson. That always seemed to put a smile on her face, after all," Philip shrugged.

A practical lesson… that sounded good.

"Anyway, ask Thomas, the manor's butler, about that," he said, walking away. "Meanwhile, I have some work to do."

Looking over at the butler, his eyes narrowed before he bowed to me.


— Information on the Six-Faced World —

First Great Human-Demon War

Around 7000 years ago, the first war between the Human Race and the Demon Race began, lasting nearly 1000 years. This war was fought with the introduction of magic and martial arts and when the Central Continent and Demon Continent were joined together into one landmass known as the Great Continent.

The war was a period that constantly shifted between fierce battle and relaxation, until finally, the hero of humanity Ars and his six comrades ended the long war, having defeated the Five Great Demon Kings and the Demon Empress Kishirika.

—- Rudeus Greyrat —

Things had somehow turned out okay, and while I had expected Ghislaine to come join us as a guard, the butler said there was no need for such a thing.

I guess the city was pretty safe, huh?

That made sense, you wouldn't want to cause trouble in a city that had a Sword King around, after all.


The Young Mistress Eris, though, was still very reluctant about the whole thing. 

Especially about me.

But even the most pissed-off of people needed fresh air, so she accepted my offer without much of a fuss.

With Eris purchasing a few skewers and having looked around a few of the shops, we were now on our way back to the manor. 

It was quite obvious that I didn't try to add any lessons to our time like Leon did, as I didn't want to risk being hit in anger.

I could now understand why Leon didn't get me any books. 

After all, even the most basic of them were five gold coins. 

That was way out of my price range.

As we began walking back through the darkened streets, I couldn't help but feel like something was a little… off.

A feeling of anxiety and apprehension, like when a big reveal was about to happen in an anime. 

The air tasted heavy, and it was… quiet. 

Too quiet.

"Eris. L-Let's hurry on back, okay?" I said.

"Huh? What do you think we're doing!?" she shouted.


My words trailed off as I noticed a group of four people walking towards us under the cover of shadows.

They were, for lack of a better word, extremely shady-looking fellows.

People I did not want to be associated with.

"Hey!? What the hell are you doing!?" Eris shouted.

"Just shut up, Eris. Not now."

I grabbed her arm before increasing our walking pace, and to my pleasure, Eris seemed to get the idea as she followed me obediently, though she did shake off my hold.

Looking behind me, I saw that the four were still following us, and in fact, had increased their pace to keep up.

Not good.

"In here."

I suddenly turned into an alley, pulling Eris along with me in the hope of losing the pursuers in the city sprawl, or at least making them lose interest in whatever they were following us for.

But to my displeasure, all I heard was the sound of thumping footsteps, as the pursuers in question were now running our way.

Well… this wasn't great.

I had spotted a sword at the hip of each of those guys, so thinking that they were some insistent peddlers was… probably wishful thinking.

Hoping that my sporadic running would lead us to the manor, or at least get rid of the people chasing after us, I soon found my hopes dashed as I reached a wall, blocking off our escape.

Shit… not good.

"Fucking brats. But at least now we won't have to worry about any prying eyes."

Turning around, I watched as the four men pulled out their swords.

The man at the front, who I could only assume to be their leader, pointed his sword toward me. "I'll keep it simple. Hand over the girl, and we'll let you go. Good?"

"I can't do that," I said, summoning a ball of fire in my hand.

"Eh? Did they hire another guard or something?" he asked.

"No. At least not yet," I said, trying to buy time.

Shit. What do I do?

Do I fight?


Not only did I have no experience fighting an actual battle, but it wasn't only my life on the line.

"'Not yet'? What do ya mean?" he asked.

"I'm currently on a probation period," I answered.

"'Probation'? The hell does that mean? Whatever. If you don't have a reason to be here, then leave," he said, jerking his head to the side. "Just hand over the little Missy over there, and all will be good."

That seems to break the state of calm that Eris had been in.

"N-No! Ghislaine! Leon! Help-Mmff!"

I quickly covered her mouth as the leader's face turned irritated.

"Fuck… the beast bitch probably heard that," he mumbled. "You should've listened to me, stupid brat."

The leader then set himself in a crouch with his sword held to the side.

Okay… let's hope this works.

"Hold onto me, Eris!"

Letting go of Eris' mouth and wrapping it around her waist, I then brought my other hand to the ground, preparing to make a pillar of earth to shoot us over the wall.

"Oh no you don't!"

Hearing a yell, I looked up just in time to see a sword twirling through the air, right toward my face.

Right… mercenaries, thugs, and people like this usually used the North God style, and in that style, there is a whole branch of techniques about sword throwing.

Time slowed to a crawl as I felt the somewhat familiar cold embrace of death wash over me.

Familiar because of how my father decided to send me off, but unlike then… this was real.

Was I really about to die a second time?

I doubt I'd get so lucky as to reincarnate again.

Was this… the end? 

But… I hadn't even done anything-!


The sword shattered into a cloud of metal shards as someone landed in front of us in a crouch, with golden hair that reached their shoulder while the back was tied into a messy ponytail, much like Paul's, and a red scarf tied around their neck with the ends drifting in the air.

Seeing that familiar figure, I felt an immediate wave of relief wash over me as I recognized who exactly it was.

Thank god~ 

I didn't want to die a virgin again~

"Rudy," he said. "Which one's the leader?"

Swallowing down my freight, I quickly answered, "T-The one in the back. I think."

"Okay," he nodded.

Leon then held his sword to the side, and I felt an indescribable pressure descend on the alleyway as blue flames began to coat his blade.

"The fuck!? Who the hell are you-?"

The world was then enveloped in a bright flash as a sonic boom echoed across the walls.

My ears ringing, I looked up to see the heads of three pursuers rolling to a stop as their bodies slowly crumpled to the ground meters away from where I was.

As for the leader that I pointed out, while he wasn't decapitated like his friends, his arms were cut off from the shoulder, leaving no chance of resisting.

But despite the carnage, no blood was spilled, as the flames dancing across Leon's blade seemed to have instantly cauterized the cuts as they were made.

My brother, who was now standing at the end of the alley, sheathed his sword before slowly walking over to the shocked leader and punching him in the head, instantly knocking him out.

And with that, the confrontation came to an abrupt end.

"L-Leon!" Eris said, getting up and rushing over to my brother.

I, on the other hand, could only sit there in dumbfounded shock as my brain slowly caught up to the world around me.

It didn't seem real.

The thugs… they were dead, their twitching bodies and the smell of their voiding bowels a testament to this fact.

They were dead, but… it could have easily been me.

If my brother had arrived a moment later… I would be the corpse lying on the ground right now.

This world was not as kind as my old one. 

Here, death was a common occurrence, something part of everyday life.

It was only because I had been shielded in the safety of Buena Village that I did not already understand this completely.

If I had made one single mistake… I would have died.

At this thought, a chill of indescribable fear ran up my spine.

— Leon Greyrat —


Quickly wrapping my arms around the approaching Eris, I soothingly ran my hand through her hair.

"Shh. It's okay. You're safe now," I said.

"Not that, you idiot!"

She then kicked my shin.


I just saved you, you know?

"W-Why are you leaving me? D-Do you… hate me? Are you… tired of me?" she asked.

Looking down, I saw that her face was mixed with a myriad of emotions.

Anger, annoyance, sadness, fear, worry… it seemed our little trap had hurt her more than I thought.

I shook my head. "No. I don't hate you at all."

"Then why are you leaving me!?" she said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm not! That was just… a little ploy, to draw these guys out," I said, kicking the unconscious leader beside me.

At that, Eris' eyes seemed to brighten a bit.

"It's not all a lie, though. Rudy will be taking over as your tutor." She punched me in the chest. 


"But I'm not completely cutting ties with you. I'll still be around most of the time to teach and spend time with you," I said softly. "I still have lots to learn in regard to swordsmanship, after all."

"So then… why aren't you staying all the time? Like before?" she asked with a pout.

"I wanted to visit home some more, especially since my sisters are getting older. And I don't want Sylphy to be alone with Rudy staying here," I explained.

She glared at me. "Idiot."

"Sorry," I said in response.

At that moment, Ghislaine landed in front of us, casting a quick glance at the surrounding signs of battle before nodding to me.

"It seems everything is cleared up here," she said.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" I asked.

"I heard Miss Eris' shout. I was previously told by the head butler to attend to Master Sauros, but once I arrived, he said he never asked for such a thing, so I knew something was wrong," she said.

"I see. So it was Thomas then… did you catch him?" I asked.

She nodded. "I found him trying to escape through the back entrance. Considering you were tailing these two, I decided to capture him before making my way over."

"Good job. Hopefully with him and this guy," I once again kicked the unarmed kidnapper, "we'll get a better understanding of the situation."


As Ghislaine went to pick up the unconscious leader, I let Eris go before heading over to my brother, who was looking at his hands in fear.

"Are you alright?" I asked gently as I crouched down in front of him.

"Huh?" he flinched before staring up at me. "Y-Yeah. It was just a little scary… is all."

Hmm… he didn't seem that traumatized at least, so that was good. 

Just a little shaken.

Ah, right. This was his first brush with death, huh?

"Sorry for not coming sooner. I wanted to see if they would slip up and reveal who hired them in their arrogance," I said, patting his head.

"No, it's fine. It's just… did you really have to wait that long?" he asked.

"No. But I thought it would be a good opportunity to learn about the world. Do you feel enlightened?" I asked teasingly.

"Yeah… very."

And with that, the day came to a long and tedious end.

Although, considering we would need to get the information out of the two criminals, I might be called down to help out in the dungeon.

As I've come to learn during my time helping Philip, the scariest type of magic wasn't a school of elementary magic or anything, but rather… it was healing magic.

Sometimes it was better to succumb to your injuries, after all.

— Leon Greyrat —

A few months had passed since Rudy became Eris' official tutor, and with me splitting my time up in Roa and at home, I had been given a horse of my own from Philip, so I used that as my mode of transportation rather than being reliant on the peddler, allowing me to finally put my horse riding lessons to good use.

Philip had hired a new head butler, as after the whole Eris kidnapping debacle, Thomas, the previous one, had been promptly tortured and executed, but not before we found out who was behind him.

Darius Silva Ganius was the bastard, a perverted noble who had set his sights on Eris after catching a glimpse of her during a visit to Roa.

The good news was that we were now certain there were no traitors among the current employees, and now, we could be mindful of the movements of this vile man in the future.

The bad news, however, was that Darius was the Prime Minister of the Asura Kingdom, and thus, was way too powerful to get punishment with the evidence we had. 

In fact, even if we had a written document of his involvement, he could probably pressure the King to give him leniency, that was just how much influence he had.

However, if I ever saw the man in person, I promised myself that he would soon find himself in the afterlife.

A person like that in power was something I did not want for my cute sisters as they grew older, and it would also clear out any problems Eris might have with him in the future as well.

Eris, while she still didn't like Rudy and often didn't listen to his lessons, had warmed up a bit to my brother, and she was especially glad to have him around for sword training.

It made sense. 

After all, the two were close in ability, so their spars were somewhat equal, unlike whenever Eris tried sparring with Ghislaine and me.

Currently, Eris has the upper hand in both strength and natural abilities, with Rudy having the edge in pure technique, but soon enough, Rudy's edge would be overthrown as Eris got more practice in, and then the girl would become the undisputed strongest of the two.

While she had hidden it well, she certainly didn't like training with me, as while she was just in the early stages of the Intermediate rank, I was a Sword Saint. 

We were simply on a different level, and Eris did not like to lose.

But now that she had someone to lord her strength over, the tension in our spars had disappeared, instead transforming into a fun exchange of strikes rather than the desperate fight it was before.

But that also meant that she went extra hard on Rudy as a way to vent her competitiveness.

Sorry, little brother.

As for home, things had been going well, with my sisters now being one year old and slowly starting to show their personality traits.

Aisha, while not as much as Rudy and I, seemed to be a gifted kid, and was growing at a faster rate than her sister. 

She could now walk, and was quite a very curious child, as she loved seeing new applications of my magic, not for their pretty effects like Norn, but rather for the sake of seeing new things. 

She had also recently begun saying short sentences and was already potty-trained.

Norn, on the other hand, was… how to say, a normal kid.

And she was utterly adorable, especially with how she always carried my gifted stuffy with her whenever she could.

Ah, and she was also very shy, though she opened up around Lilia, Mama, and me.

They had also both already said their first words, which were some form of 'Mama', but to my utter glee, their second words were both 'Leon'.

Suck on that, Paul.

Anyway, slowly, I had transformed from 'Leon' into 'Brother' in their minds, and even though Mama and Lilia always talked about their other brother, Rudy, since they hadn't seen him in a long while, they were only confused about this mysterious figure.

But that would hopefully change once they grew up a bit and Rudy visited home more.

And then… Sylphy.

I had kept up with her teaching, but after a while, it had transformed into simple playtime. 

Seeing as she was a kid who could already silently cast Intermediate magic, I don't think this was anything bad.

But I also realized something during this time.

She… liked me. 

She liked me in the same way I liked Roxy, though still a bit more childish.

I figured this out before Paul gave me 'the talk' about girls, sex, pregnancy, and all that stuff I already knew, and… I didn't plan on answering her feelings. 

At least not yet.

I felt that shifting my view of her as a sister into something more of a friend was the extent of what I could do at the moment, and when we got older and more sure of ourselves and our feelings… then, I would decide what to do.

Feelings were… difficult.

And unlike with magic and arithmetic, my enhanced knowledge didn't really help with them.

Anyway, despite that, things were going well, and while I didn't have anything in my future planned to save for marrying Roxy and growing my fighting strength, I was content with my current lifestyle.

With the landscape coated in snow, and the nobles returning from reporting the year's harvest to the capital, it meant that today was a special day.

It was the start of a new year, which meant that…

"Happy birthday, Leon!"

It was, as they said, my birthday. 

More specifically, my tenth birthday.

Usually, this day would be followed by an apprenticeship for a trade, or starting small jobs on a farm, but since I was already employed with quite a good salary, I didn't have to go through all that.

"Thanks, everyone. It looks fantastic."

Beaming at the feast laid out before me, I felt my sides get pressed by two bodies as Lilia and Mama both gave me a hug.

"Well, it's your special day, sweetie. So dig in!" Mama said. "Ah, wait! Presents first!"

Rudy and I had come back home for my birthday, much to Eris' annoyance, but at least the girl was quick to understand that my family would want to see me on such a big day. 

Unfortunately, she couldn't come with us, but oddly enough, she didn't seem to mind this fact. 

Instead, she actually insisted on staying at the manor.


Mama then came back from her room, holding a very exquisite-looking book.

"Since you could get any little things on your own, we decided to purchase one big thing as a family. So here you go, Leon!"

Taking the book, I let my hands glide over the leather-bound spine as well as the metal latch that kept it closed.

…It was very high quality, and if the outside was this amazing, the inside was bound to be even more so.

Slowly opening the book, I felt my jaw drop instantly at the title.

Advanced Healing Magic: A Textbook for Prestigious Healers


"-Is something you deserve, Leon," Lilia cut me off. "Do not worry. With your constant support, your sisters already have more than enough money for their futures. You should have nice things too, Leon."

Looking down at the book, I traced my fingers gently across the pages before closing it and hugging both mothers.

"Thank you!"

"Of course," Mama said, returning my hug. "Maybe once you learn it, you can teach your old Mama here."

"You're not old, Mama," I said back.

"Fufu, such a charmer, my little Leon is… Don't say that stuff too often, understood?" her hand that was caressing my hair increased in strength.

"G-Got it!" I hastily replied.

Letting go of her, I then looked down at my two sisters, who were standing next to my seat.

"Oh? Did you two get me something too?" I asked teasingly.

Norn's eyes widened in worry as Aisha found herself in a similar state of distress.

"I'm just joking. The only present I need from you two is hugs, so? Are you gonna give me a present?" I said, opening my arms.

They both showed smiles of relief before simultaneously jumping into my arms.

"Of course, Big Brother!" Aisha cheered.

"B-Brother…" Norn added.

Ahh~ Pure bliss~

I was always in a constant state of debate with myself, wondering if I would rather them stay this small and cute forever, or watch them grow up into the beautiful women I was sure they would be.

It was a question I had yet to find the answer to.

For now, though, I decided to simply enjoy the moment.

"Leon?" Sylphy said. "C-Can hold out your arm, please?"

Complying with her request, I adjusted Aisha so she rested against my chest while holding out my left arm.

"I got you this…"

Sylphy then wraps a small bracelet around my wrist, the cord made of braided twine with a small green gem in the centre.


"Zenny, please. You'll embarrass the girl," Lilia said, shushing Mama's antics.

"But it's so cute!"

Sylphy, with her cheeks burning bright red, finished tying off the ends. "T-There! I-It's not much compared to a book, but-"

"It's wonderful, Sylphy," I said, interrupting her rambling.

I didn't know what the future held for us, but I knew that I appreciated her gift deeply, and I also knew that I wanted her to know that.

"I'll make sure to cherish it."

Examining the bracelet, I couldn't help but notice how the green gemstone sparkled under the candlelight.

"How did you get this, though?" I asked, gesturing to the gem.

"I, uhh… did some chores around the village, just like Miss Roxy, and then a merchant showed me that after seeing my necklace, so…"

I see. She really put a lot of work into this.

"I love it. Thank you," I said, pulling her into a hug.

"Y-You're welcome!" she squealed.

Lilia then leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Lilia?" I said, confused.

"Although I do not know what results my personal gift will bear, I apologize that it will take a while to see what comes of it," she said.


"What do you mean?" I asked.

She shook her head. "It's a secret. But I will tell you a hint: it has to do with my father."

Huh? Her father?

"Umm okay? Thanks?"

She simply smiled in response.

How odd.

— Leon Greyrat —

The next day, upon my horse ride back to Roa with Rudy, I was welcomed with a large feast, one fit for a noble party, but without the guests, much to my pleasure.

Throughout my time as a guard and healer, which had increased with Rudy formally taking over Eris' education, I had met many nobles and their associates.

Suffice it to say, I didn't like them very much.

It made me have a new appreciation for how carefree and enjoyable the nobles I had met so far were.

But I guess that this must have been why Eris was so eager about getting me out of the manor… how nice of her.


The booming voice of Sauros echoed through the hall as I found myself hoisted upon the large man's shoulder.

"Let this celebration be thanks for your constant good work! Enjoy it to your heart's content!"

"Thank you, Lord Sauros," I said politely.

"Good man!"

With him placing me back down and patting my head, the party then began in earnest, although, it was more appropriate to simply call it a dinner.

As I was making my way through some duck, Eris' mother, Hilda, came up to me.

Over the few years I had been at the manor, she seemed to have warmed up to me, if only slightly. 

This was probably due to me somewhat repairing her relationship with her daughter, as well as all the time we spent reading together in the library.

"Happy birthday, Leon," she said, hugging me.

As I was now ten, I had grown tall enough that my face reached Mama's shoulder rather than her breast when we hugged, but due to Hilda's… assets, I was once again reminded of the feeling of suffocation.

I was really glad Paul never met Hilda in person. 

He would definitely do something stupid if he did.

"Thank you, Miss Hilda," I said happily.

"Just call me Hilda, dear. Anyway, I am not the one presenting your gift. Eris?" she said.

Turning my head, I noticed Eris standing tall, her feet spread wide apart as her hands were held behind her back.

I suppose she was hiding this 'gift', huh?

"You look nice with your hair like that, Eris," I said.

It was true.

She usually had her hair down and loose, but for today, she had decided to pin it up in a bun with locks resting on either shoulder, much like how Mama did her hair.

It was very pretty.

"I-Is that so? Thanks, I guess," she said, averting her eyes.

"Eris?" Hilda then said.

"Ah! Right!" Eris turned back to me. "A-Ahem! T-This! I got this for you! Take it graciously!"

She seemed to have somewhat reverted to her old way of speaking, but with her cheeks flushed red, and her chest puffed out with pride, I could only find it extremely adorable.

She then took out the gift from behind her back, revealing a sheathed sword, which she then passed to me.

Taking it into my hands, I gripped the handle, instantly noticing how comfortable it felt as I looked at the ornate design of the guard that had a large red gem in the centre.

Standing up, I slowly unsheathed it to reveal a sleek, straight, double-edged blade, and taking a light swing, I instantly felt the perfect balance of the sword. 

Well… almost perfect balance. 

It was still a bit too big for me, but considering how I was still going to continue growing, that was more of a good thing than a bad one.

But, while I did notice the balance and general quality of the sword, I also felt something else. 

My mana… it felt freer to use, especially around the sword, much like a wand.


"Eris, this… this is amazing," I said, my lips widening into a smile.

"I-Is that so? Good then! Few craftsmen could make a spellsword, after all!" she said pridefully.

A spellsword… it was more of a gimmick than a practical weapon, as few people would learn both the sword and magic, and if they did, they would not use it interchangeably in battle.

But I wasn't exactly normal.

But to get something like this made… and with such quality…

I had noticed Eris hadn't been spending much of her money, but thinking that she was saving for something to give to me…

"Thank you," I said.

"H-Hmph! It's only nat-"

Her words are caught in her throat as I sheathed my new sword before wrapping my arms around her in a swift movement.

Was it ill-mannered for me to do this to a noble lady?


But it was my birthday, so I didn't really care.

"Thank you, Eris. I promise to use it well in protecting you," I whispered.

"W-Who said I needed protecting!?" she shouted angrily.

But even though she seemed peeved, she still wrapped her arms around me in kind, placing her chin on my shoulder.

And that was how I celebrated my tenth birthday.